
Noemie Snow

Part-Veela | Class of 2048
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Elm Wand with Veela Hair Core
6/2030 (23)
Noemie had gotten into the habit when she was younger about doing a little bit of running and working out each day, and while it had always been just a little, at school it had really become a thing for her to do, between running with Zara Noemie had really come to enjoy it as part of her day and she just wanted to always be able to do it. But today it was just pouring down with rain, raining so heavily there was no possible way that she could go outside and do her running. The girl had been feeling pretty restless, the books she had in front of her but it just wasn't working, nothing was going in. She sighed to herself and rubbed her hand against her face, sighing heavily and then just decided she could within the school. After all between here and the owlery there would be plenty of steps, and that was better than nothing, so with that she decided that would be the best thing she could do. Better than nothing really, so she rushed to close the books and get straight to it.

By the time she'd been up twice and back down the young ravenclaw was feeling pretty good. She really did love running up and down the she could feel the burn in her legs, the sweat on her face, she loved it. It was one of the better feelings in the world, and as she was at the top of the stairs she didn't notice anyone was there and in her running she didn't notice the girl her age whom she then directly ran into, "Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed coming to a small stop and looking at the person she had run into, "I'm so sorry," the flushed with a blush reaching her cheeks and had the decency of looking sheepish about what she'd done, "I wasn't looking where I was going," she was a little out of breath as she spoke but that could hardly help.
Amber had been on her way to the North Tower to enjoy the view of the grounds from up there. Sometimes, she just wanted to think and this was one of those times. Last time she was here on her own, she'd gone to look at the stars with Ainsley. The memory made her smile, it had been a nice way to end the first year.

She was so busy thinking back, she didn't see the other girl until she was literally running into her. Amber gasped and grabbed hold of the wall, managing not to fall down the stairs. She looked at the other girl in alarm, her heart racing. "Were... were you running?" She asked once she found her voice again. It seemed a weird thing to be doing here.

Once she actually took in the girl in front of her, she ran out of words again. Something about her was ...different. She was really pretty, almost unnaturally so. Amber felt her cheeks heat up. "Um. It's fine." She squeaked. "I didn't fall. I'm fine."
The ravenclaw nodded her head in reply and smiled brightly at her, "Yeah, I usually run outside but it's raining too much, so the stairs were the next best option," Noemie told her with a little smile, she felt a little embarrassed about what she was doing, because it wasn't exactly a normal thing to do, but Noemie liked it. Noemie was also feeling a little guilty about the fact that she had run into the girl who had just been minding her own buisness and done nothing but leave a room at a certain time, Noemie hadn't been looking where she was going and given that she was the one running she should've been paying attention. She continued to smile at her, "I'm glad that you didn't fall, I'm still really sorry, I should've paid attention, I just get really into it," the girl admitted, tightening the hair in the high ponytail, she had seen this girl about the school, they were at least in the same year but that was the only thing that she knew about this girl, and while not ideal, she still held out her hand to her, "I'm Noemie, we're in the same year, second year?" the girl nodded, hoping that she was going to be, because it would be a little worrying if she wasn't.
The girl's explanation made sense and Amber felt herself nodding. "I see. Well, that's very sporty of you." She smiled a little though she still felt a little weird when she looked at the other girl. "It's impressive. I think I could only run up these stairs once and then I'd have to lie down for a while to recover." It was a slight exaggeration but not too far off the mark. She really wasn't great at anything to do with physical exercise.

