
Oliver Cade Halliwell

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Half Blood
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Curly 10 Inch Unyielding Pear Wand with Boomslang venom Core
Hi there. Okay just a quick intro, My names Daniel I'm 18 and living in London, England. Well thats the basics.
Hey Daniel,
Welcome to hnz! :3 I'm not good at intros, so I'm just gonna type; I'm Madz or Maddy and welcome to hnz ^^!
Hope you'll like it as much as we all do :)
Hey there ^_^
My name is Donna, welcome to HNZ. So jealous that you live in London!
Take a look at the Site Documentary and the FAQ Forum, and the Board Rules if you want, I found them pretty helpful when I first started! If you need any help, just PM one of these people, or myself and we will be sure to help you out!

Hope to see you around ^_^
Hey buddy! I like London people ;D I'm from Australia.
I'm KR (Or Kelsey Ruth if you want to get fancy) and this is Artemis. She's my first character and I love her dearly, as you'll come to love your first character too. That's one of the few things around here that never changes. Roleplaying with your character and growing them will be one of the best things you'll do around here, as long as doing the usual stuff like spamming the chat and bothering Nick (like the rest of us xD)
I hope you have a rip-roaring time here.
Officially, welcome!
Welcome Welcome!
I'm Missy!
This is my second account, you'd usually find me playing as Willow Autumn
I'm also eighteen but i'm from New Zealand. :D

You'd find the people here really friendly and nice, I only just started playing HNZ a few months ago.
I hope you like what you see here ^^
Boy do I feel welcome. Thank you to everyone whos popped in and said hello so far. I've used this character before on another Harry Potter site and used him in a fanfic and his name in a project so I already love him dearly but I look forward to maybe taking him in another direction than before who knows. Hope to rp with you all at some point and again thank you very much for making me feel welcome.

P.S. Donna London ain't all that :p
Oh well then, by all means continue to love him xD
(I do so love the name Oliver. Not to sound like a boob though, but he was my first dog :D )
Aww thats cute. We were gonna call our dog Oliver but we changed our mind.
Thank you very much :D
Just a question - how does an unsorted student get 400 galleons? :)
They were donated to me.
Always happy to answer a question :)
Hey there Daniel! :)
Welcome to HNZ! I'm Nick, one of the admin here, and I'm also 18. :o But I live in Canada. ^_^
I would tell you if you have any questions/concerns you can PM me - but it seems you've already figured that out. ;)

See you around the site!
Just a random question but are there any fellow Brits on the site? I can never find any in my online forum cirlce.
There are plenty of people from the U.K. on HNZ. :)
One of our GMs is from N.I. and oddles of people are from Scotland and England.

Not sure we've had anybody from Wales, though. :o
We don't like to count Wales :p I kid, god I'm just terrible sometimes.
Yes, I crack myself up too.
Hoho its funny cos it never sunny in England. ho

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