Closed Watch Them Fly

Arvel Ayers

Chaser | St Mungo's Cleaner | Social Disaster
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
11/2033 (29)
Arvel was so desperate for an excuse to get out of the house, he’d have taken Analei up on an invitation to go skinny-dipping in a lake full of underfed piranhas. Luckily for him, she’d managed to get tickets to see the Kaikōura Kea versus the Thundelarra Thunderers instead, and, since the alternative was sitting in his room thinking up new and convincing answers to the ‘when-are-you-moving-out-again?’ question, he hadn’t even asked if she was sure she wouldn’t rather take Edmund. Not a chance Edmund was going instead of him. Arvel hadn’t been to a quidditch game in years.

He arrived at the stadium appropriately dressed in a Kea scarf and carrying a very small Kea flag that looked like it was supposed to be a cocktail decoration. It was a lovely clear day, and a large crowd had already gathered at the entrance. Arvel wandered among the people, looking for Analei and absently twirling his tiny flag.
Analei knew Arvel could do with a bit of fun, and getting them both out of the house was definitely a good idea; going to see a Quidditch game was a very fun idea. The Auror had told him that she'd meet him there, and she had completely lost track of the time, going through some paperwork on her latest assignment. Analei left the Ministry and apparated to the grounds as quick as she could, her eyes scanning the area, trying to spot Arvel's face in the crowd. After a second of forgetting she was looking for blonde hair instead of a brown mop, she spotted him and quickly made her way there. "Hi, hi! Sorry I'm late. And not dressed up." She said, looking at his tiny flag and scarf. "Maybe we should go buy some things quickly before it starts?" Analei asked, looking over to the merchandise shop.
The corners of Arvel's mouth quirked a fraction - a sure sign, at least in his own mind, that he was delighted to see his best friend. "Aye, if you want," he said, glancing at the food carts. "Snacks? Oh - flags. Probably a good idea. Yep. Shutting up. Following you."
Analei laughed at Arvel's response, throwing an arm around his shoulder as they walked towards the merchandise. "Well, we can get snacks too if you like, but I was thinking maybee..." She paused before walking to a store that had a more appropraitely sized flag. "These?" She laughed, before glancing her eyes around the rest of the items. "And maybe a shirt!" Analei exclaimed walking up to one and showing it to Arvel. "We can try get them signed after the game too, meet some of the team!"
Arvel was happy to go wherever Analei steered him; and though he really didn't have enough money to be buying quidditch merchandise, she made a compelling pitch. "Just Apollo Vasilakis," Arvel said. "Everyone else can go home." Of course, he'd have been thrilled to have his shirt signed by any of the Kea, but if he met Apollo first he was likely to forget anybody else existed. "Give me the flags, I'll buy them. Do you want a shirt?"
"Oooh, Apollo huh? Good to know." Analei teased, nudging Arvel's shoulder with her own. Analei handed the flags to Arvel, though feeling slightly bad that she had been the one to come unprepared, but Arvel was paying for the flags. "I'll get the shirts though." Analei said, grabbing a couple and taking them to pay for, grabbing a handful of chocolate frogs and two cauldron cakes.
Once they were all ready to go, Analei dragged her shirt on ontop of what she was wearing, before linking with Arvel and dragging him to the game, worried they were going to miss the start.

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