Unsocial Gathering

Kalif Styx

retired † patriarch
OOC First Name
Kalif Styx did not agree to this sort of outing to begin with, but Radoul insisted that he at least attempt to have a good night. It had been a while since Kalif even knew what enjoyment was. However, at least he was giving this a shot, and did not know if he regretted inviting Monty Pendleton out for this or not. A part of him would, while the other part did not care. Truth be told, he needed this. He walked into the pub that Radoul wrote down on a sheet of parchment at the appropriate time. Already, his big friend was there. Good. Kalif would not know how to feel if he arrived early to such an occasion. Social parties like this, that were not family inclusive, were not his thing. Kalif approached the table and sat down, figuring that Radoul would likely know what was good and not so good here. Kalif rarely drank anything but tea. Anything sweet bothered him. Drinks were often not sweet, so they likely would not bother him as much, but considering the lack of alcohol he ever had, he could prove to be a lightweight. Only time would tell. "Don't make me regret this, Radoul," warned the professor.
"Nazdráve!" Radoul boomed as his friend sat at the round table. There was a giant bottle of firewhiskey and a slightly smaller bottle of his preferred spiced rum already open in from of them. "Of course you will regret it, old friend. I have not done my job if you do not. Your head will split, your eyes will stab into your sockets, and you will forget all of your sorrows for the trouble of today."

Radoul knew nothing about Kalif's encounter with his coworker at the clothing shop, so he was not expecting another to approach their table, but there was definitely someone coming towards them. Radoul's eyes glittered black as beetles and he put his hand on his wand holster as the man wove his way through the tables towards them.
"You are expecting more company?" he murmured in a low voice, eyes flicking towards his pale-haired friend. The big man was ever suspicious, despite his apparent good-spirits (and penchant for attracting trouble).
Monty wasn't sure what the hell he'd gotten himself into, but he was about to find out. Drinks, with Kalif and a friend? It was a wonder the Potions professor hadn't fainted with shock. There must have been some sort of catch. Kalif didn't just invite people out for drinks - especially not people like Monty - which only added to Monty's suspicions that Kalif was not quite feeling himself. He'd noticed it in the elder man's face; he looked troubled, somehow - almost distressed. So while Monty didn't particularly feel like socialising with Kalif and a complete stranger, he'd said yes anyway. Truth be told, he was touched by the invite. Besides, how badly could it go?

Entering the pub, Monty glanced around for the Defence professor's familiar face. He spotted him at a table near the corner of the room, presumably with the friend he had mentioned earlier, and began to make his way over, noting at once the suspicion in the stranger's face. Would smiling make things better, or worse? Merlin, if Monty didn't start drinking quick, this was going to be a long, long night. "Hello," he said, as he reached the table, turning to address Kalif's friend. "Sorry, I, er... I hope this wasn't unexpected. I'm Monty - I work with Kalif at the castle. Can I get either of you drinks?"
His friend was quite loud, which meant that if Kalif drunk as much as Radoul was expecting him to, then he would have an earsplitting headache by the time he woke up. Last time he got drunk, last few times actually, he ended up with three kids, by two different mothers. One was a muggle for Merlin's sake. Kalif did not think he wanted to get that wasted again. He poured himself a shot of the open bottle of whiskey. As he held it, he noticed Radoul get a little tense, and looked in the direction the man was looking at. Kalif sighed, not sure what he should have expected. Radoul was ready to pounce, from what he seemed. Kalif sighed, as he swirled the orange liquid in the glass. "That is Monty. He's... I'm not sure." Kalif did not know if Monty was desperate or saw something that Kalif did not. He shrugged his shoulders as Monty introduced himself and how the two knew each other. Kalif spoke in a higher tone so that Monty could hear him. "Radoul Antoaneta. We went to school together." That was all Monty needed to know about Radoul. Kalif did not bother answering the offer, instead, he downed the shot, and breathed out. Why did he ever agree so such a gathering? This was public, so who knew who else would come in and see the Slytherin Head of House drinking with the potions professor and an ex-con.
Jacqueline Burke had stopped teaching at Hogwarts New Zealand roughly six years ago, right after her divorce was final. Occasionally, she missed it, but most of the time she was much happier running her shop and focusing on her other business. Tonight, Jacqueline was in a local pub that she frequented regularly when she was in town on the weekend. Occasionally, she met friends here, but more often than not she flirted with men she met. Jacqueline was still very attractive for her age, and she liked the attention she got. The brunette had just ordered another drink at the bar when she noticed a familiar face at a nearby table with two men she didn't know. Kalif Styx. While they had never been close, they were on friendly terms when she taught at the school. He was from a large pureblood family like she was. Jacqueline picked up her drink and made her way over to the table. "Hello Kalif. I'm surprised to see you here. How've you been?" she asked, her voice pleasant. "Who are your friends?" she asked, looking the other two up and down with her icy blue eyes.
The small get together seemed to grow a bit bigger when someone else he had not seen in years arrived. Could be worse, Kalif assumed. If Tristan had come in, he would have to hold Radoul back. After all, it was Tristan's fault for Radoul's temper that day, as well as his own issues in the United Kingdom. Kalif waved his hand toward a chair, summoing it to the table to allow the woman to sit. Why not. "That is Pend- Monty. He teaches Potions at the school. And the loud mouth is Radoul, a school friend of mine." He paused for a moment, knowing the other two would not really know her. "She's Jacqueline. She used to teach Transfiguration and left years ago." Kalif felt as though this was getting a little crowded, but luckily, the alcohol was assisting in his nerves which would have been lost otherwise.

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