What are you listening to?

The Promise- When in Rome
Frozen - Madonna
Love Me Like The World Is Ending - Ben Lee

It's playing in my head because I looked at my signature. :lol:
Talking about songs in your head: Fascination - Alphabeat

I heard it going through one of the shops to get my bus. I burst out laughing and thought OMG Camilla :huh: =))
Beautiful Lord by Leeland
Violet Bellamy said:
Safety Dance - Men Without Hats

I don't care what Nick says. That song is awesomesauce. ^_^
That song is awesomesauce!!

Love Song by some artist who covered The Cure's version and allowed it to be used during Private Practice tonight.
The Phantom of the Opera- Iron Maiden

Hot dang I love this song. :wub:
The Queen Is Dead - The Smiths
Brothers in Arms- The Northern Kings
Wannabe - Spice Girls

don't laugh! It came up on the CD at the last party I hosted. :lol:
Blackbird - The Beatles

I'm listening to the White Album a lot tonight :p
No You Girls - Franz Ferdinand

I've been singing that all day. "No you girls never know, oh no you girls never know, no you girls never know, how you make a boy feeeeeeeel!"
Secret Garden- Bruce Springsteen :D
'War Games"
it's an awesomesauce 80s movie with matthew broderick
oh, and I"m not watching I'm really listening
my brother and dad are watching
I'm staying glued ot this screen
I've also got "Tempted By The Fruit Of Another" stuck in my head...
it was playing on the radio whiel I was in the shower today
it rawks
Now it's been replaced by "Love Story"
now it shall be in mai head all night
Happy Birthday by Birthday Massacre.
2112, V. Oracle: The Dream - Rush

Totally on a Rush kick after watching I Love You, Man.

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