WereClown of HNZ!

There was an uneasiness when the town woke up in the morning, still joyous with having finished one of their aggressors but also uncertain of what that might mean for the other: perhaps it would be twice as cruel to them, knowing they had killed its partner or that it might be next.
Gathering together in the circus tent, the sight that greeted them was terrifying. Rodrigo Serrao, the con artist lay dead on the ground, sides split open, with writing in makeup beside him - "He laughed himself to death! Want to hear a joke?"

It's day.
Its really late in the day, and no one seems to have done anything, so I am going to start this off with Charlie Wendell has been naughty, because Rodrigo named him and now he's dead. Does anyone else have any ideas? Im running on empty guys.

Vote Received: Charlie Wendell
I'm at a complete loss as well, I don't really have any ideas. I don't think it's a good strategy but I agree with Teigs, maybe taking out the person that is outing them or something. I'm not sure, it's late, but my vote is for Charlie Wendell

Vote Received: Charlie Wendell
I'm innocent, I swear! Of course none of you will believe me, but if I was a wereclown, I wouldn't go for Rodrigo. Anyhow, I am going to vote off Kiera Potter, simply because I have nothing to go on besides the fact that I didn't kill anyone.

Vote Received: Kiera Potter
Still quite pleased that they had managed to off one of the wereclowns in the previous day, the troop of performers seemed quite uneasy to try to repeat their performance for fear of killing one of their own again. Unfortunately, some of them felt that they did have to do something, and so Charlie Wendell, just a regular ordinary performer, was sent to the lion's cage.

It is night.
Nobody died!

It's day.
Good point Jessye I didn't think of that, though Aeon and Samual haven't been on in the last 24 hours, they haven't been on for awhile.
Jessye, Donna meant me, Samuel Phillips is not playing. :p
Anyway, I agree that Jesse possibly isn't the wolf, as the activity has been scarce for the majority of the game, and I will mention that I have not been active as much as usual for my own reasons. Anyway, I don't have much of an idea who the wereclown is, I only know that I am not - which doesn't assist anyone much at all.
Anyway, for now I will hold my vote and wait for more discussion.
Well I have no ideas, because I thought it was Aeon, but seeing as he's not been online like ever, it wouldn't make much sense would it. Anyway, for Jesse, he hasn't been on and so he hasn't been around to vote or kill anyone off, which would explain one reason why nobody died.

Riley Sparkles has been suggested before and even though there was little to no reasoning behind it, I somehow feel that there was something behind people's random pickings.

Zach is another one I am looking at, he doesn't tend to be around much and so he doesn't give much input, and I don't even think he has ever voted. It could be simple laziness or strategy or maybe he is busy, but I do find it suspicious, although he is usually kind of aloof when it comes to this.

Regardless, I think I feel the strongest about Donna, so I choose to vote off Riley Sparkles.

Vote Received: Riley Sparkles
Ohhhh PSH my bad. No idea what I was doing. xD I saw your characters face in my mind but another name came out, and this is not what I should be doing when I'm super tired.

I choose to vote Kiera Potter. Other than her seemingly going with majority vote at times, we still lack major evidence for me to vote with much basis other than that.

Vote Received: Kiera Potter
That's quite fine, Jessye. Maybe you should get some rest. xD
Anyway, I agree with Jessye, with the majority vote - however I suppose most of us have done this, as we really have nothing to go on still. I hold suspicions regarding Riley Sparkles, and that was an unmentioned reason why I voted for her once, but I am still not sure. I'm not really suss on Zach just yet.
I will wait for what Kait has to say, and Donna as well. ^_^
There's little reasoning behind people choosing me because there is no reason. I'm not the bad guy!
I'm not suss about Zach either, but I'm not too sure about anyone to be honest. But I agree with Jessye, I vote Kiera Potter.

Vote Received: Kiera Potter
I'll be honest with you guys & say I'm the Knife Thrower.
I think that's what it's called, the one who joins the two 'lovers' or whatever it is. I may have messed up a little, though. :doh:
You're the Juggling Master then.
I'm going to vote for Riley Sparkles, as I'm not sure on Kait, and think she deserves a chance at surviving this. Sorry Donna. But I'm not completely set on you, either.

Vote Received: Riley Sparkles
Day has ended.

Riley Sparkles, a Wereclown was killed.
HNZ's birthday is saved!

Wereclowns: Riley Sparkles, Ai Edogawa Bearded Lady: Rhiannon McGowan Ringmaster: Belladonna Metzger Gypsy: Aeon Summers Con Artist: Rodrigo Serrao Knife Thrower: James Adams Strongman: Patricia Styx Juggling Master: Professor Takuya Blaze Performers: Hadan Hensel*, Kiera Potter, Professor Cyndi Kingsley*, Charlie Wendell, Professor Abbigale Jinxx, Samual Kaster
* = Juggling Partners
First time said:
Kiera Potter
Kiera Potter
Riley Sparkles
Riley Sparkles
Second time said:
Riley Sparkles
Kiera Potter
Kiera Potter
Riley Sparkles
Third Time said:
Riley Sparkles
Kiera Potter
Riley Sparkles
Kiera Potter
I knew she was sketchy.
Oh well, congratulations to those who won! Well played guys.. :devious: xD :hug:
Well I guess that's a matter of perspective. :tut:

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