Usergroup Changes

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Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
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Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
Hello HNZ!

It was many, many, moons ago when we created user groups with colour (it's true - all our groups used to be black), and with that came more fine tuning what groups we wanted to exist and how amazing they would look.

Back in those days, the school was really the only active area of the site - and every character had a relationship to the school, so a "family members" group made a lot of sense for those characters which were rarely used (except on holidays) and then "members" was kind of a default we inherited. We chose pretty colours for both groups and were off to the races!

Now HNZ has developed a lot since then, and both groups don't make as much sense - so we've made a change. There is now but one group, which is Magical (you'll notice this is the same colour as the old 'family' group - we know how much you loved it)!
"But I liked the 'member' colour!" I hear you saying. Fret not, the Muggle group now has that colour.

I know this will take some getting used to, but we feel this is a change that makes a lot of sense for the board.
If you have a character who is a muggle but was formerly in the 'family' or 'members' group and is now incorrectly in the 'magical' group [member]just submit a group change![member]

Looking forward to lots more magical roleplays with you all - and let us know if you have any questions or concerns!

(On behalf of the HNZ Admin Team)
I love it! :woot:
Dear God ...


Quick question - where do squibs fit in?
They're still from a magical background even if they can't use magic, so magical. :)
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
They're still from a magical background even if they can't use magic, so magical. :)
To add to this, they still see things muggles can't (eg dementors), so they're "magical" in the "non-muggle" sense. :)
Thanks, Cyndi (and Nick) :)

Also, I've always been a bit confused as to the proper use of the Other Employees group. What characters are best suited to go in there? If it was just 'anyone with a job outside of the ministry', a good 80% of my characters would be there, and it'd look a bit strange to me.

Please clarify? What's the recommended use for that member group?
Professor Wren Louise said:
Also, I've always been a bit confused as to the proper use of the Other Employees group. What characters are best suited to go in there? If it was just 'anyone with a job outside of the ministry', a good 80% of my characters would be there, and it'd look a bit strange to me.

Please clarify? What's the recommended use for that member group?
I wanted to slaughter that group, too, but alas - Cyndi stayed my hand.
I think its best usage is for jobs which there are lists for but aren't large enough to sustain their own group. (E.g. Daily Prophet reporters, Professional Quidditch players, St. Mungo's Healers).
Nicolas King said:
I wanted to slaughter that group, too, but alas - Cyndi stayed my hand.
I think its best usage is for jobs which there are lists for but aren't large enough to sustain their own group. (E.g. Daily Prophet reporters, Professional Quidditch players, St. Mungo's Healers).
That sounds about right.

You've both earned yourselves a lot of usergroup changes from me =))

But thanks, that's helpful.

Of course, now that I have a better idea of where to put my characters, I proceeded to botch my applications more than once by requesting people to the wrong groups.

I need a coffee.

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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