She introduced herself as Noemie and asked if they were in the same year. Amber wasn't too surprised to hear that they were both second years, now that she thought about it, she was pretty sure she'd seen this girl around in her classes a few times. But last year the odd prettiness that made her feel strange had never really registered somehow, though she wasn't sure how she could have missed it. It was a strange feeling and she hoped the other girl didn't notice that Amber was looking at her weirdly. "Yes!" She said eagerly. "I'm Amber, second year as well. I'm in Hufflepuff, what house are you in?"
Noemie couldn't help the slight grin that came over her face when the other girl called her sporty and then called it impressive, she just shrugged at it, trying to play down what she did, she was of course rather proud of what she could do, but it was mostly just because she did it quite often and had trained herself up for doing it, and would continue to do so as time continued to move on. The girl kept her expression light and couldn't help but chuckle with the slight depricating humour that the girl had about running up the stairs, "Well, if ever you want to work on it, I'm always looking for running patterns," Noemie offered, half joking but if she wanted such a thing then she would take her upon such an option. Noemie loved running and she was happy to share it with anyone, she had one running partner but she'd been slacking lately but Noemie was always happy for others to join her on what running she did.

Noemie was able in this moment with the girl get a little bit of down time, "I'm a ravenclaw," she replied with a little proud smile pulling at her cheeks thinking about how happy she was about such a placement, "I was about to run back down, I can just walk with you," she offered to the girl, "Honestly without a muggle device to listen to music it can sometimes get a little boring," Noemie admitted to her with a little shrug of her shoulders. She was happy to be able to do such a thing but it was true that it can sometimes lacked a little bit of company or music, and so while it wasn't going to be at a good pace that would help her, she was still happy to do so, a little bit of conversation to keep things moving, and fill her time with more than just sound of trainers hitting the stone steps of the school.
The girl's grin was very nice and Amber smiled back shyly. She was almost glad this girl literally ran into her, she was so nice and Amber always wanted to meet more people. Especially those around her own age. She really did think it was impressive that some people kept up with their sports even at a school like this, where it seemed that the only sort of activity that was encouraged was flying. The girl's offer for running partners was sweet, but Amber knew she would horribly embarrass herself if she even attempted it. "Thank you, but I think I'll stick with taking walks." She said shyly. "I would never be able to keep up."

The girl was a ravenclaw and Amber smiled. "Like Flavio." She said happily, it was nice to know more people from different houses. It made her feel good. Then the girl offered to walk with her and she felt a little nervous again. "Oh, only if you want to. If you'd rather run that's fine too." She said quickly. The girl mentioned a muggle device to listen to music and Amber nodded in recognition, her aunt was a muggle and she sometimes let Amber and her sister play with her electronics. "I can imagine, I think I'd be bored out of my mind, as well as exhausted." She giggled. "It would help if you could read a magazine or something while you're running, but I don't think that would work."
Noemie nodded with a small smile on her face since she very much understood that not everyone was interested in running, not like she was, Noemie did really enjoy running and she liked doing it because afterwards she always felt better. There was nothing quite like having that inner strength and determination, it felt good, it felt like the right thing. The ravenclaw just smiled at the girl, Amber, "Oh I wouldn't worry about keeping up, everyone has to start somewhere," she told her, but there was an indication in her tone that she wasn't pushing this girl into running just stating a fact about running. Since to Noemie it was silly to even think that Amber would keep up, unless the girl did already go running, but Noemie knew that it was a matter of working at it to improve, of working a little and building it up. Noemie knew this because she too did this.

At the mention of Flavio Noemie wondered how Amber would know him, but since the boy was friendly, "You know Flavio?" she asked as an off handed comment, since she had discovered the boy to be quite the friendly person. The fact they spoke spanish together was always fun, she like using Spanish and it seemed to make Flavio comfortable too and who was she to deny that as a thing. She just nodded again, "It's fine I was almost done anyway, and a little cool down walk is helpful," the girl told her before nodding in agreement, "Yeah, I think reading while running would end up with me running into walls," Noemie agreed with a laugh, "As much as I would honestly love it," The girl as a ravenclaw had an interest in reading, a deep interest in reading, so it was understandable that she would want or be interested in combining her two favourite things to do in the world, but really it wasn't possible, "Do you like to read?"
Amber was glad that Noemie didn't push the idea of running, she felt slightly more comfortable around the other girl even though she still felt a little weird while looking at her. She briefly wondered if it was some sort of spell the other girl had around her, but decided against asking in case it was nothing. It would be a weird question if the girl had no idea what she was talking about.

