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Charlotte Williams

fashion designer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Willow Wand 14" Unicorn Tail Hair
Charlotte Edwina Williams

This is Charlottle Edwina Williams
She's lonely as she is new to New Zealand.

Here is her Development, Clickey!
Read away and see if your character would be able to her friend, if you do not wish to read threw it, here is a very brief description of her:

She is the daughter of a Lord. Who is currently in New Zealand as the forgin exchange student.
Charlotte is a very polite and well mannered girl. She is not very adventurous and general will not venture out of her comfort zone. Charlotte is quiet and quite shy. Charlotte doesn't have many friends but she has two close friends but since she moved to New Zealand, she has lost them.
Charlotte is very formal, and understands verylittle about the modern world. She is very closed off to every one. She lives in her own world.

Charlotte needs Friends, mainly, people who will accept her for who she is. A best friend, someone who will completely see past it, and not even noticed Charlotte's weird ways. She needs people to hate her, or make fun of her, since she acts in a very polite way.
Charlotte also needs some people, who will recongise her, or know who she is, and want to live off her, and the wealth she has. Her family is very rich, and they could've gone to her house which is open to the public.
Charlotte also needs to meet a couple of boys. Friends would be good, but she would find it hard to be friends with her. And maybe a crush. But nothing serious.

Thank you very much
Hey there. I have Shiloh Denton, unfortunately I have yet to complete her character Dev, but I will tell you abit about her.
Shiloh is a happy-go-lucky, loves everything about magic girl. She is a muggle-born so she now does everything she can to learn about magic. She is oblivious to alot of things when she likes some-one and she is kind. She doesn't take crap from people and she can be mean. But only when she absolutely has too. Her father is a Lawyer and her mother is a Dentist.
I think they could make good friends, perhaps best friends, a little down the line, but, Friends.
I can see Charlotte, taking a shine to someone who is kind, but also strong. Strong being a quality
that Charlotte lacks. She might be able to feel stronger around someone like Shiloh. This I believe
shall be a good friendship, Would you like to start something, or would you like me to?
I have Nicole here, a very smart that she will correct you if something is wrong with the information you got, Optimistic, Cunning and Kind. She comes from a muggle community but her father is a pureblood, Nicole's family is a second family as her father has a first family. Nicole has a sister at Hogwarts and despise her for being her sister.

And I have Zach(Its a girl) who can be her enemy, Zach has two personalities because at night she's a superstar and in the morning she's a regular teenage girl. As Charlotte is a daughter of a Lord, she can have made an appearance of one of the charity events that they held and known Zach there but she also has two names, Zach(normal teenage girl) and Hannah(superstar girl).

So do you like it?
(Its Shiloh btw)

Do you think you could please, I dont really like starting haha
Rebecca Elizabeth

Becca could be a friend for Charlotte. Her whole family are well-known theatre actors. She is used to 'people who consider themselves 'upper class', because of her parents.
She has two personalities, Becca and Elizabeth. Her personalities are like two different people.

Becca: Becca dislikes 'posh' people She is very intelligent, but at the same time, she is incredibly stupid. Becca observes people to see how they act, and tries to befriend them. She doesn't understand people very well, and can't stand petty arguments between friends. She can be stubborn, but is fiercely loyal. She isn't afraid to speak her mind, and can be downright annoying

Elizabeth: She is very kind and sweet. Elizabeth is quite shy, and doesn't like to break rules. She loves horseriding, dancing and art. She is loyal to her friends.
I can see Charlotte taking a real liking to Nicole, since she is
smart and Charlot would enjoy being in such company. She's the type
to prefer people who are smarter, and better educated because of her
Would you like to start something? Or Would you like me to?

I can see them having met in passing, and Charlotte not really
liking her. As in her music, because Charlotte is particular with music,
I think they would easily be enemies in person, Charlotte only knowing
her by the name Hannah.
Would you like to start something? Or Would you like me to start something?
Okay, will do. I shall PM you the link as soon as I have finished it.

<FONT font="georgia">Rebecca/Elizabeth&Charlotte
I think that it is hard to tell if they would be friends because of the two personalities.
I think that Charlotte would be very confused about Rebcca/Elizabeth and unsure about
being friends with her. She might just not say anything. I think to really tell we would
need to RP.
So, Would you like to start to something?

I can start the one between her and Nicole, Could you start the other?
I can offer Amanda as a friend. Amanda has two different sides. She's shy in front of most people, but with her friends she can be quite crazy. She is smarter than most, but is also funny. Amanda, too, has just moved to New Zealand. She doesn't have any friends yet, so she would jump at the opportunity to make one. How does it sound?
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