Closed What Was Done

Gregory Friend

an unlucky friend shaped person
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
01/2046 (16)
Gregory had more than once considered just writing a note to tell Cassius to not bother. He thought about just not turning up. he had thought about just turning up to tell him to go away. But the truth and crux of it was that he needed help. He needed to learn how to use sign language, he needed to start interacting with people. He didn't want hearing aids, thinking that they would look terrible with his glasses, so this was the only option. He had in the last weekend bought a note taking quill to help him in lessons, to help him understand what people were telling him. He didn't have a solution for the alarm and waking up but he knew that that would come with time. he couldn't be the only magical person without hearing. He arrived early for the session with Cassius, glad that the room was empty, his hands were shaking with nervousness, knowing this was going to go terribly. He hadn't seen him since it had happened. Not personally. He felt rage boiling quietly, his frustration over his lack of friends and everythhing that had happened because of him. At least now it wasn't like if they got into a fight he had much more he could lose.
Cassius Styx had one hell of a break, and then he was pulled aside by his grandfather to let him know what happened with Gregory Friend. Cass was just overflowing with guilt because looking back now, there was no reason for him to have acted that way, and even though he was going through one heavy breakup with someone that was not worth his time, now he caused Gregory all this pain and no doubt that his grades were slipping because of it. Cass might have been an a**hole, but he didn't want to be that bad. He had a book that he used a lot while he was a kid, and entered the Student Lounge at the right time. He could see just by looking that Gregory was filled with all sorts of emotions. Cass' expression was actually nowhere near the arrogance that he had before. It was apologetic. He approached Gregory, and handed out a handwritten letter, 'Look man, no amount of apologies will erase what I had done. I am sorry, and I'll do my best to help teach you sign language.' Cass had a friend way back when that needed it, so he was fluent. He smiled and motioned for Gregory to follow him to the couch, and placed the book on the cushion in the middle between them. "I don't know if you can read lips or not, but in time, you will be able to."
The moment Gregory laid eyes on him, he felt frozen, any anger, any frustration was replaced by fear. Though Cassius didn't look the same as he had before. He didn't look as smug as he might've expected him to look. He looked down at the letter that was being handed to him and then back at Cassius. he didn't want to believe him. The anger came rushing back. He didn't think the boy was sorry, just sorry that he was being made to do this. Sorry that this was landing with him. He could see Cassius' mouth moving, but wasn't yet very good at it. he watch him smile, watched him walk over to a couch. Gregory looked back at the letter, his hands shook. "I f2cking hate you," he said, unaware of how bitter and angry his tone was, though he felt bitter and angry. "You did this to me, you've made my life hell for six years, and expect me to play nice. You're only here because your f2cking grandfather told you to be. And I don't even have other options. F2ck you man,"
Honestly, Cass expected this. Why would he expect Gregory to even be thankful that Cass would take time out of his day to help after what he had done? Cass let out a sigh and started to write down. His response. It would be easier this way. He could not argue against what Gregory said. Yes he was here because of his grandfather but he was not aware of the situation either. He has no idea he was capable of such damage. "Hate me all you want, but do it after I help you communicate. This is far more important. And I want to take responsibility. I regret what I did. I would use a time turner to take it back if I could. Believe it or not, that's your decision." Cass handed the paper over, and figured that the boy had a lot more to let out. Maybe after he screamed or whatever, it would clear his head so that they could get to work.
It was the fact in his anger, he had to wait for Cass to write the response before he could say anything else. It seethed in him, his hands shook, his eyes welled in frustration. He was so angry with him, so annoyed with everything that was his life. "You would take back everything you ever did to me? Everything you ever said?" he said, venom colouring his tone, though he didn't know it. How could he even take responsibility when Gregory still hadn't actually told anyone it had been him. He looked at him, letting his gaze linger on the other boy, memories flooding him from all their interactions together. "What responsibility can you even take, I never told anyone about it being you," he said bitterly. "I've been so terrified that you would take more from me if I told, I didn't even tell my parents," He knew the latter wasn't really on him, but still. "I'm worthless, no one could love me, I was a mistake, my parent should hand me back. I'm dirty blood," he repeated some of the words which Cassius had in some way said to him. "I'm always in the way, always a bother, always an idiot,"
Would Cassius Styx ever take back everything he said? He seemed a little uncomfortable with the question, but ultimately nodded. He had a change of heart ever since his brother was turned into a werewolf. It would make him a hypocrite if he were to look down on someone like Gregory for something he could not help, versus Dante who was now infected with lycanthropy, which he could not help either. His expression softened even more when Gregory told him words that Cass himself told him a while back. He shook his head and though he wanted to talk it out, he did not want it to go the wrong way. He just wrote out another response. "Yes, everything I ever said and did, I'd take it back. Someone I love and protect in my family is a werewolf. Witnessing that helped get my head out of my own a**. I cannot take anything away from you because I won't. I honestly appreciate the fact that you didn't say anything. And you aren't worthless, nor a bother, a mistake, or dirty blood. With the right help, I think you'd make for a talented wizard." Cass doubted that Gregory would be at his level, but he was arrogant anyway. That would likely never change.
Gregory narrowed his eyes as he read the response that Cass gave to him, a werewolf in his family, that it had helped him see how he was being. He just shook his head lightly, the words he had written the opposite of the ones he had previously said, ones he had often thrown around. "You're f2cking delusional Cassius," he said, he crumpled the note. stepping a little away from him, and staring at the opposite wall. He knew the damage that the worlds, and the violence that Cassius had caused him. He wasn't good at magic, he wasn't good at anything. He had no talents, and certainly no magical talents. he let out a long sigh and turned around to face the boy again. "You ruined my life, you ruined learning magic for me, you ruined this place for me, I won't be able to think of Hogwarts without thinking of everything you did," he told him. "You're a bad guy Cassius, but the only option I've got,"
Cass could definitely take it, even as Gregory crumpled the note up. He even took a step back to put forth some distance between them. Maybe if he was a little younger, Cass would have swung and tried to knock him into next week, but now, he just stood there, not nearly as threatening as he looked before. He did not want to be too harsh with the lad. There was nothing that could be done about the past, but he just nodded along with what Gregory said. He knew what he did was wrong, but he was here for a reason. He reached out his hand as if to make a deal. "I'll teach you sign language, and help you with your classes. If I become a ****, you can tell the Headmaster that I caused this. Deal?"

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