Wakey wakey

"Will you go there with me today?? I don't think I could go alone again but I need to see everyone." She looked up to him hoping he would say yes. The day before had been horrible going there but she couldn't stay away from her family.
Ana smiled. "I'll go and get changed and then we can go." She could feel her legs shaking as she walked up the stairs. She didn't know what to expect of the house and was nervous. She changed into a top and some jeans and then walked back down to Riley. "Ok. I'm ready." She smiled but her anxiousness was in her eyes and she expected Riley would probably see it.
Riley smiled then took her hand seeing her obveously nervousness. " Dont worr hun, im here with you ok. I wont let anthing happen to you. Calm down." He took her around the waist then walked out of the door with her then closed it behind them. " Do you want to apperate. Im not too sure where he lives." He smiled kindly at her
Ana laughed and smiled at him. "You've been there before you douch." She hugged him and apparated to the back garden of Sam's house. She then led Riley inside. The house was almost silent. Even the cats had stopped playing. Ana walked over to her aunt in the kitchen. As always Sam was cooking. "Hey Sam." She hugged her and tried to smile.
Sam was cooking again. It was the one thing that managed to keep her mind off things. Even cooking wasn't working though. She kept expecting Dervish to arrive behind her and hug her the way he used to. Sam turned when she heard Ana speak. She hugged her niece. "Hello Anamaria." She attempted a smile but the red face and blotchy eyes gave away the fact that she was crying. Sam saw Riley and turned to him. "Hello Riley. I hope the two of you are doing ok??"
Riley looked at the pregnant woman and nodded, not able to smile. " I am thank you for asking. Im sorry for your loss. I offer my deepest condolences." Riley stuck out his hand for her, unsure why he did it he just felt that maybe it would help slightly
Sam ignored his hand and hugged him. She was always very motherly to people, especially if they were boy/girl friends of her kids. "You're part of this family. Don't hesitate to be treated like it. You're welcome here anytime you need some company." She smiled at him and tried to act as normal as possible.
Riley allowed the hug and hugged her back. " Thank you Mrs Green, i will remember that." He smiled kindly then looked at Ana and took hold of her and again. Then looked back at her. " If you ever need anything then just tell me ok. I will do my best to help."
"We're going to go and have a look around and see who we can talk to." She smiled at her aunt and took Riley out the room and up the stairs to her room where she expected Odie would probably be.
Riley smiled then followed her upstairs. He wasnt in a real chatty mood so just kept his mouth shut. He followed her to a room. He didnt no what was in there but he wasnt too bothered about it
Odie had been led on her bed in her room. Her eyes were still red and puffy from crying. Not only did she not have a father for her child but she now had no dad herself. Even if he wasn't her real dad.
She sat up when she heard the door open and smiled slightly when she saw her sister. "Hey Ana." She looked at Riley for a second and then back to Ana. "How are you??"
Riley walked into a room behind Ana and saw that girl again. He really didn't like her but oh well. He stood in the doorway while they spoke. He looked around the room. It wasn't really his style but ok. He looked back at the girl. He didn't no weather to apologize. He walked over to her and smiled gently. " Im so sorry for what happend. If i could help in anyway then i will."
Odie pushed herself off the bed and crossed her arms. "I can think of a few way that you could help..." She looked at Ana. "I don't see why you've gone back to him after what he did." She glared at Riley.
"Odie, please. Don't do this now." She walked over to her bed next to Odie's and sat down on it. "I'm really not in the mood to listen to you two arguing. Can you just pretend you like each other??"
Riley frowned and rolled his eyes before resting his hand on Ana's shoulder. " I will leave you two alone ok, i know when im not wanted. Its a family thing." He kissed her on the cheek and headed for the door
Riley stopped and smiled and took hold of her hand. " Fine i will stay then." He chuckled then took her around the waist and looked at the other guy and slyly smiled from behind Ana;s shoulder
Odie rolled her eyes at Riley's smile. She hated boys who thought they were suddenly better because of the way his girl sucked up to him. "Merlin help me." She shook her head. "The only reason I am going to get along with him is because you're my little sister and I want you to be happy."
Ana noticed Riley's face and shook her head. "This isn't working." She looked between her boyfriend and her sister. "I'm going to go in the bathroom and give you two five minutes alone. Perhaps then you'll be able to work things out." Ana walked away from Riley and went into her's and Odie's en suite bathroom.
Riley watched her go then sighed. He looked at the girl on the bed and looked away. He diddnt want to be in here. He diddnt feel right to be around the family of the man he had killed. " Well this isnt awkward at all is it."
Odie walked over to him so she was stood right next to him. "Here's the deal. I hate you and the only reason I haven't hurt you is because I love my sister and I want her to be happy. I don't care what you think of me but if you do anything to hurt her and that includes trying to win her over then I will put you in severe pain." She smirked. "Got that??"
Riley rolled his eyes. " Look missy just leave it ok. Why would i try and win her over. I have her where i want her ok. I love your sister and i dont care what yo think ok so just leave it." He walked over to where Ana was. " Hunny we are the best of friends now, can you come back out i miss you." He smiled
Ana opened the bathroom door. She had been listening to most of the conversation by putting her ear to the door. "I know you two are still acting stupid with each other so get it sorted or I'm never coming out." She closed the door again and leant with her back to it. She was in a bad mood and she couldn't deal with the two of them fighting but she wanted to be with both of them.

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