WereClown of HNZ!

Whaaaat Kaka don't do this to me! Tradition samishition haha!
I don't understand why you'd rule out the unsorteds either, but I'm going to put my vote down for James.

Vote Received: James Adams
Riley Sparkles said:
Whaaaat Kaka don't do this to me! Tradition samishition haha!
I don't understand why you'd rule out the unsorteds either, but I'm going to put my vote down for James.
I still love you regardless. :r
Well James, I do appreciate the fact that you consider me harmless
*evil laugh*
But there is no logic argument or explanation that supports your statement. If you hadn't acted so suspiciously, I would have given myself the task to randomly select someone to vote on. As others said before, in the early stage you cannot but vote radomly.

For being weird, I say "James has been naughty"

["ooc": is it impolite to write with a colour here? Should we all keep this plain font-colour?]

Vote Received: James Adams
(To your note - feel free to use colours. ;) )
As Nick has said in numerous games, roles are assigned randomly so there is every bit as much chance that one of us purples is a wereclown as there is that some unsorted is one.

For now, I'm going to say that Rhiannon McGowan (Mia) is naughty. My reason: I had my sisters choose a number and they chose 3. I might change it later if James becomes any more suspicious. I'm not sure if he's just playing too hard too soon or if he's really a clown. :p

Vote Received: Rhiannon McGowan
I still don't get why the unsorted were ruled out since there's really no evidence to go about that they would or would not take out a mod.. :correct:

Anyways, for now I used the random generator and got 14.. So, I vote that Rodrigo Serrao is wereclown.

Vote Received: Rodrigo Serrao
Okay so although it is day one and things are usually random there are a few points. Firstly. Pat was the strong man which means that (correct me if I am wrong) she can only be killed by the wolves if she guards one) so it is likelly that the first person she picked to guard (with no evidence to support her choice) could be a wolf clown.
Secondally. I see know reason for ruling the unsorteds out as clowns as there are two clowns and even if they didn't know who to vote for they would have a picked one out at random or gone with the suggestion of an older members clown. Or can she be killed if she is guarding someone else?

Kaitlyn. Isn't tradition to vote off Eden first? I know she isn't playing. Or has the tradition changed in the last couple of games I have et played

I chose to vote off James as I heard him move (post) in the night. And like I said there isn't really much logic to day

Vote Received: James Adams
I choose to vote off James. I find it suspicious that he was so eager to start the day phase and his quick list of possible suspects. He promptly removed himself from the list and the unsorted students, which makes me wonder if our clowns are lurking within that group.

Vote Received: James Adams
I'm going to vote for James as well, he just seems a little too keen to rule out himself & any Unsorted character .. seems really suss to me.

Vote Received: James Adams
James is indeed highly suspicious, but I have yet to confirm if it was just simple eagerness for the game, or something more sinister. However seeing as I have absolutely nothing to go on, I'm going to throw caution to the wind, and vote for James.

Vote Received: James Adams
I vote for James, too.

He did post first, which means he could have something to hide. On the other hand, if he really was the clown, then he probably should have waited until saying something. But I'm going to go with him anyway, because like others have said, it's sort of too early to see any trends.

Vote Received: James Adams
I would only like to ask to the gypsy that, if James really turns out to be a wereclown, use this night that is coming to discover the true nature of the guys he excluded first... So if James turns out to be a wereclown I will become rather suspicious of Charlie. I won't be suspicious of me just because I know what I am, though I understand that to everyone else I am as "dangerous" as Charlie... Past that I can use no logic to determine anything else, since I could support hundreds of points of view, every single one as strong as the previous one due to lack of events.
If I were a wolf, then surely I would not make such evidence as I posted above, in order to avoid suspicion? I would surely leave it a while, wait until there is a majority for someone, and then jump on the bandwagon, and vote for them, getting rid of someone else.
Charlie Wendell said:
He did post first, which means he could have something to hide.
I find this wrong in every single way...if I had something to hide, I would rather not post first as it does draw suspicion to you if you post some reasoning (however right or wrong it may be.)
Believing that the guiltiest party would be the first to speak up. Forcing him on to the tightrope without a net, they were sure this would finish off at least part of their troubles. Not being a trained tightrope walker, James Adams, the knife thrower was killed.

