Open We Could Follow the Sparks

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Hazel Ashworth

🧵Quirky | Try-Hard | Fashion Designer| ACCIO 📸
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 Inch Flexible Birch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
6/2049 (13)
Hazel was proud of her dress tonight, she had made it herself. She'd had a bit of help from her mother over break, but most of it had been done on her own. Hazel was eager to show it off. The dress was red with little black dots all over it, the sleeves sheer. She was fairly sure it would stand out on its own, but she would give it a little help. As she headed into the Great Hall, she didn't even wait for Professor Alcott-Ward to finish speaking before she made her way onto the dance floor. As soon as the music started playing, she spread her arms and spun around in the center of the dance floor, the skirts fanning out around her. Hazel laughed, deciding she would spin until she felt too dizzy or until she fell over, one or the other.
Kyousuke had been inspired secretly by Hazel's words earlier that year. He wasn't wearing anything too outlandish, but a lacy shirt and shorts probably wasn't the most usual yule ball attire. It was summer though and it made sense not to wear a suit with trousers. He spied Hazel herself on the dancefloor, and though Kyousuke wasn't much of a dancer himself, he approached. Kyousuke liked the way her skirt swirled; a simplicity that somehow enchanted him. "I like you dress," he complimented. "Red really suits you." He wondered if he should ask Hazel to dance with him, but felt a little shy.
The dizziness set in a lot faster than Hazel had anticipated, and she had to haltingly come to a stop. After a slight stumble, she turned to Kyousuke and smiled brightly. “Thanks! I made it, with help.” She admitted. She spread out the skirts with her hands. “You think?” She asked happily. Then she focused on what he was wearing. “Oh my gosh you look so cool! I love the shirt.” She said, leaning in to look at the ruffles.
Elise really liked school dances. She liked when people put on their best clothes and really tried to show off. She liked to think it was one of the few times people really got to express themselves while at school. With her camera around her neck, she made her rounds around the great hall taking pictures of students as she went. She really liked this whole yearbook thing. When she saw Hazel she rushed over and saw she was talking to Kyousuke. "Hello there!" she said formally, and gave them a little salute. "Mind if I take you're picture? You both look stunning this evening." she continued still acting overly formal. She was on the job after all.
Kyousuke raised his eyebrows. "That's impressive," he said, looking at the dress and its particulars and trying to imagine what went in to actually making a dress like it. He was far from an expert, far from someone who knew even a little, but he guessed it wasn't the simplest project. He gave a slight smile at her compliment - it hadn't been the easiest decision to wear what he wore, but he was glad at least that she liked it. He looked up as Elise spoke, listening, then turned to Hazel. "I don't mind if you don't," he said, then thought a little better of his words. "It would be a shame for your dress not to be preserved in the annals of time," he said in addition.
Hazel smiled and waved at Elise when she joined them, seeing her with her camera reminding her the girl was in ACCIO now too. Hazel should probably take some pictures herself, but for now she felt like Fraser and Elise had it covered. At least, that's what she told herself. She grinned and nodded. "Sure!" She said, moving closer to Kyousuke so maybe Elise could take a photo of them together. "Both of our outfits should go down in history." She joked lightly.
Elise gave a quick nod once they both said it was ok. She raised her camera and took a few steps back to make sure both of them were neatly in frame. She took a few photos to make sure she got a good one. She didn't always do that when she took people's photo but if it was someone she liked she usually did. If they all came out good then she just had more pictures of her friends. Elise took a deep breath and figured she could take a break since she had already made a few laps around the great hall. "So have either of you been on the dance floor?" she asked curiously.
Kyousuke did his best to smile for the photo, something of a genuine one coming through at Hazel's comment of their outfits going down in history. He liked that idea. "Thanks," he said to Elise for taking the photo. It was important to be polite where you could. "I'm not the biggest dancer," Kyousuke said slowly. He looked to Hazel for a moment. He had the strange thought that he wouldn't mind dancing, if she asked him to. He quickly amended his statement. "But I, um, don't mind embarrassing myself occasionally. If I'm in good company."
Hazel grinned and nodded at Elise's question. "I was spinning around on the dance floor until I got dizzy." She admitted. "But maybe normal dancing will go a bit better." She looked at Kyousuke as he spoke. First, he said he wasn't a big dancer, but Hazel grinned when he said he didn't mind embarrassing himself if he was in good company. "You're in the best company. We should dance." She said, gesturing at all three of them. "You won't look embarrassing, you'll look awesome."
Kyousuke gave a small smile, and a nod, then remembered that dancing would mean, well, actually dancing. He didn't really know any 'moves' as he knew other kids said, except for perhaps some traditional Japanese dancing that didn't really fit in with the atmosphere. But he tried his best, starting by simply moving a little in time with the music. He stepped side to side a little bit but didn't really do anything with his arms, just trying to get a feel for the rhythm. It actually felt weirdly good, and he gave a small encouraging smile to the two girls to join in.
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