It wasn't a surprise that Noemie would know Flavio, but Amber was glad to hear it. "I do know Flavio. He's very nice, we sometimes feed the ducks together. I met him last year when I delivered him two valentines roses." She told the other girl, excited to share an acquaintance with her.

She giggled when Noemie talked about running and reading at the same time, it was a funny mental image. "I like to read magazines mostly, but books are good too." She blushed a little, hoping that didn't make her sound stupid. Ainsley liked reading a lot more than she did but she had picked up a book or two since starting Hogwarts. It was fun to escape sometimes. "Do you like to read?"
Noemie smiled at their mutual friend, and she was glad that Flavio had more friends that just the one or two, that boy deserved so many friends. The young ravenclaw didn't had too many friends herself, but she was okay with that, she didn't think she needed too many friends. She had a few and though perhaps it wouldn't do any harm to get more, she was usually doing something that made her a little busy for it, "You delivered roses last year?" she asked curiously, "How was that? I thought about signing up this year, but I don't know," the girl wanted to help out, but she didn't know if it was the right thing for her to do. It seemed like a lot of work and though it would be a good work out, finding all the people, she knew that she wouldn't exactly be able to do it so quickly, it was supposed to be a small little moment, not just chuck rose and run off.

Though the other girl wasn't a ravenclaw, she was hardly surprised that she liked to read. Noemie loved to read, and she read just about anything that was put under her nose. The part-veela almost entirely split her time between books, classes, and running which was a heavy load of things, but reading was as much fun as running. "Magazines are fun! I like reading the girly fashion ones, they always have really good tips with clothes," Noemie saw no harm in liking such a thing, while she loved reading in general and she enjoyed, "I like reading a lot, I'll read pretty much anything, but currently I'm reading about Alaska flora and fauna, it's fascinating,"
Amber was happy to talk about the rose deliveries. "It's so much fun! I liked it last year and this year too. Though, this year more people signed up and that made it a bit busier. And I had three professors, and I only knew Professor Stark out of those because she's my head of house. But at least no one threw bread at me this year, a boy did that last year! He was older and in your house, really scary looking." She frowned. "He was mean. "

It was an immense relief to Amber that Noemie liked reading magazines too. She had just assumed that because the other girl was a Ravenclaw, she would be only interested in books and would think Amber silly for liking fashion magazines. Instead, it seemed like they had it in common "I love fashion magazines the most!" She said eagerly. "I really like fashion in general, so I tend to read the newest ones as soon as I can get them." She couldn't relate to Noemie's interest in reading about everything as much, but she was glad there was common ground between them. Noemie seemed like a fun friend to have, she hoped the other girl liked her too.
Evelyn didn't really had plans today and that was a nice thing. She could just do what she wanted to do. No homework to make or stupid Professor to look at, like a Styx. Evelyn had never really been in some places in the castle so she just decided to walk around. She came in the direction of the North tower and decided to climb it. When she got there, she was tired what a climb! But the view was worth it and maybe she would run into people she knew or people that she wanted to get to know. The blonde started to like meeting new people and nothing was wrong with that, because social contacts were handy. She heard some voices and when she entered she saw a familliar face. It was her friend Amber and Evelyn smiled. When she looked at the other girl she recognized her. Evelyn met her with Halloween but didn't knew her name anymore or in which house she was in. '' Hello Amber!'' the blonde said with a smile. She turned to the other girl and smiled at her as well. '' I saw you with Halloween but I forgot your name, what was it again?'' Evelyn wasn't the best in names, but when she liked somebody it went easier to remember a name. The blonde didn't expected to see Amber but it was a nice suprise, she always loved to see her friend and to chat about the latest fashion. '' So what were you guys doing?'' Evelyn asked out of curiosity.
Noemie couldn't help but smile and laugh at the story that Amber told of handing out the roses, and of course frown in sympathy when she talked about the mean old Ravenclaw, "There are few mean Ravenclaws, but most of them are lovely," she assured her quickly, hoping the girl didn't have the wrong idea about Ravenclaw house. There were mean people in all of the houses, though she had yet to meet one from hufflepuff, but from the rest of them they had a mixture of the two. Noemie was glad that she also fashion magazines, "Ooooh yay!" she exclaimed happy that there was someone else who also liked fashion, "My mum sometimes sends me fashion magazines when she can," the girl told her, though they weren't always new, the part-veela still enjoyed having them.

