Closed Upper classmen now

Zennon Baros

Finley's dad; healer
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cypress Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
Zennon could not believe that he was a fourth year. This year was a new year for him. That spin the bottle game made him realize that he was exceedingly different. He didn’t want to kiss girls or boys. Was he broken? Maybe, since he could even talk to snakes! Sighing, the Baros boy walked out into the sunlight, and basked in it. Spring was in the air. And, Zennon was looking for some company. He needed to try to get in touch with his friends again since he kind of fell off the face of the earth when his father got hurt. He had no idea how to explain how much it affected him, just because his father broke his legs during an accident. It was different. To him, it was like watching his father’s dream shatter. Who would understand that? Zennon continued to walk, that is, until his eyes lit up at the sight of two of his buddies. He hoped that they remembered his name at least. “Leda! Mervyn!” Zennon waved at the two.
Leda had had the best holidays so far. Even though things were more tense than ever with Olive, and the Slytherin still hadn't forgiven her for leaving so abruptly the year before, she'd managed to at least enjoy a few fun weeks with Mervyn. Having her best friend come to stay had been fun, and she was more than excited to be back at Hogwarts too, ready for another year. She had more going on now, and as much as the red head hated to admit it, she realised she was secretly probably growing up a bit. That didn't mean she was going to always act like it though. As she waited for Mervyn to stop faffing around, so they could go and find where the new study groups were being held, she heard a voice behind her. She turned to see one of the younger boys that really, she should havr considered a friend at this point. Leda was happy enough to keep to herself and she'd only really considered Mervyn her best friend, but there were a few others she had come to tolerate over the years; Zennon, Uno and Sapphire amongst them, although the latter only because she'd felt it necessary given her relationship with the Gryffindor. She gave the boy a small wave. "Mr Baros. Fancy seeing you here. Didn't decide to take a year off then?" She would have happily done so herself given half the chance. "Tell me, did you get up to anything exciting?" She asked with a small smirk, always eager to hear a good story.
Mervyn's cheeks were killing him. He'd never had to hold so many fake smiles for so long, and he was beginning to feel as though he had cramp in his face. Just hanging out with Leda was exhausting. He could hardly remember who he'd been, how he'd behaved, before the holidays. Did he usually smile when he saw Leda? Or did he greet her with a punch on the arm and ask her which goblin's makeup tutorial she'd been following this time? He didn't know. Thus he had decided the safest course of action was to exhibit even more confidence than usual. Nobody was going to suspect him for that - he'd just been made prefect! And it was a great deal less suspicious than suddenly turning shy and reticent.

He was walking along with Leda when a voice hailed them from behind. Mervyn turned, and grinned. "Awright, Zen?" he said, wondering how long it would take their old friend to notice their prefect badges. "Yeah - choo been doin'? Fort yous was avoidin' us."
Zennon blushed a fair bit when Leda and Mervyn both commented on his lack of being around the school. Maybe he should tell them what happened. He had to unload it on someone. Before he opened his mouth to explained what all happened, he noticed that the both of them wore prefect badges. Oh, this was great! He beamed, "You both are prefects! That is amazing! Congratulations to you both, very well deserved." Zennon had to think over his times, because Leda expected a good story, and the only one he had was a tragic one. "Oh, I got a job at the book store, so there's that. Um, about me not being around, that's a long story. So, you are welcome, Leda." Zennon chuckled before shaking his head. This was going to be a fun explanation.

"My parents are dancers. Professional dancers in the ballet. They loved it, and were living their dreams. It was awesome to see them dance together. They were so organized, almost famous really, because they could do anything thrown at them. But, my dad was doing a dangerous stunt. He did a big leap, he slid off the tall stairs on the stage, and broke both of his legs. There were some complications, and though his legs are fine and healed, he can't dance anymore. He lost his dream just like that, a tiny mistake. It was hard to see it crash down. My dad is an optimist, and had my uncle Keyne to help him out, but it still sucks to see your dad no longer do what he wants to do."

Zennon took a deep breath and shrugged his shoulders. "I also don't have crushes on anyone, and I don't like the thought of kissing anyone, so there's that too." Zennon finally gave a gesture to let them know that he was finished explaining why he had not been around as much.

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