Open Who Wants Juice in Their Face?

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Liusaidh Styx

100% defeated styx
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Kalif II
Knotted 12" Flexible Chestnut Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
7/2040 (21)
Liusaidh thought that she’d probably eventually end up getting banned from coming to these events. She didn’t care about them, but knew that if she misbehaved she’d probably end up getting into trouble and they’d take this off her. She had of course to make the most of it while she could and have fun. Liusaidh smiled as she walked, she’d picked a little black dress and little heels which of course matched the dress, she didn’t like the heels much but she liked the outfit enough that she’d keep it. Her long ginger hair was tied up in a high ponytail, with stands falling across her shoulders. She had snuck her wand in and was looking for something to do. She had gotten a drink of juice, maybe she could find that girl that Tilly was arguing with and throw the juice on her, or maybe Rosenberg. Liusaidh didn’t care about being polite or getting her outfit dirty but she knew others probably did.
If there were ever an event that was meant to promote confidence and good times and did, in fact, the complete opposite, it was a ball. Sure, for a bright young girl who could flaunt around in her pretty dress to be admired by everyone around her it was an opportunity of a life time, but for a young Bobbi, she wasn’t quite sure what her place in the whole idea was.

Bobbi didn’t feel too comfortable in her dress either. It wasn’t the ugliest of the bunch she saw this evening but she envied the boys and their dress robes and would gladly swap if any of them wanted to. She had only been there minutes and knew she wouldn't be staying long. She planned to grab some food, get a drink then leave. "Hey where can I get one of those?" She asked a girl holding a cup of orange juice. She didn't want to waste time looking for stuff.
Liusaidh looked at the girl who approached and asked where she could get one of them. Liusaidh knew she probably shouldn't but couldn't really help herself. "No problem," she said with false cheerfulness. She approached the girl and then pointed in a vague direction, "It's over there, but look, ah'll jist give you ma juice, ah wanted pumpkin anyway," but rather than just handing her the juice as she had said, she just tipped the cup over the girl's head. Giving her perhaps a moment in which to try to get out from under the stream of orange juice that Liusaidh was tipping over this random girl's head.
Bobbi didn't want a stranger's second hand drink but that had become irrelevant. ‘Get out the way!’ her brain screamed, but her body couldn't follow the orders quick enough. Her hair had become soaked with orange juice that was trickling onto her dress and down the back of her neck. A fresh crimson flush was rather quick to fill in her cheeks as Bobbi realised what had happened to her. She didn't care about the lousy dress, or her hair that she'd spent minutes brushing. Yet the same could not be said for her pride that she built over a lifetime.

The heat of her embarrassment, frustration and anger seemed to boil the orange juice away. Her heart raced in anticipation of what she knew was coming. Yet still, she did try to control herself. She stood grumbling incomprehensibly as she wiped liquid from her eyes, then lifted her head and shouted one very loud movie style proclamation of, “HERE'S YOUR PUMPKIN, WITCH!” that cut through the air in an explosion of passionate rage and upset. With those words, she swung out her first, aiming for the girls face.
Liusaidh couldn't help the the grin which crossed her face as the juice ran down her head. It was cut a little short when the girl punched her clear in the face, pain burst in her face. She swore loudly and took out her wand and immediately sent a spell, "Stupefy," she cast, she didn't care if she got into more trouble she was looking to make trouble and just have fun.
Sydney was only here to prove to herself that she didn't care about Samantha or Ren anymore. She had no doubt they'd be here being all love-y and disgusting, and she could prove that she was over it. The second she'd seen Samantha in her dress though, Sydney felt the familiar uncomfortable feeling in her stomach and knew she wasn't even close. Furious, Sydney stalked away from the dance floor, desperate for anyone or anything to take her ire out on. Spotting a scuffle between some lower year students was the perfect distraction.

"Fergusson!" Sydney called, drawing her own wand. She couldn't be bothered to remember how to pronounce the second year's Welsh or Gaelic name right now, so Fergusson would have to do. "I hope you've got a good reason for that," She said, stalking over. As upset as she was, Sydney didn't think she could get away with jinxing another student, prefect badge or no, but she could at least yell or take a few house points to try and make herself feel better.
Bobbi's swinging blow made contact, it felt like a stinging victory for the young Hufflepuff who had stood up for herself. She didn't fully understand how this had happened in the first place but they were even now. But not for long.

