
Color war at my camp two years ago. They showed it to us and were like "It's something about all the work they were doing around the camp......"

:cry: I was on the team with the failing dude! (Ari) It was his fault we lost (I have to blame it on someone, it really wasn't his fault). :glare: But my team won last summer.
Okay so we had a whole day of media today and we had to do a music video. My group thought that we should do Telephone by Lady Gaga and well i thought i'd share the video with you because i think it's pretty funny :) We had so much fun making it and it was a great day :D

Unfortunately you have to have a facebook account to see it because we haven't put it on youtube yet :tut:
Telephone- Lady Gaga
Why you shouldn't trust profile pictures:

Drunk history: People get drunk then discover a historical fact, which they then retell. It is then acted out as narrated by the drunk person. The actors, however, are famous actors.
The first one: Alexander Hamilton (Michael Cera)
I think the best one, however is the story of Nicola Tesla:
Sassy Gay Friend: Also a series. Take a Shakespearean tragedy and the female hero. Now give that heroine a sassy gay friend and see how the situation turns out differently.
Sassy Gay Friend in Hamlet:
This is me when I am bored :D

If you have a little trouble hearing what I am saying, I said, "This is how you burn Germans." because this was for a Social WWII Project.
I'm the dude with the flamethrower, the camera guy is someone I got paired up with :D
Sorry bout the gestures at the beginning xD

View My Video
two vids:

you've probably seen this one, but spot your accent
and spot the Kiwi one - that's how your Kiwi charries would probably sound!

also, a flashmob: Raglan 350 Flashmob
it was to gain awareness for global warming or something.
spot me, I'm in a grey shirt with a black hat ;)
also a classic Kiwi song; Fred Dagg - The Gumboot Song
Omg guys I'm not even kidding you. This is seriously.. I have honestly found my soulmate. :cry: :wub: "WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?" :cry:

Oh, and here's a marvellous remix. "My front yard." :cry:

Aaaand another video of the same dude getting emotional over some turkeys and the moon. "This is amazing place." :jesse:

:wub: :lol: :woot: xD =))

Oh yeah, and I certainly posted through this character on purpose. :r xD Miles and this guy could be twins.

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