As she was about to add something, another girl turned up, one she was sure she'd met before. Noemie pulled her hair tighter into the ponytail before smiling brightly at the girl, "Noemie," she filled in happily, and then continued, "Well, I was running, but now I'm not, and me and Amber are talking about fashion magazines, which we should sit together and read at some point," Noemie told her with a nod, and though she had been specifically inviting Amber to read magazines with her at some point, she was also keen to invite the other girl, Evelyn if she wanted to join them too. Noemie didn't get many opportunities to read magazines with others and she knew it would be a good way to have fun.
Amber felt a little bad about telling the story of the mean Ravenclaw when she saw how worried Noemie was about her House's reputation. She quickly nodded. "I know, I've met a lot of lovely ones. I'm sure every house has a mean person or two in it! Even Hufflepuff." Though she couldn't really think of any, she was sure they had to be one or two. "My parents send me some too, sometimes. They know a lot about fashion too, they own a clothing store!" It was exciting to her to meet someone else interested in fashion, after meeting Evelyn she had hoped to meet other people that liked that sort of thing.

As if her thought of Evelyn made her appear, she suddenly heard her voice. Amber felt oddly proud to be seen by Evelyn with someone as pretty and nice as Noemie, as if she wanted to show the other girl that she could make cool friends on her own. It was a little silly, she knew, but it still felt good. "We were just talking." Amber told Evelyn, omitting the part where the other girl had ran into her and she had nearly fallen downthe stairs. She didn't need to know everything. "Evelyn likes fashion too!" Amber said excitedly as Noemie mentioned reading magazines together. "We could all do that sometime, it sounds like a lot of fun!"
The blonde just had the feeling that the girl with the name Noemie knew her, Evelyn was becoming really popular in her year and almost everybody should have heard about her by now. '' Noemie, alright now I remember!'' The blonde smiled and knew she liked the girl from that one time she had saw her. When the Danish heard the word fashion she was all ear. '' Oh my god.. Fashion magazines are the best!'' Evelyn didn't believed it, ofcourse she would not be the only one with Amber to love fashion magazines but to find another one that liked it and right now was awesome. Evelyn her greatest passion was fashion and she was always dressed in the newest trends. And somebody who liked fashion was a friend of Evelyn. '' I knew Amber liked them, but finding another girl who likes them too, is just fantastic.'' She nodded when Amber mentioned that Evelyn liked them too and was smiling after finding out Amber was chatting with a girl like Noemie. The Gryffindor was sure up for looking at fashion magazines, with the three of them all together. Getting to know Noemie was a thing that Evelyn wanted, because the girl was pretty and had nice clothes. She was sure lovely to be seen with. '' We should totally do that! In the student lounge perhaps?'' That was were Evelyn met Amber last year and it seemed like a good place for it.
The fact that Amber's parents ran a clothing store was incredible to her, "My mother is an academic, so no fashion for me," Noemie laughed lightly no sense in bringing up anything other than her mother, "What store is it? Maybe I've been there before?" She couldn't imagine having parents who knew a lot about fashion and would be able to get clothes more easily. She loved what her mother did, but being the owner of a clothes store seemed more practical to her in many ways.

