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See guys, I told you I wasn't a threat. :r
I'd really like to play again too! Hopefully I can manage it with school and everything but this was really fun overall!

Since Helena was curious I'll share with you guys who I chose to see the Role of and which night I chose them on. xD
First Night: Riley Sparkles - Villager
Second Night: Dominic Hirsch - Villager
Third Night: Justin Cliffeton - Werewolf

I considered seeing a lot of roles, but for some reason I ended up choosing at random until I got to Justin. That was suspicion all the way.

I was suspicious of Zach too, when I was reading this. :) I thought he was too quiet... but that's probably because I know him in RL, and I know he's never quiet... :r :p
Next game: More Harry Potterish. :r

Death Eaters and potion's master and aurors and stuff. :cool:
(Or I'll be lazy and do Werewolf like this again. :r )
Nuuu HP style would be awesome.

Students = Villagers
DEs = WW
Professors/Aurors = Guardians
etc etc sounds awesome ^_^
I like the idea of more Harry potterish, then auror accounts may be death eaters, and the students maybe potions master, etc. that would be rather funny
Alyss Summers said:
Muggles could also be villagers too. :D
I've played a HP version of the game with villagers as muggles. It doesn't make much sense for telling a story.
Why would Muggles know to try to kill "Death Eaters" (whatever those are) and not a "Seer"? Surely they would just want to kill/get rid of any witch/wizard and not understand the differences. xD
True... I didn't think of that actually...

But what about muggles who are the parents of muggle-borns? E,g, The Grangers?
Alyss Summers said:
True... I didn't think of that actually...

But what about muggles who are the parents of muggle-borns? E,g, The Grangers?
Why do you have a locality of wizarding-aware muggles? :r

I guess it could be squibs, but even then - a village/area of mostly squibs? xD
Dominic Hirsch said:
Wouldn't it be cool to have specific roles? Like, villagers could be Luna, Neville, Ron, etc? xD
A taddd confusing. :r
Alyss Summers said:
:doh: True... Forget what I was saying... xD
Reasonable ideas (and ones I probably would have had to, had I not had experience in such games already and knew a bit better). :p

Regardless, this game went fairly well for a first time, I thought. ^_^
I would have liked more defending and random active involvement. And for Eden to claim being angel and save herself/her lover. @_@
It seemed like the game was just getting to a point of plenty of discussion and then it was over. :(
And the poor ghosty didn't even get to kill somebody. :tut: And Alexis was taken down so innocent. :(
I didn't know we were allowed to share our roles. :( I wish I knew so I could be saved. The lovers is sort of hard to be in, y'know?
Its okay Alexis, theres always next time ^_^ The first one is always a bit rusty, not everyone knows everything, but we can only move forward from here ^_^
I like the idea of a HP one! It would be awesome :) Can't wait for the next one!
Over so soon? I was thoroughly enjoying coming on here and checking out who the wolves had killed off :p
What a fun game! And, I really like the idea of it being more HP related. ^_^
Louisa Reynolds said:
I didn't know we were allowed to share our roles. :( I wish I knew so I could be saved. The lovers is sort of hard to be in, y'know?
Saying "I'm Eden's lover, don't lynch me!" would have been badddd (unless the guardian guarded you and not Eden... every night.) Because a wolf would have nommed you and you both would have died, and Eden being the angel would have meant very little. :p (As it did in this game. xD )
Ideally, the guardian should have been looking for the seer to guard nightly and the seer should have been more open about what she saw. (Except when the guardian dies... then the seer usually goes right after. xD )
OMG Alright I am awake and I was confused about if I could claim to be the angel. If I had been smarter and looked at the rules maybe a couple more times or sent a pm to Nick maybe I wouldn't have died right away. Oh well none the less I wanna play the next day and now that I have a better understand of the rules. I am going to have even more fun.
Nicolas King said:
As a note for future games. You are allowed to claim being a role. You can say "I'm the angel!" to discourage people from lynching you. You can lie and say you're the angel if you're not. The only thing you can't do is prove what you're saying by revealing the PM I sent you (by screencap, copy/paste, etc.).
I fail to see what is confusing.
I was talking about future games.
Since Helena was wondering I'll tell who I guarded. :D

First Night - Riley Sparkles
Second Night - Lily Drage

Iwas surprised I wasn't killed the first night, so I thought I was going to be lucky through the game, but - no.

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