Closed Twin Troubles

Xinyi Huang

Eldest- Artist- Soft
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
18 (5/27/2043)
Xinyi had arrived home first, so he went back to their room and started getting his things put away again. He was worried about how Jingyi might react, or if he might have changed his mind about coming back home. Xinyi supposed that Jingyi was just running behind a little bit. He just hoped that his brother would be even a little happy to see him. Xinyi had been thinking of getting a gift for Jingyi, but in the end he had decided against it. Feeling a little restless, he sat down on the edge of the bed, fidgeting with his hands while he waited for Jingyi to get back.
Jingyi was actually a little nervous about the break. It would be the first time he saw Xinyi since they had parted ways to attend different schools. And while they had been keeping a little contact, it wasn't the same as seeing each other in person again. Jingyi knew they hadn't parted in the best of ways, and now he didn't know how he was supposed to make it up to his twin again. He had hoped to get more time to think about it, but it appeared as though he was not the first one to make it back. Admittedly, he hadn't been sure that Xinyi was actually going to go home. He might have decided that Hogwarts Scotland was better and stayed for the break. "Oh," he loitered by the door for a moment, swallowing as he slipped in and closed it behind him, "I didn't think you would be back yet."
Xinyi sat up quickly when Jingyi entered the room, swallowing nervously. "I- erm- yeah," He managed shyly, twisting his hands in his lap. He hesitated a moment, before scooting over to the edge of the bed, reaching his hand out, a little slower, trying to brush it over Jingyi's. "I missed you..." He murmured shyly, peeking up at his twin.
Now he was actually faced with his twin, Jingyi honestly didn't really know what to say. The last conversation they had actually had face to face hadn't really gone according to plan, so he was still incredibly weary about messing something up again and saying the wrong thing. "I missed you too," he did offer quickly, though stayed where he was near the door, awkwardly shuffling a foot. "I, um... how are things? You know... at the other Hogwarts."
Xinyi swallowed hard. Rosie's words drifted through his head, everything she'd said about him and his brother. He didn't answer immediately, instead standing up and stepping around the bed. He hugged his brother, almost a bit nervously, waiting a moment to see how Jingyi would react. Xinyi shut his eyes, lingering, ready to either tighten his hold and hide his face in Jinyi's neck if his brother returned the sentiment or just step away if Jingyi wanted to push him back.
Jingyi was still trying to work out what he wanted to say, how he was going to apologize for how he had been acting for the past couple of years. Because it really hadn't been fair. He had made his own brother feel like an outcast and like he wasn't wanted. But what Jingyi really hadn't been expecting was for Xinyi to suddenly start hugging him. He was just a little startled blinking as he awkwardly stood there for a moment. "You're... um.... hugging me." He didn't know why he was pointing that out, it was rather obvious.
Xinyi didn't bother pulling away, just smiling softly. "Yeah, I am." He countered, tightening his arms just a little around his brother. "I... I missed you, and I'm- I'm soft. I tried to ignore it for- forever, but... I'm soft, and affectionate, and maybe that might be bad but... I like hugs, and cuddling, and I love to draw." He pulled back gently, peeking through his bangs at his brother. "And... I love you, more than I love myself. But I- am working on that, because I know that that isn't healthy." He took a deep breath and took a small step back, smiling shyly.

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