Noemie was happy to have run into someone else, though in the less literal sense than how she had run into Amber, which wasn't a good thing to do. Noemie was happier that she had run into girls who like her had a interest in magazines, and fashion ones at that. The girl had been too nervous to bring it up especially in Ravenclaw house, but knowing there were other girls who had an interest and wanted to read them with her brought a little amount of joy to Noemie's life, another hobby she could continue to be interested in despite the fact that she was at a magical school. The girl smiled at the two others, "The student lounge is great! Did you know that the first American fashion magazine had its first issue published in 1867," Noemie told them with a smile on her face, since she thought that was rather interesting, and hopefully they would too.
Amber really liked the idea and smiled. "Yes! The student lounge would be fun. I wonder if maybe we could find more people that like it, it'd be like a small club..." She trailed off, not sure if that was a good idea or not. "Anyway, I'll look forward to it!"

Noemie askd about the store her parents owned and Amber smiled a little shyly. "It's a small one, I doubt it. It's called 'Wilson's Wondrous Wear', so if you ever see it you should say hello." She giggled, the idea was a bit odd. Then Noemie told them about the first American fashion magazine. Amber hadn't known that information and wasn't sure how much use it would be, but it was still fun to know. "I didn't know that!"
The blonde was happy with a friend like Amber, but Noemie seemed interesting too and it was always good to get to know more people. Evelyn still couldn't understand why she was so stubborn in her first year of getting more away from her brother. She didn't saw her brother as often as she wanted but she knew he was busy with his own things. And for Evelyn it was easier to achieve her things and now she dare it without her brother beside her. She smiled when Noemie was happy about her plan, and when she said something about the history of the American fashion magazine Evelyn was facinated. '' I didn't know that, but I was born in Denmark and we have a whole different idea of fashion there.'' Evelyn smiled to Noemie and had the feeling Noemie was very smart, she knew this fact. Evelyn had a whole collection of fashion magazines from all around the world and from the oldest one to the latest fashion, but she didn't exactly knew in which year everything was.

The Gryffindor knew already of the store of Amber and still loved the idea. In her own family there was some fashion too. Her aunt had a brand that she started in Denmark but now was going through whole of Europe. When Amber came with the idea of a club, Evelyn was Amber so gratefull. '' Omgosh Amber you are the best! That is the best idea ever. That I didn't figure that out for myself.'' Evelyn knew that Amber had so much more inside of her than she thought. Amber was friendly and sweet, but she was creative in idea's as well Evelyn thought. She already saw her as a leader of a group of fashionlovers. '' We should totally go, perhaps in the beginning of our next year?'' The blonde was already planning things for her next year. , the vacation had yet to come. But the Gryffindor liked to sort out her future.
Noemie had wanted to start doing more in the school, but as a student so young she didn't quite know how to begin, could they just start setting things up like a little group, a club, the clubs in the school were interesting enough but perhaps it would just be an occasion to just sit and do something a little more specific, they wouldn't need to be anything formal, just an informal group of people meeting for one specific purpose. So, upon Amber suggesting it and Evelyn agreeing, Noemie was sure that she had figured something new for her to do when the new term started and she was trying her best to get interested in what the school had to offer, "Yes! At the beginning of next year, we should meet in the lounge and share some magazines," Noemie agreed, she was surprised by the fact that both girls had family in fashion but even in her cousins and aunts she had no one to relate back to fashion, one of her aunts owned a tea shop the other was a quidditch player, and her one cousin was too young to know what magazines or fashion was. Noemie just nodded, "We can arrange the specific time and date close to when it it, but I think it would be great," Noemie pushed down the facts she had about magazines and instead focused on what was being said, this arrangement between friends to do something once they returned, do something about the shared interest that they held, when Noemie got back to school next semester she definitely intended to focus on doing more around the school, "I'm glad to have met people who also like magazines, I never want to bring it up in front of other ravenclaws,"

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