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Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair
Sara was excited, she was on her way home-well sort of. Her and Kate had been picked up from the train station, by the car. Sara had been surprised, as she had never seen it before, but a man had come up to them to tell them he was taking them home- she had been a little wary of driving with a stranger, but they had their wands, if anything bad happened they would be okay. They had gotten into the car and driven off. It was a long drive and Sara was a little upset after saying goodbye to her friends. She took out a book and began to read.

Soon they were approaching the manor. Sara looked out the window and said to Kate "We're home sis'!" She grinned, opening the car door, before it had even stopped fully. Sara ran toward the door-she would take in her luggage later. She reached the door, her hair messy, and out of place and opened the door. "C'mon Kate!" she called back to her twin. "Ryan? Star? Mam? Dad?" She called, and again "Michael? Stefan?" she ran from room to room-it was far too long since she'd seen her family. She finally stopped in the library There they all were, eating lunch. "Did you not hear me?" she asked, running to hug them all. "I missed you all!" she yelled, hugging her father around the waist and her mother. She hugged Star also and said "Where's Ryan?" she spotted him and hugged him "How's Danielle?" she asked, teasing. Then she turned to Michael. "Michael!" she exclaimed, hugging him, but where was Michael's adopted son Stefan?
Sophie was really happy, today is the day that she had been waiting for so long. Her daughters would be coming home after long months of stay in their school. Being rather excited, she baked a chiffon cake, one that she had promised to teach her daughter Kate in one of her letters. Being thoroughly delighted and enthusiastic, she headed to the library, ate lunch with the other family members, and waited for her daughters to come.

Supposedly, she was about to pick them up in the station, however, she figures that it would be better if it is their driver to do the task. She, after all, was rather busy preparing her daughters' rooms. Being rather conscious of the time, Sophie cannot help but to pace around the room. "Dear, what's taking them so long?" She said softly to her self, frequently checking the grandfather's clock in the library. A few moments later, which had seemed like forever to her, Sophie finally heard the voice of her dear daughter Sara. Before she could go out and welcome them, she felt herself being hugged, really tight by her daughter "Oh dear, you came!" She said, hugging her daughter back. Ass she released her, she ran a hand through Sara's hair, trying to fix it from being rather messy. "Where's Kate?"
Kate was so excited she was only a few minutes away from seeing her family and new house.She and Sara had been picked up in a limo and it was weird having people look at the car and ohhing and ahhing.It was weird because it was so warm here compared to New Zealand it proberly not that warm to the English but it was quite warm to Kate.

Soon the car stopped and Kate looked out to her new home.She gasped at the size of it she had only seen pictures but they didn't do the house justice the manor was beautiful and Kate couldn't wait to inside.While Sara ran in Kate just had a quick look around the back and gasped again when she saw the swimming pool and tennis courts. "Wow this is amazing"She said talking to herself.She then remembered her family were waiting for her inside.She ran in "Hey guys I'm home"She called out while saying hello to the servants.She ran towards the libary where she heard voices.She walked in "Hey guys"she said running towards her sister Star first and hugginh her she then hugged the rest of her family "How are all of ye"She asked a bit flushed from all the running
Michael was sat in the liabry eating lunch when he heard the door fly open. he stood up hoping it would be stefan. But in stead he was welcomed by a girl of a bullet called Sara. "Ha ha ha. how are we then Sara?" He asked laughing at her. Kate had enterd the room moments later. Michael decided hed call Stefan from the his room. "STEFAN come down here now the girls are home!" he called up the stairs to him. He then went over to kate and hugged her. "How are we then kate?" he asked her. Michael turned around after hearing foot steps come down the stairs. "Girls this is Stefan my adoptive son." he told them.
Stefan was sat up stairs in his room finishing his fathers song to peform at the party. when he heard him call him down to meet the girls.he got up straightend his jacket and made his way down stairs. "afternoon girls."he said to them befor picking up his guitar and started playing his song really quickly so the girls didnt regonise it befor the party.when he finished he looked at his dad's smileing face and said"there you go dad thats what i have been doing the past few days."
Sara smiled, fixing her hair. She was pretty, but she wasn't aware of it. In time she would resent how she looked, but for now Sara was a young, innocent twelve year old girl-things like that were just add-ons. Obviously she liked to look good, but family and friends were far more important. "I'm fine Michael. And yourself?" she grinned, then she skipped out into the hall and brought Shade in. "I bet she's really glad to see you." she grinned, letting her perch on Sara's shoulder. She turned around as the boy entered the room. "Hello." she grinned, then she walked up towards him, extended her hand and said "I'm Sara." she smiled, it would be nice to have another kid in the house, even if they already had four-there was plenty of room.
Kate hugged Micheal "I'm good and you"She asked smiling she walked back a bit to see all her new family. She felt some tears in her eyes she had missed them all so much and she was so happy to see them all again.Kate looked around when she saw somebody enter the room.Kate was puzzled when Stefan played a really short tune on the gutair.She walked up when he was finished "Hey I'm Kate"She said smiling and putting out her hand.
stefan could see evryones confused faces about the song. hed even confused him self when he first wrote it. he put the guitar down and shoke the girls hands "hello my names stefan." he said. when he looked at kate his head started to tell him that she was the one for him. he picked up his guitar and played "love story" by taylor swift just out of reaction.
Ryan was excited today was the day his sisters were coming home and he was so excited to meet them after not seeing them for so long.He wondered what they would think of Stefan.Ryan liked him and it would be nice to have him going to Hogwarts with him and also it was good not to be the only boy.

