User Group Problem

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Yea, so...

As I was attempting to switch some user groups, I did something and ended up switching every account to Global Moderator. To be honest, I have no idea how to fix this because I'm not even entirely sure what I did to create this problem. All I did was hit one of the autotool buttons.

Please, please try to not wreak havoc on the site while I attempt to not panic and work on this problem.


It's totally okay Cyndi. Don't panic. Breathe. It will all be okay. And if I can help you in any way, let me know. :D
I thought it was April Fools too-don't worry-we will behave :D
Awh Cyndi, don't worry, we'll behave :) I love the look of Elliot in Purple :p
Just let us know if we can help!
I logged on and was like WTF is a Hypnotoad o_O

It's all good Cyn...I'll just make sure not to click on anything that looks important xD
I did wonder what had happened. Keep calm and carry on. Don't worry, I'm sure things will be sorted out soon enough :console:

You haven't managed to accidentally set everyone with the Global Mod mask, or something, have you?
A mask is something set for certain user groups which prevents Muggles from seeing and posting in the Death Eater hideout, for example. It's what (I assume) is used during school holidays to allow students to post and see The Wizarding World.
aww Cyndi :hug: Don't panic my dear, we won't do anything to cause a mess
It's all with learning :)
Larissa Sedgwick said:
I did wonder what had happened. Keep calm and carry on. Don't worry, I'm sure things will be sorted out soon enough :console:

You haven't managed to accidentally set everyone with the Global Mod mask, or something, have you?
Exactly what she did, it was an accident.

All the other groups got deleted. :(

But it's alright Cyndi, it will all work out.
Dont worry Cyndi, everyone makes mistakes. we will not wreck too much havoc, and try our best to behave. I am sure it can be sorted soon.
Don't worry Cyndi it was a simple mistake. It will all work out in the end. :)
Don't worry about me dear. I will keep my hands to myself
This makes me laugh. :r
I feel kinda important now ;) haha, jk... Don't worry too much, it could be a lot worse :)
Mistakes happen Cyndi, not a problem. ^_^ I'm sure you or Nick will be able to figure it out. If you need help, I'd be more than happy to help seeing as I work with ZB all the time, although I think Nick will get everything fixed without assistance. :p

Although I'm 99% sure this is an april fools jokes. ahahahaha
I wish this could be more of an update :(
So, I've tried a couple of things and I even thought I had it fixed before I went to bed, but...obviously I didn't fix a thing.
Thanks for being on your best behavior.
Don't worry Cyndi, i have to say, the colour suits everyone :D

Where's Nick when you need him??? :p

I won't do anything stupid - i promise :) haha :p
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