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Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
53 (11/2009)
Professor Le fey was looking forward to the halloween feast. she had not been to one since her time at the school. this year she had decided to go as a banshee. her hear hadn't been washed for a week, so now it was no longer shiny, but dirty. also during that time she had only brushed it with her fingers, this lead to it being appropriately matted for her costume. her costume wasn't much more than that, she had on a black dress that looked ripped, and she had put some dark lipstick on and some dark eyeliner. it didn't take long and she was ready.
she made her way down from her tower matted hair down her back and hanging over her face. she followed a group of students in, there seemed to be a zombie, a sports player, and a fairy in the group. she entered the great hall and marvelled at the decorations, she would have sworn that they were better than they had been before. she headed over to the food table, forgetting about savoury, she would have that later, she took a caldron cake. and bit into it. she looked around the hall trying to see if she could see anyone she knew to talk to. she couldn't see anyone, she recognised but the costumes were too good to be certain.
Professor Kingsley had really been feeling under the weather for the past few weeks. She'd been feeling quite rundown and even teaching, something the professor loved to do on most days, had become a huge chore. She'd also been suffering from headaches, and it made Cyndi wonder if she needed to get her eyes checked. Perhaps all of the reading she'd been doing had strained her eyes somehow. Still, she couldn't help but grow excited as Halloween drew closer. It was one of the big holidays around the school, and she enjoyed seeing the decorations go up.

As she donned her costume, Cyndi was pleased at how her costume looked. She was a little on the pale side, but she looked exactly like the picture in the book she'd borrowed from the library about muggle careers. Adjusting the holster at her waist, Cyndi stepped out of her room and headed downstairs. As she entered the Great Hall behind a student dressed as a werewolf, she headed straight for the food table. Before she could begin celebrating, she desperately needed a pumpkin pasty. Spying a plate of them, the professor picked one up and then headed over to another professor she saw. It was odd considering one of her former students as a colleague now, but she figured if people were able to adjust to her presence, she surely could adjust to her former student's new role. "Nice costume Elvera" Cyndi said with a soft smile as she took a bite of the pasty. It was very...pumpkin-y, and as she went for another bite, she paused. "Does it feel odd to be here as a professor and not a student?" she asked. It had certainly been an adjustment for her when she'd first come back to the school to teach.
Elvera looked around as she heard someone nearby, however she didn't pay them much attention until she head them speak. it was Professor Weasley, or as she was nor called Cyndi Kingsley. Her former runes professor had created a very convincing police costume. "thank you Professor. I mean Cyndi. you costume is very nice too, very convincing" she said cringing slightly when she called her colleague professor. she still hadn't quite go it built in that the professors were her colleagues now and therefore were called by their first name not title. She smiled at Cyndi, she seemed to know exactly what it was she was thinking. "I am sort of getting used to it, although she sometimes get surprised when students say professor and they are talking to me." she said after she had finished her cake. She saw that Cyndi was eating a pumpkin pasty and she decided that they looked and smelt very nice. she then picked one of them up. not quite ready to take a bite, but ready to claim it for when she was. "so how have you been, Cyndi I haven't seen you around much" she asked her former professor, she had been busy the last few weeks, sorting out lessons, and marking work, as well as making sure her mother and sister were okay.
Icarus had never been to a Halloween feast before as it wasn't a tradition held in his country. From his collegue's description, he wasn't really intrigued to dress up and make an appear at the great hall. However, the complaints coming from his empty stomach convinced him to dress up in something simple and quick. He found in his wardrobe the backest of his clothes to wear for his idea. He was highly inspired by Elvera that she was going to dress up as banshee. He used his wand for the rest of his disguise's details. He used several spells and charms to make his skin pale, grow a bit his fangs and turn his grey eyes into bloody red. He then applied some dragon blood on his skin, chin and face and decided also to turn his fair hair into darker. He hadn't see a vampire before but he was sure that it would look something like that. He was glad that he was good in transformation and in prank jinxes. He wasn't expecting them to come in handy after school life.

