Why did I even come?

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Jemma Potter

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Acacia Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Jemma Potter had seriously debated coming to the Valentine's Dance alone. Despite the fact that she had been at Hogwarts New Zealand for a year and a half, she really didn't have many friends. Of course, she had Jake. She'd always have him, and Brayden was gradually growing on her. Outside of the two of them and her roommates, Jemma didn't interact with many people. Not that Jemma had exactly made much of an effort for the past year. She hadn't been in any state to keep up with the effort of making new friends. In the end, it was her auntie's rose that pushed her to be here tonight. Jemma was hoping to find Jacob, but she hadn't spotted him yet. Everything was so...pink. Which Jemma actually loved. Still, there were so many couples....Jemma should have expected it, but she didn't. Alone, she heading towards the table with the food and drinks to snag a cookie.
Analei was unsure whether she was going to attend the dance or not. She didn't have a date, and while that usually wouldn't deter her, she was really hoping that Simon was going to seek her out after receiving her rose, and ask her. The Hufflepuff had tried to make herself available all day - staying in the Library as she would usually be found if anyone had asked after her, and not moving apart from lunch. Analei would have asked Arvel to go with her, but she didn't want to have to let him down if Simon did actually ask her to the dance. But alas, he didn't.
So Analei sat on her bed, in her pink dress, trying to decide whether it was worth it to go. She didn't know if she'd enjoy herself or not, she would try to have fun, but if she saw Simon there with someone else, she would probably get upset. But then, it was also another opportunity to see him, and perhaps ask him to dance. That thought alone was enough to bring a smile to her face - he was bound to look as handsome as ever. Making sure that her make up was still okay, Analei left the dormitory, and made her way to the dance.
As she entered the room, she found that her dressed matched a lot of the decoration. She bit her lip as she looked around the room, unable to spot any familiar faces, or the one she was looking for. Taking a deep breath, Analei made her way to the food table, grabbing a lolly and popping it in her mouth. "Hey, you're Jemma, right? I think I've seen you in classes before?" Analei asked, a somewhat familiar face near her.
Jemma was surprised when another girl in her year spoke to her right after she took a giant bite of a sugar cookie. She turned, quickly trying to swallow the bite. "Yeah, that's me." she said, looking at the girl. She was pretty sure the girl was in her year because she vaguely recognized her from class. Jemma didn't exactly have many friends though, so it wasn't surprising that she didn't know the girl's name. "I'm sorry, but I don't think we have officially met though so, hi. I'm Jemma Potter." she said, sticking her hand out for the other girl to shake.
Analei smiled, proud of herself for remembering the girl's name. She took Jemma's hand in hers and shook it gently. "I'm Analei Louw. It's nice to officially meet you Jemma." Analei said, pausing for a bit and trying to think of what to say next. She always found conversations with new people so hard, like her brain decided to have a nap and not help her at all in this situation. "Uhh, so are you here with anyone?" Analei asked.
Jemma grinned as the other girl introduced herself as Analei. "Same." she said, appreciating the conversation. The Gryffindor girl shrugged her shoulders at the question. "No. I'm not, and I almost didn't come tonight. I haven't been to any of the dances this year, and only decided to come about an hour ago. Are you here with someone?" she asked, interested in what the other girl might say.
Analei shook her head, though glad she wasn't keeping Jemma from her date. "No, I'm the same actually. I was hoping someone was going to ask me, and when he didn't, I don't know. I didn't want to come. But I'm hoping I might run into him - sorry, I don't know why I'm telling you all of this." Analei laughed. Sometimes it was good to have a girl friend to talk to. "What made you decide to come?"
Jemma listened with interest. She didn’t have many friends and she saw the potential for a new friend here. Especially since they were both alone. “Uh my aunt sent me a rose actually. My mom is—was a big holiday person, and the holidays just aren’t fun without her. It’s probably stupid, but the rose just made me feel like trying. “ she tried to explain. It was still difficult to talk about her mom. “So, have you seen him?” Jemma asked, switching the subject back to Analei.
Analei nodded her head slowly when Jemma explained why she came, before quickly shaking it when she said it was stupid. The way she was describing it sounded like her mother had died, but Analei didn't press for details. "I don't think it's stupid. Good on you for trying." Analei shook her head again. "Nope, I haven't seen him yet. I've only just gotten here though - and he's probably here with someone else anyway." She shook her head again. "Hey - why don't we go dance? Try and cheer ourselves up with our - well, my amazing dance skills."
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