Who would of thought?

Ginny Porter

Well-Known Member
Apple wood 9 3/4" Fairy wings
Ginny pouted as she lugged two big paint pots all the way down to second floor and probably now had bruises on the legs from where it wouldn't stop hitting off against. They were neon orange in colour, heavens knows why they were but they were and the looks people gave her sent shivers down her back. She had gotten used to not being the weirdo in the school anymore and when people gave her the looks she had hated, just, well, she didn't like it.
Ginny placed the pots down on the stone cold floor more than voluntarily. She sighed, stretching her fingers to stop them getting cramp. She looked about, her hands now on her hips as she scanned the crowds for on face only. She had been promised to get some help getting all this down but thanks to her so called friend, he hadn't appeared for more than two minutes before heading somewhere to get his paintbrushes. She was at a loss in succeeding in seeking him out.
Ginny tutted and shook her head before almost collapsing on the pots. Her knees met together as one arm rested against it and the other under her chin. She would sit here and wait until someone actually bothered to take time out their 'busy schedule' they all claimed to have.
Alex walked back down the stairs holding two paintbrushes in his hands. Boy was he in a bloody mood today. Not only had someone tripped him up on the corridors and someone had nicked his breakfast again, he had met the dreaded girl Carla again. He had also met Ginny and told him they were doing Plan 89 today. He sighed as he saw Ginny with the two paint pots on the second floor. He loved that girl, he seriously did. She was one of the closest friends he would probably ever get. 'Ginny,'he called waving. His mood had lightened slightly but still, he was going to get Carla once and for all. He gave Ginny a weak smile. 'You ok? You look x-hausted,'he replied before pulling her up. He bent down by one of the pots and opened it up.
Ginny turned her head at the sound of his voice. She sulked slightly as he seemed to be in a bad mood still. At least he had got the paintbrushes. She laughed at his joke before daring at him playfully. 'How about no?' she answered with a question again. She let him pull her off the tins, her legs were still a little numb from the other day of him dragging her round the loch running.
She watched as he opened the tin with ease. It was only in her amazement, with his strength, it would stay. 'Here' she said, taking her paintbrush away from him. She dipped it into the pot gently before twirling it out. She turned to the wall and painted a little cloud. The line was steady, just like her artist's hands. The second thing she was very good at after flying.
Alex smiled as Ginny took the brush and painted a cloud on the wall. He would of laughed probably if he was in a good enough mood but not right now. Now, he was going to get Carla. Alex took his paint brush and made sure it had enough paint on it for a couple of words. He took it to the wall and started to write the word beggars on it. He knew what he heard in the library and now he was going to tell the school what a nice person she really was.
Ginny continued her little picture by drawing a sun next to it. She noticed Alex painting beggars on the wall but decided against questioning it so soon. 'So what's got your knickers in a twist?' she asked Alex as she painted the last ray on the sun. She had no idea why he was in such a bad mood unless maybe someone had nicked his breakfast again. She stood there looking at her little painting waiting for an answer.
Alex dipped his brush into the paint again, returning to the message. He started writing another word in front of beggars, making sure he wrote the letters clearly and big. No one was going to miss the message. He heard ginny ask him a question. Was it that obvious he was in a bad mood? He sighed. 'Someone nicked my breakfast again,'he replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He went back and dipped some more paint. He noticed her picture and smiled. Why did she never mention she was an artist? 'And a stupid little person tripped me up in the rush,'he added, frowning at the memory of the enemy.
Ginny listened as Alex started talking again. She laughed as he started to answer. 'Just like I thought,' she replied, taking a seat. She had no idea what she was doing here anyway. And drawing pretty pictures didn't seem so good anymore. She didn't expect to hear anything else from him until he mention someone tripping him up on the corridor. 'Just some people letting you have a taste of your own medicine,' she replied, sitting down on the unopened paint pot. Just because Alex was a close friend didn't mean she always took his side. In fact, rarely did she take his side which was why they were so close. She smiled as she waited a reaction from him. She continued reading what he was writing on the wall. What was he doing?
Alex frowned. As if he was looking for sympathy from Ginny. 'Well, at least I don't make them fall down the stairs,' he replied, finishing his first message. Picking up the paint pots he returned by placing the paint brush, handle first, into his back pocket and collection the opened paint pot 'C'mon slow coach,'he replied starting to travel down the next part of the corridor. He didn't even think to care what Ginny would think of the first message left on the wall. How it would hurt her because it was her best friend.
Kasey Carla doesn't like dating beggars :ph43r:
Ginny frowned. No, he was correct with that. He just made them trip up where it was safer. Going down stairs was mean. People got badly hurt with that. She laughed as he teased her for sitting down. She got up and held up the paint pot, making out to start to follow him.
