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I vote for Jake Simpson.

Because I closed my eyes and pointed at my computer screen.

Vote Received: Jake Simpson
I vote to lynch Patricia Styx.

It's just a feeling I have. xD :shifty:

Vote Received: Patricia Styx
I vote for getting Eden out, or Eden Koshiba.
Briar's reasoning really. xD

Vote Received: Eden Koshiba
I change my vote to Eden Koshiba

Another feeling I'm getting. Plus Briar's reasoning from before actually kind of struck me as a, hey what if moment. Pat seemed like too obvious of a choice for a werewolf as well too.

Vote Changed: Eden Koshiba
I changed my vote to lynch: Eden Koshiba
My reasoning: I still dun wanna diiie :cry:

Vote Changed: Eden Koshiba
I change my vote to Lynch: Eden Koshiba
Briar's reaoning.

Vote Changed: Eden Koshiba
Vote to Lynch: Eden Koshiba.

Vote Received: Eden Koshiba
I vote to lynch Alyssa Chevaliar (sp?).

Vote Changed: Alyssa Chevalier
(I really must ask you to specify when you're voting the first time v. when you're changing a vote, and to try to use the account on the player's list in this topic.)
I vote to lynch Alyssa Chevalier

I am picking her because she is putting a lot of emphasis on not being a threat.

Vote Received: Alyssa Chevalier
In the town meeting, the town determined who it was they would lynch in the hopes of saving the town from another night of horror. She seemed a little bit too happy as they discussed the events of the past night - and being so contented just wouldn't do. So, with a variety of instruments (all perhaps best used for killing werewolves), Eden Koshiba, the angel was dragged to the village square and killed.
Unable to live without her lover, Kalani Mauven, a villager was found dead in her home only a few hours later - poison on her lips.

The village mourns, this night.
It is night.
The remaining players are:
[ul][li]Justin Cliffeton</LI>
[li]Briar Rowan
[li]Dannii Merrythought
[li]Alyssa Chevalier
[li]Patricia Styx
[li]Hadan Johnson
[li]Riley Sparkles
[li]Dominic Hirsch
[li]Jake Simpson
[li]Lily Drage
<LI>[li]Danielle Warbeck[/li][/ul]

Villagers: Rest. When day comes, your job begins anew.
Wolves: Discuss who you wish to kill this night and PM me.
Guardian: Choose who you want to guard this night and PM me.
Seer: Choose who you want to see the role of this night and PM me.

Once all of the above has taken place (or ~12 hours has passed, whichever comes first) - night phase will end and your second day as a village will begin.

Best of luck! Hopefully, greater wisdom will be found tomorrow.
The sun rises over the small village and surrounding village and all know that they weren't as lucky this night as last. Screams and growls were heard during the night, indistinguishable from one another, and each villager had hoped that it wasn't them (or those they loved) that the wolves had chosen to target for their nightly feast. No, indeed, as every villager left their home that morning to investigate the damage it became clear who it had been that was mauled. A bloody trail from the guard post led to the edge of a cliff, at the bottom of which the remains of Danielle Warbeck, the guardian could clearly be seen.

With vengeance on their hearts, and feeling dramatically less safe than they had been before, the villagers return to the town hall to (hopefully) lynch a werewolf and solve at least half their problem.
It is day.

Villagers: Discuss who you think might be a wolf. Cast suspicion on those who look most suspicious. Defend yourselves from other villager's suspicions. Don't get lynched yourself, and vote for somebody (ideally a wolf ;) ) to die at your hands.

The remaining players are:
[ul][li]Justin Cliffeton</LI>
[li]Briar Rowan
[li]Dannii Merrythought
[li]Alyssa Chevalier
[li]Patricia Styx
[li]Hadan Johnson
[li]Riley Sparkles
[li]Dominic Hirsch
[li]Jake Simpson
<LI>[li]Lily Drage[/li][/ul]

I vote for Lily Drage.

My reasoning? Right, so the Wolf didn't kill anyone the first night. There's more than one explanation for this, but only one that is verifiable: Maybe the Wolf wasn't online around town at the time. Funnily enough, two people failed to vote yesterday: Jake Simpson and Lily Drage. Presumably because they weren't online around town at the time. BOOM IT MAKES SENSE.