He didn't hear Sara until she burst into the room "Sara"He said running up and hugging his sister.She looked more grown up sinc he had last seen her.He wondered where his second sister one but he didn't have to wait for long he saw her come in to the room "Kate "He said againg going up to hug her after Micheal.She too liked older they both looked very pretty. "So guys how are ye"He asked still thrilled to see them

He wondered why Stefan played a really short song.But it looked like the girls and Stefan liked each other so there was hopefully not going to be any fights.But Ryan became very confused when Stefan played love story on the guitar after he said hello to Kate.But Ryan being only ten didn't really notice the look on Stefan's face.He decided to start a conversation "So girls tell us all about your adventures in Hogwart"He said sitting down
"Ryan!" she exclaimed, putting out her hand for a fist bump, but pulled him into a hug. She watched as the boy began to play Taylor Swift's song Love Story. It was one of Sara's favourites, but he was looking at Kate, she felt that there might be a complication. Since Kate very obviously adored Stefan Archer, from School. She smiled and grabbed Ryan's hands, beginning to dance. "It was GREAT! I can't wait 'till you guys start." she exclaimed, hugging Ryan and Star.
michael realised that the song was for kate. he whent over to stefan and whisperd "try for the other one next time. she wont like you like that. but keep trying." he then took the guitar of stefan and whent and sat down and started to play his song for the party."hey girls i know you wanna see this."he said to them then signalling for them to follow him out side. when out ther he took his top and trousers of so he was stood there in his underwear.he then transformed into a crow and landed on kates shoulder.
Stefan sighed realiseing that he wasnt going to win kate this way. he followed every one out side. he knew his dad was going to show off by transforming into a crow. But what happened next he wasnt ready for. he landed on kate's shouler."show off!!" he shoted at his father.then turned round and walked off to his room. :cyndi:
Sara saw Michael whispering something to Stefan. She was curious, but some things were better left lie. She suspected that Stefan might like Kate, and would try and make sure her twin let him down easy-but there was no way she would mention her observations to Kate. "Wow Michael. that was great!" Sara exclaimed, hugging Michael. Then they went outside and Michael transformed. "Wow! that's amazing-when did you learn?" she asked, then thought again "What age do you have to be to learn?" she asked, she wanted to learn this. "Stefan?" Sara asked and walked after him-she wanted to be his friend, and also she didn't want his heart broken by her sister-unintentional though it may be. When she thought of Kayden and imagined him breaking her heart, she felt as though she would fall apart, but if was unlikely-seeing as she would never reveal her feelings.
Kate was confused when Stefan played Love Story looking at her she bite her lip she was kind of interested in someone else at the moment but she didn't have the heart to say it to Stefan espicially in front of her family "That was nice"She said she wasn't exactly sure what to do so she was glad when her brother broke the silence she returned her hug "I'm good and ye? I have missed ye all so much"She said giving him an extra squeeze."Well there is so much to tell"She said smiling so widely she thought she would never be able to regain her natural expression.

She became curious when Micheal whispered something in Stefan's ear but Kate didn't catch it so she just shrugged and sat down by the table and started to eat a grape.She became excited when Micheal said he wanted to show them something she followed eagerly outside.Kate's jaw dropped when Micheal turned into a bird and landed on her shoulder "How did ya do that"She asked looking over to her shoulder she turned around quickly when she heard Stefan run out of the room.She was going to go but she had a feeling she would make it worse she was a small bit relived when Sara went out instead "Well this has been an interesting first few minutes back"She said grinning
Stefan heard Sara calling afetr him as he entered his room. He could tell that kate didnt like him the way he liked her. "Im up her if you want to talk to me Sara." he called down to her.he knew that he couldnt win her over with out doing something big. he heard a nock at his door he sat up and said "its open."
Sara was glad he was going to let her in. She smiled at him, comfortingly as she entered the room. "You like Kate." she stated simply, as she sat down on a chair in the room. "I can't say I know how she feels, because she's only just met you." she explained, but she guessed that Kate didn't feel the same way. She looked at the ground, not sure what else to say-her sister's mind would not be changed, not even by Sara. "Are you okay?" she asked, looking up at him once more.
Kate bite her lip she felt bad for Stefan.She wanted to sort this out.She followed Sara and Stefan.She knocked on the door and peeped in because it was half open "Do you mind if I come in"She asked quietly standing awkwardly

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry its so short!"
"ha its that obvious huh." he said to Sara. "I dont know what to do. I absolutely hate it Sara. What do i do." he asked her. He heare some one come up the stair's. "Kate come in." He said as she enterd the room.
Kate walked in a stood before Stefan and Sara "Am Sara could you go out for a second please"She asked quietly she was sure sara wouldn't like that but she needed to talk to Stefan alone set things out straight.When Sara was gone Kate sat down beside Stefan and looked down at her hands after a few minutes of silence she took a breath in and looked at Stefan "I'm sorry"She said it was all she could say she felt so bad inside that she was hurting him all she wanted was them to be friends.Kate then decided she would do anything for Stefan so they could try and be proper friends "Okay to sort of make it up to you I will do anything for you"She said managing a smile
"Kind of." Sara laughed, "Well, I'm not going to lie, I think she likes a guy in our year, but maybe she'll change her mind?" she replied. Then Kate came in. "Sure." she replied, when her sister asked her to step outside. She knew Kate would try to fix things, but she didn't see things as complicated, everything was simple in Kate's view, and Sara didn't think Stefan's feelings would change very quickly.

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