It is night.
It was a tragic night for the performers, a night filled with ear-curdling screams that left all too afraid to leave their trailers until they knew they would be safe in the busyness of they day. It was exceptionally dreary once again as everybody gathered in the circus tent and found the first thing to meet their eyes: Hadan Hensel, a performer, had a knife through her back and not far off from her lay Professor Cyndi Kingsley, another performer and Hadan's juggling partner - maimed by the chainsaws they had been practising juggling turned on, a terrible vision for all to behold.
Unfortunately, these two were not the only ones not alive as everybody met. Upon a closer inspection of their fairgrounds, they soon also found the body of Rhiannon McGowan, the bearded lady stuffed into the trunk of a clown car.
Mortified at the great number of their loss, the troop gathered again to try to save themselves for the coming night.

It is day.
Wow, three people are dead? Obviously the "lovers" as it were, but also Mia, Mr "knife-thrower" seems to have also struck, though which was which? No body knows... Wow, how are we to start this one off? This is pretty stupid reasoning, but a couple of people didn't vote yesterday, so, because I love you Jesse, Imma have to go with Aeon Summers has been naughty.

Vote Received: Aeon Summers
First of all, and I'd say this is good practice, all the names remaining:
[ol][li]Riley Sparkles</LI>
[li]Belladonna Metzger
[li]Aeon Summers
[li]Kiera Potter
[li]Professor Takuya Blaze
[li]Charlie Wendell
[li]Ai Edogawa
[li]Professor Abbigale Jinxx
[li]Samual Kaster
<LI>[li]Rodrigo Serrao[/li][/ol]

Also we know that the bearded lady, the strongman, the knife thrower and the juggling master are dead. Correct me if I am wrong.

Maybe it is my lack of experience, but it looks to me as if we still cannot make lots of good deductions from here, apart from "James was wrong...". From all the names on the list, besides mine I only know Charlie's, so I'm going for her :D

Charlie Wendell has been naughty!

Vote Received: Charlie Wendell
For now I'm going to stick with my gut and continue to say that Ai Edogawa has been naughty. There isn't a whole lot of evidence yet, but I just get the feeling unless further evidence pops up.

Vote Received: Ai Edogawa
It appears as though I didn't actually read how every one was killed, shows me up though doesn't it. So the ghost killed Hadan and the clown killed Rhiannon... right? Anyway, in sight of this, I am going to change my vote to Ai Edogawa, because I have a funny gut instinct, though it could be totally off.

Vote Changed: Ai Edogawa
Going with Rodrigo's list, I asked my dad to pick a number between one and ten. He said one, therefore I vote off Riley Sparkles with no reason at all except for my dad's supposed premonition.

Vote Received: Riley Sparkles
Well, I think I'll vote for Riley Sparkles, because I don't know who to vote, however, I don't want to condemn someone (in this case Ai Edogawa) so early in the game. Voting for Riley evens the score and, if it remains a tie, fate will decide. ^_^
I am open to further discussion. We need conspiracy theories, guys. :p

Vote Received: Riley Sparkles?
Wow that was dramatic! I can't believe three people died :(
Nooo guys don't do this to me I'm not evil! I'm here to help even if I don't have any good suggestions atm I'm not the bad clown!
Why me?! :cry:
There's not much I can say to prove my innocence since you guys are voting on guts and I don't really have any good ideas on who could be the clowns.. I'm going to vote for Aeon Summers since she has been silent..

Vote Received: Aeon Summers
The voting was less clear this day as the troop mourned the loss of so many talented friends and allies. It was truly a very sad day and many could not bear the thought of having to take out another of their number. As the sun began to set, the person who had (just barely) more suspicion was lead off to be fired out of the cannon... with no protective gear to speak of.
Ai Edogawa, a wereclown, is dead.

It is night.

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