Vote Received: Lily Drage
Just to clarify so everybody knows: Given the number of players that signed up, there are two wolves. :)
(In addition to the roles of Guardian, Seer, Traitor, Angel, Villager, and first wolf the additional roles of ghost, cupid, and a second wolf were added to the game. More players, more fun jobs. :p )
I vote to lynch Alyssa Chevalier
as if you look at all the voting posts from yesterday they are all edited by Nick except hers, which means that she edited hers and clicked the not to edit button. that to me seems a little suspicious. plus that eden said yesterday.

Vote Received: Alyssa Chevalier
I vote to lynch Lily Drage.

I kind of think Helena read my mind on that one because I was thinking it had to be someone who possibly wasn't online, unless the wolves went after the roles that couldn't be harmed by the wolves. Which I think is a bit unlikely with amount of players there are. So pretty much her reasoning completely.

Vote Received: Lily Drage
I vote to lynch Lily Drage.

What Helena and Jessye said makes perfect sense, so I'm gunna go with it.

Vote Received: Lily Drage
I agree with past reasonings and vote to lynch: Lily Drage.

Also, I don't see how someone editing their post or whatever Briar said has to do with them being a WW....just saying, doesn't quite make sense to me :erm:

Vote Received: Lily Drage
I am just going to go along with what Helena said. xD
Voting off: Lily Drage

Vote Received: Lily Drage
I change my vote to Alyssa Chevalier.

My reasoning is that Lily Drage has not been online since the game started so she couldn't have killed someone last night. The only reason I chose Alyssa is because no one else has any votes.

Vote Changed: Alyssa Chevalier
Vote to lynch: Alyssa Chevaliar :r

Vote Received: Alyssa Chevaliar
My vote: Still Lily Drage
But I just want my reasoning to be seen.
As Nick said, there are two wolves. One is not active right now or there would have been two dead villagers. Would make sense if and only if, one wolf has not been on.
I am doing this in Jessye's defense. Cause well, last night, she was too busy posting to my RPs to bother picking someone to kill. :r That and there is one wolf out there that is not killing, to which I believe to be Lily Drage.
To add onto what Kaitlyn said, all the position that could be protected from being killed by a wolf are also gone. So there couldn't have been someone that was protected by a special power of sorts to keep them alive, thus meaning only one person was actually killed so it could mean that only one wolf was active.

Lol, Kaitlyn that was smart thinking. ^_^
Distraught at the loss of their guardian, the villagers gathered to discuss the situation - at the present rate their village could very well be at its end, and they knew it. As the meeting commenced they noticed somebody was perhaps a little bit too quiet, and maybe not as upset about the guardian's death as they should be. Acting quickly, the town lynched Lily Drage, a werewolf.

The celebration was short-lived, however, as the town realized that there had been two sets of paw-prints in the blood from last night - not just one. They weren't out of trouble quite yet.

It is night.
The remaining players are:
[ul][li]Justin Cliffeton</LI>
[li]Briar Rowan
[li]Dannii Merrythought
[li]Alyssa Chevalier
[li]Patricia Styx
[li]Hadan Johnson
[li]Riley Sparkles
[li]Dominic Hirsch
<LI>[li]Jake Simpson[/li][/ul]

Villagers: Rest. When day comes, your job begins anew.
Wolf: Choose who you wish to kill this night and PM me.
Seer: Choose who you want to see the role of this night and PM me.

Once all of the above has taken place (or ~12 hours has passed, whichever comes first) - night phase will end and your third day as a village will begin.

Best of luck to all!
The village slept with one eye open. (They could finally rest one eye, with one wolf dead, but the other remained watchful.) As the rooster crowed the break of day, most of the town breathed a sigh of relief until they gathered to discuss the evening's events. Screams permeated the crowd as the mangled body of Hadan Johnson, a villager was seen in the middle of the gathering place. Evidently, the wolf was sending a message.

It is day.
The remaining players are:
[ul][li]Justin Cliffeton</LI>
[li]Briar Rowan
[li]Dannii Merrythought
[li]Alyssa Chevalier
[li]Patricia Styx
[li]Riley Sparkles
[li]Dominic Hirsch
<LI>[li]Jake Simpson[/li][/ul]

Villagers: Discuss who you think might be a wolf. Cast suspicion on those who look most suspicious. Defend yourselves from other villager's suspicions. Don't get lynched yourself, and vote for somebody (ideally a wolf ;) ) to die at your hands.
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