Two Months

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Estrella Drage

Obliviator for MACUSA | HNZ 1st Graduating Class
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Hey guys,

I know I haven't been around much, but I've decided it would be best to leave HNZ for a few months. I'll be gone until the middle of December, when the semester is over.

I'll miss you all. I can't wait until I can RP properly again.

Again, Pat will be taking over the Character-Celebrity list while I'm gone, much thanks to her :wub:

One of my characters is going to be played by someone else in my absence ( :wub: ,) so if you think I'm around, it's not me. Estrella is with her kids in the States for the time being. Otherwise, all of my characters are taken care of. They can live their normal (or not so normal) lives just fine while I'm gone. :lol:

See you soon (if the time flies, which it should,)
So even though I already knew about this for like the last week or so I'm going to say TTFN in here too. Though it's not really TTFN seeing as how we like text every day anyways xD Enjoy your break and then get your arse ready to be back and RP missy prissy :p

Looooove joo!!

Nooooo, duuuuude!

Who am I going to bother on Skype? xD
Well, you just relax and have fun baby, we'll be here just the same when you come back. if you're able to catch up with me, do! I know I've been a bit scare since my course started, but don't hesitate to message.

♥ Missing you already
Imma text you like a beast, girlie! ♥
When I remember to charge my phone. :r

Have fun on your break!
~ Sir Kaitlyn
I knew about this but still I'm saying bye here anyways! Your phone is going to explode from all of my texts!
Sorry to disappoint you guys :tut: but I'm back. I've been checking HNZ everyday anyway (so there isn't really any point to this break) and my grades are not suffering at the moment. So, I'm officially off my break!

Kaitlyn and Kelsey: My phone did not explode. I am disappointed in the both of you. Thanks to the rest of you guys for your good wishes. xD

I forgot to text. Ooops. :r
But yay for being back!
Shortest two months of life, that's all I'm saying. :tut:
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