A second later, all that was heard echoing through the corridor was a big clang and metallic roll as a full paint pot fell to the floor. Ginny face was full of hurt, her jaw slightly open as she surveyed the message in front of her eyes. She took a deep breath before composing her face, her eyes still full of hurt though. She turned to Alex, utterly speechless, and raised an arm and the message. 'What the hell is this?'she asked him, restraining her voice from just yelling at him. 'How dare you-how dare you write this about my friend? She told you this did she?' she asked him, her voice getting a little louder by the end of this. She couldn't believe alex would take his hatred this far against Kasey. Her best old friend.
Alex jumped slightly as he heard a loud clang. He turned to Ginyn before seeing her hurt face. He didn't understand. 'It's called revenge Ginny. And it's called life. She's not my friend and it's not my fault you became friends with my enemy. And yes, she did tell me that in fact,' he told her back, quite calmly as if this was a normal conversation.He never mentioned he had twisted it slightly. There was no need for that. The paint stopped at his foot and Alex picked the other paint pot up. Lucklily it had not broken.
Ginny fumed. 'Life is it? My fault that I was friends with her long before you?'she repeated, before going up to him. 'If you think that's life you got another thing coming for you. Life is what you choose it to be and if you want a life driven by revenge and play acts then you do that,'she replied, her voice louder now. 'Oh, don't you give me that. I know fine well you lied to Kiera about your parents. She still thinks you're parents 'live' in Europe. Alex, your family isn't that bad you know. It's not your fault you dad killed himself or your mum was murdered. You didn't even murder you brother, someone else did. And it's time you realized you are one lucky guy,' she told him, looking up at him. She felt a little scared at this though. She had never believed so strongly in what she said and telling them to Alex while she was smaller wasn't the best experience she would have.
Alex let Ginny shout at him. He reckoned she needed the anger leashed out. She kept it hidden most of the time. He felt the bombshell break on him though as he took in what Ginny said. She was right, he was one lucky guy. He was still here perfectly fine and he always managed to find enough jobs to last him in the summer. He stared at Ginny a little stunned before shaking his head. 'Well, at least you have a mum. At least you know you have one who cares for you deep down her dark outside. And at least you have a family now. Do you know why I ran away from the care home? It wasn't because I hated the place, it was because every single family who came in called me 'not good enough' or 'I don't think we're right ready to do this'. It's them who made me go. And I bet now, people still want me in their family, They'll think I'm too reckless or a demon Ginny. And you call that lucky,' he said back to her, his voice quite quiet still. Though Alex was now close to tears. Thinking about his family and his past, he hated it. The anger found his way at the people who turned their nose up at him all the time.
Ginny listened as Alex said Ginny had a mother to say the least. She felt tears spring to her eyes as he was right. He wasn't lucky. She was the same as everyone. And what she had said before was just hurtful things. 'My mother is as good as dead Alex. And to be honest, you're glad you never met any of your parents. Be-because parents are cruel when your unwanted. And you are lucky Alex. So so lucky.'Ginny said to him before tears started running down her cheeks. 'My dad abused me Alex. For years and years. I lied to you when I said he was in Azkaban for treating a muggle wrongly. It wasn't that at all.' Ginny started to wipe her cheeks but the tears still kept flowing. 'I hate you. I hate you. Do you hear me? I hate you more than you could ever know,'she shouted at Alex, giving him a weak push before running away, avoiding the stares people gave as she ran into the toilets to hide herself from the stares and everything. She felt hurt and there was no way of repairing it.
Kiera was walking down from the Gryffindor tower to her potions class in the Dungeons. She saw Ginny up ahead shoving Alex and then storming off. Alex looked upset. Kiera frowned and rushed ahead to get to Alex. He was her boyfriend and she thought she should be there for whatever was happening. Kiera almost ran to Alex. She was almost touching him as she stood there, looking up at his face. "What was going on? Are you okay?" she asked with a concerned look.
Alex frowned as Ginny said she had lied. 'Ginny,' he said softly to her before she turned her face up at him and started shouting. He didn't mind if she hated him. They both hated each other right now but they were meaningless words. He showed no resistance when she pushed him back slightly. He felt bad too. He knew he shouldn't of said those words. He didn't respond to someone asking him questions. He just stared after Ginny. Blinking hard, he looked down and saw Kiera.
'Yeah, 'm fine,' he lied to her before starting to walk slowly to the other wall. he would take his anger out on the paint. Dipping his brush into the paint once more he started to write his next message. He didn't want to say that but he wasn't about to indulge everything that was wrong into his girlfriend. She didn't need to know but he almost felt calmer when she was around.
Kiera didn't say anything else to Alex. It seemed he did not want to tell her about whatever it was Ginny had been yelling about. Kiera watched as Alex returned to his drawing. Kiera walked to the oppisite wall and sunk down. She couldnt leave him alone. Kiera waited as she watched him draw. He would talk if he cared to.
Alex finished the next message for his plan. He turned seeing Kiera still there. He was sure there was a class that she was missing. He moved further down the wall to get space to write up the rest. 'How do you do it?' he suddenly asked. He was frowning as he watched the paint trickle down. 'You know when to shut your mouth up so perfectly. How do you do it?' he continued. He envied people who could control what they said and control their emotions so much better than him. He had such a temper sometimes and he hated himself for it.

