Open Unadvised Adventure

Emma van Houten

Excitable | Loud | Older twin | Party Planner
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 Inch Swishy Acacia Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
1/2038 (24)
Emma was glad to be back at Hogwarts, though she wasn't very excited for her classes or the OWLs. She was hopeful for this semester, though. There was a Quidditch game soon and she was hoping that she could spend some more time with Issac. The night at the yule ball had been a lot of fun, though it was a bit of a disappointment not to officially be his girlfriend by now. Maybe he was shy, or maybe she just needed to try a bit harder to impress him. Emma wasn't sure, but she had the idea more girls probably liked him. She had to stand out.

That was why she was here now. Emma had actually been out with her broom to get some practicing in, when she had glanced over at the forest. She had gone in there before, but not in a while, suddenly she thought that it would be awesome to have a cool adventure she could tell Issac about. Surely he would be impressed by that? So without too much further thought, Emma had headed from the lawn to the edge of the forest, her broom still in hand. It was rather clever, if she said so herself. If she did run into something dangerous, she could simply fly away. Easy! Emma paused to adjust her hair, using a hairclip to keep some of it out of her face. Then she walked into the forest with her broom over her shoulder, eager to see what she might run into. Hopefully it was something impressive.
Freya was behaving. She had done minimal antagonising, and had managed to restrain herself from exerting any extra energy on seeking out people to bother. Gently harassing her housemates didn't count, as Freya couldn't be too nice to them in case they began thinking she was their friend or something, although that whole situation was getting a little too familiar for Freya's liking. Freya could quite easily admit to herself that she was falling apart internally a little as she tried to push everyone else away, but letting anyone else even begin to suspect she was anything other than totally fine would be an emotional death sentence.

She'd decided to resolve the problem by disappearing for hours on end and generally being suspicious about her whereabouts in case anyone were to ask. That way, she had a perfectly good excuse to be unavailable. Freya had taken to bringing along her pet fairy on her excursions, as it was a decent listener. She also didn't trust it not to trash the dorm if she left it alone. Freya frowned as she saw a student walk into the forest, and her face scrunched up as she recognised Emma's obnoxious orange head.

The Gryffindor couldn't even let her lurk in peace, and Freya rolled her eyes at the fairy and got up to follow. While rules were completely subjective in Freya's personal moral code, she didn't made a habit of smashing them completely, so she was a little curious as to why Emma was blatantly wandering into the forest. She wasn't so low as to snitch on Emma, but she wasn't going to miss an opportunity to sneak around and spy on her. Freya's fairy, on the other hand, did not seem to grasp the concept of hiding. "PC, don't you dare," she hissed, as her pet zoomed towards Emma's hair. The fairy didn't listen to her. It never listened to her, and Freya honestly didn't know why she expected anything else from the useless creature. She ducked behind a tree and hoped that Emma wouldn't try investigating.
Emma was walking into the forest, feeling slightly more uneasy about it as the trees above her blocked more and more of the light. She grabbed her wand to use Lumos, when she suddenly heard something nearby. She whirled around with a gasp, only to see a fairy. Emma blinked, tilting her head. She lit the tip of her wand and held it up to see the creature more closely. "Uh, hi." She said, grinning. "I didn't know fairies lived in the forest." She said, glancing around to see if she could spot more. It wasn't the most impressive thing she could imagine, but she had at least found something.
Freya watched as Emma interacted with her fairy, staying as silent as she could so she wouldn't reveal herself. She was going to wring PC's tiny neck if she ever caught her horribly disobedient fairy. She squinted to try keep track of where the tiny creature was, and covered her mouth to stifle a laugh as the fairy began trying to tangle itself in Emma's hair. Freya wondered if the fairy would let her have a few strands. She was sure there must be some kind of potion that required a victim's hair.

She was a little worried for her fairy's safety, since it was trying to rip Emma's hair out and she couldn't trust the Gryffindor not to harm it. Tucking herself out of sight behind a tree, Freya considered trying to scare Emma a bit. She began growling, low and angry, and rustled some leaves to get Emma's attention, before darting behind another tree to hide. Freya felt a little silly playing such a childish prank, but Emma had walked right into a place full of dangerous creatures, so she really was asking for it.
Emma watched the fairy closely, but then gasped when it started to tangle in her hair. "Hey!" She yelped, batting at it lightly. She didn't want to hurt it, she was just hoping to scare it. But then she heard a growling noise and whirled around, forgetting all about the fairy for a moment. She held up her lit wand, staring at the space she had heard it coming from. "Who's there?" She called, which was a bit silly if it was an animal. She squinted, trying to see what it was.
Making scary animal noises to spook Emma was fun, but Freya was not content with simply hiding in the shadows and waiting to get caught. She jumped out of the bushes, right into the wand's light, and swung around to try catch her fairy. Deeply regretting her lack of foresight to bring a butterfly net, Freya scooped it up and held it close. "Why am I not surprised you'd come into the forest to bully innocent fairies?" she grinned at Emma and skipped a few steps away. "Oh, right!" Freya turned back to Emma, as though suddenly remembering something. "There's something out there and it sounds really mad, so you should probably run."
Emma jumped with a surprised yelp as Freya suddenly appeared, jumping out of the bushes and scaring her for a moment. She quickly scowled at the Hufflepuff, putting her hands on her hips. "If anything, the fairy was bullying me." She snapped, looking at Freya suspiciously. "Were you following me?" She added, glancing around to see if any of her weird Hufflepuff friends were here. She crossed her arms at her last statement. "Yeah right, like I'm going to fall for that." She said, sure now that Freya had been the one making the noise. If she hadn't, she would be worried too.

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