Bobbi had no way of defending herself against the stunning spell. The spells forced her back and rendered her unconscious before she'd even hit the ground.
Liusaidh's trimuph over hitting the girl with the spell was pretty great, she was smiling widely as a prefect approached her demanding to explain what she'd done, and surely the blossoming bruise on her face was more than enough. "Ah wis defending maself, she punched me like a dirty coward so ah stunned her," she said, leaving out the juice bit and just smiling at the prefect, everything in her demeanor acting as if she'd done nothing wrong at all.
Sydney glowered as Liusaidh explained herself. Having been on the business end of Eric's fist enough times, Sydney couldn't blame the younger girl for doing what she'd done, as much as the simmering bitterness in her gut wanted an outlet. And she couldn't exactly yell at the unconscious student at their feet. For starters she wasn't even awake, and secondly Sydney didn't think she was a Slytherin, so she'd have to get a professor involved if she really wanted to hand out any punishment. The whole situation was more frustrating than her initial anger about Samantha had made her feel, but as least she was barely thinking about Sam now. Barely.

"I don't think I can blame people for wanting to punch you, but fine," She said sourly, crouching down to make sure the other girl hadn't knocked herself silly when Liusaidh had stunned her. "Urgh, why is she all sticky?" Sydney asked, noting the girl's hair and clothes seemed to be all wet as she went to move her out of the way. It would have been easier to just revive her, but Sydney hadn't had the time to go over that spell yet, content to let Tyler handle it for SDA meetings so far.

ooc: alas... rennervate.. 6th year spell :<
Liusaidh thought it was a little rude of the prefect to say that she though liusaidh deserved to get punched but she would leave it. She had a light smirk on her features as the prefect noticed that the girl was sticky, no way that Liusaidh would mention the juice, ”She’s a first year, they're all sticky,” she said, ”Ah’ll go get a professor or somethin’ to wake her back up, and then ah’ll go see a nurse aboot my face, okay?” Liusaidh fully intended to leave and not return, why would she bother, she could just walk away and then it would be the holiday so she wouldn’t possibly get into any trouble for this if she just managed to slip away from this prefect.
Sydney had no idea why she thought this would be a good idea. As angry as she was, she wasn't about to go tattle on Liusaidh for defending herself, even to someone like Styx. She also doubted Liusaidh was going to come back if she left, which at this point, Sydney didn't think she really cared. "Just go, but I'm taking 5 points from Slytherin for- I don't care- Disturbing the peace," She said, waving an aggravated hand at Liusaidh. House points were dumb, but Sydney was feeling petty enough not to care, Five points was nothing, so it was more the principle of the thing. Tiredly, she gave the other girl an impatient poke, hoping the spell might wear off soon so Sydney could either yell at her or get rid of her. After the anti-climatic resolution with Liusaidh, she wasn't sure she had the energy for much else.
Liusaidh giggled as Sydney said she was going to dock points, ”Ma spell wis good, and thats all thanks tae ye and yer club so thanks fae that,” she said with a falsely sweet tone. ”When she does wake up, ah wouldnae believe anythin’ she says, ah heard she’s a compulsive liar,” Liusaidh turned and skipped in the opposite direction. There was still plenty of time to have fun she just needed to get some tissues for her nose and maybe some ice at some point.
Bobbi was nowhere until she started to hear muffled voices and felt a sharp jab in her side. The back of her head was sore and she tried to remember where she was. Yes, she remembered, she'd had a drink thrown over her and been hit by a spell. It was all starting to come back to her. She opened her eyes, slowly at first to adjust to the flood of light, then wider. A blurred figure of a boy was kneeling over her, everything looked watery. She wasn't certain that it even was a boy. She only knew that the person wasn't the girl responsible for stunning her. She tried to move but her throbbing head kept her still. "Gla- glasses… where are my glasses?" Bobbi mumbled, they must have knocked off her face at some point.
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