Carla broke up with her now homeless boyfreind
Kasey doesn't like dating beggars :ph43r:
Kiera knew that as the hallway cleared out, she had missed potions. To her, it didn't matter. Alex was more important than that class. Kiera watched him in silence until he suddenly turned to her. Kiera was confused at first. How did she do what? But as Alex continued to speak, she understood what he was asking. Kiera tried to think of an answer. "I just know that if I try to make you talk to me, nothing good will come of it. I figure if you want to tell me what happened then you will. No point in forcing it." she said calmly. "I grew up around adults and other girls trying to get in my head. I couldn't let my emotions get in the way of my gymnastics." Kiera told him, still sitting by the wall. She didn't understand why he had written that message on the wall but if he wanted to explain he would.
Alex frowned slightly before turning back to the wall. It didn't understand it still. Writing one of the last messages, he sighed. 'But..Let's just say hypothetically speaking, you were in an argument with a younger friend and they said you were a really lucky person though, hypothetically speaking, both your parents are dead and you realize what an idiot you are for thinking you weren't, how would you shut yourself up then?'he asked her, knowing he would have to go to the Ravenclaw tower and apologize to Ginny big time.
Kiera frowned. Was he talking about himself? What Ginny had said to her at the dance was tugging at her mind. "I would probably get really upset. I would smile and then walk away." she said, looking at him. "Then I would go cry about it alone in my room." she said a little softer, looking at the floor. That was something she had done often as a younger child. It had been demanded by her coach. The worst was when the other girls had been catty about her mother's death. Of course now she knew Jacqueline wasn't dead. Kiera had a hot temper only when it came to talking to her mother, mostly for that reason. Kiera looked back up at Alex. "Ginny said something at the dance," she began by saying. "She said she didn't know how you managed without parents all these years." Kiera quoted almost exactly. "Did your parents die?" she asked quietly.
Alex listened to Kiera's offer on what she'd do. Interesting, he thought to himself, keeping that in mind. He kept silent mulling over thoughts and replaying the argument him and Ginny had just had. His eyes narrowed as Kiera quoted what Ginny said. 'Why that lil-'Alex started muttering before stopping himself. The paintbrush went into his pocket and he took the paint pots and started walking to go up the stairs. He was planning to spread the message round all the corridors before classes finished. 'Gin's right. They did flippin' die,' Alex answered calmly. He finished the sentence off in his mind. And left us here to deal with it
Kiera watched Alex's reaction as he heard what she said. He did not look happy with Ginny. Kiera was hurt as Alex confirmed his parents were dead. He had lied to her and she had looked dumb in front of Ginny. Kiera stared down at the wall as she heard him pick up his paint cans and begin to walk up the stairs. Kiera was now having to use the method she had just told Alex about. It was harder since she had not been around the mean girls that hated her for winning. Kiera's clear brown eyes looked up to where Alex was. "I'm sorry." she said softly, trying to keep her calm. Kiera knew she would be skipping class to go up to room after this conversation. "What happened?" she asked, hoping he wouldn't get upset with her. Kiera didn't know if Alex would answer her or just keep walking. She really hoped he would talk to her.
Alex was waiting for Kiera to ask him why he had lied to her about it but she seemed to be using her little method. He kept walking a bit moree before sighing. he wasn't exactly keen on telling her but she didn't deserve to be ignored. She was too nice for that.
'My brother murdered my mum accidently, and then my dad shoved him off to ma granddad. After that, I met my dad and he seemed to have forgotten about me because he was lost in himself with the drink. Of course, he killed himself after I left. My granddad died without me having met him either. And I ended up murdering by own brother unintentionally,' he told her quietly as if it was just another day in the park. 'I guess if you don't want to forgive me for lying, I don't mind. I shouldn't have lied to you,'he added apologizing.
Kiera listened to Alex's story with wide eyes. That was crazy. She didn't really understand exactly what happened. Kiera stood up and walked to where Alex was. She wrapped her arms around his waist and put her head on his chest. A tear fell from her eye. She didn't think that Alex could see it. "It's 'kay." she said softly. "I forgive you. I understand why you wouldn't want to tell me. I hope that sometime you will tell me more of the story." she said, glancing up at him. Kiera looked back down quickly so he couldnt see her tears. "I don't want you to tell me if you don't want to." she said understandingly.
Alex smiled as Kiera gave him a hug. He tried best to return with out banging her with pain pots but it wasn't very successful. 'Thanks,' he replied, grateful. He hoped for his self pride that that time wouldn't have to ever come for a long time. He bent down and kissed her before smiling. 'Well, pushing aside the bad stuff, want to help me decorate the walls? Might as well do something other than stand here when you skip class,' he replied, trying to be a little more positive. Maybe if he acted it, he would start to feel it soon enough. He reached the her cheeks and wiped away the tears she was trying to hide from him.

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