Once ready, he made his way to the great hall, accompanied with groups of werewolves, fairies, seletons and so on. Entering inside the marvelously decorated hall, he felt quite uneasy with all the lantern pumpkins, hovering in the air, replacing the candles. He looked around for familiar faces and he spotted Elvera by the food table along with professor Kingsley. "Good evening professors." he greeted formally both of them. He hadn't speak before with professor Kingsley so he wasn't comfortable enough to be imformal.
"I guess you convinced me!" he said to Elvera for making dressing up, pointing at his vampire look.
"I could never believe that kids could have such an imagination." he said to both of them, impressed with the costume of a first year. The kid had dressed up in pink and was holding a stool above his head. "I'm guessing this one has been dressed a chewing gum stuck underneath the stool?" he chuckled with the creativity of the first year.
Cyndi tried another bite of the pumpkin pasture and then had to put it down. It didn't taste good at all, and Cyndi wondered why she had picked it up at all. She wasn't much of a pumpkin pasty fan and never really had been one. She grinned faintly when she heard Elvera call her 'Professor.' She'd been the same way when she'd first become a professor. "I've been really busy, and I haven't really been feeling all that well the past few days" she replied quietly. The professor nodded her head to a group of Gryffindors who passed by before continuing. "I've been keeping mostly to my office and classroom." As the flying professor came over and greeted them, Cyndi gave him a smile. She gave Icarus a sideways glance before stealing a glance at Elvera once more, wondering if there was something going on between them. They would make a cute couple. "You'd be surprised what some of these students are capable of" she said with a smile as she turned to the table to pour herself some punch. She needed to get the taste of the pumpkin pasties out of her mouth.
Elvera listened as Cyndi said that she hadn't been feeling well. she waited for the stuents to pass as it seemed Cyndi didn't want them to know. "well I'm sorry to hear that, I hope that you are feeling better soon" she said she would have asked what was wrong but a feast didnt seem like the correct time to say it. before she could change her mind about this she saw someone else approach the table. this person was clearly a vampire. once he approached she realised that behind the pale skin, and different coloured hair and eyes, fake blood and fangs, it was Icarus, her friend the flying professor. "Hello Icarus. I'm glad that you came. I love your costume" she said smiling. the flying professor commented on a student dressed as chewing gum walked past she couldn't help but laugh. "I have never seen anyone dressed like that before. It is a good idea." she said. it was sometimes easy to see the difference between the older and younger students costumes, the older ones were a lot more charmed and magic based, like a girl standing near them with flaky grey skin talking to another girl dressed as lady gaga (if she was not mistaken), and a boy in a school uniform. she could tell that the zombie was probably a seventh year, or passably a sixth, as there was not way to get the same effect with makeup. however another set of students dressed as fairies were most likely first or second years as the costume was simple and had an almost muggle costume feel to it. not that that was a bad thing, they tended to be more humorous.
"You are right. I shouldn't be that impressed as they have shown there creativity during my lessons as well." he agreed before realising some strange glances casted from professor Kingsley back and forth between him and Elvera. "Thanks! I was glad that I remembered all the prank jinxes I had used back at school" he spoke to cast away awkwardness and revealed the secret of his costume. "Yours is awesome like you had described it to me." he complimented back hers banshee disguise. Then his attention was drawn to professor Kingsley again. Her costume was reminding him something from muggles world but he wasn't sure what. "And what have you dressed up professor?" he asked her as he was trying to decide whether to try the pumpkin pastries or the cauldron cakes, delicacies that he came to learn with his arrival at Hogwarts.
"Thanks Elvera" Cyndi said with a smile as she took a sip of the juice. It tasted very good and she took another quick gulp. Icarus was certainly right about one thing: the costumes this year were really quite interesting. She was rather impressed with what the students had thought up for this year. There were a couple of costumes that she had no clue about. One girl was dressed up in a costume that Cyndi assumed was an imitation of a performer of some kind. She didn't recognize it as belonging to any wizarding singers she knew, so she could only imagine that it belonged to a muggle performer. " I wasn't sure how close I had gotten it to the real thing. I was planning on looking for Prodan to ask him if I did a good job" she said with a chuckle.

As Icarus spoke to Elvera, the professor continued to drink her juice and wondered if she should leave the two to talk. She didn't want to be the third wheel if there was indeed something going on between them. As the flying professor spoke to her, Cyndi turned to him. "Oh, I'm a muggle auror- I think they're called policy men...women or something like that" she said with a shrug as she pointed to the baton at her waist. "And, instead of wands, they use these to keep the bad guys in line" she added.
Elvira had been fairly sick over the past few weeks and had even checked herself into St. Mungo's, it turned out that she had drank a potion that had been poured into her drink, likely by one of her Slytherin students, but now she was back at work looking a little worse for the wear but in much better health and had even created time to make herself a costume. She was dressed in a brightly coloured outfit as a character from a children's show from some time ago and held not her wand in her thin hands but a baby bottle and a rattle. She walked up towards her fellow Professors, feeling a little uncomfortable but did so anyway. "Hello," she said with a tired rasp to her latina accent.

As Elvira had entered the group she heard Professor Kingsley talk about muggles and she smiled in amusement. "It's police officers, Professor." Being half blood and raised her mother's way it gave her this information that she thought would be sort of basic. She decided not to add that they also used guns because it probably would take too much effort to explain how they worked so instead she drank from her baby bottle that had juice in it, which was charmed so it would continue refilling.
Elvera took another mouthful of pasty as Icarus said that the students were creative in his class, he wasn't sure how students could be creative in flying how, "my ones are being almost boringly uncreative, but i cant blame them, the topic they are doing is more scientific than the rest. but maybe the fifth years will prove more creative than the sixth, they can certainly do more with dreams than astrology" she said rambling to herself. she was expecting to read some very odd dreams from some of her students, who would make something up right before the classes.
She heard Cyndi try and explain her costume, she herself had been brought up by her grandmother, but they had lived quite close to muggles, often going to markets to sell herbal remedies. so she knew what it was, she wasn't sure if she should correct Cyndi, or not. But then an adult toddler came over to the group, and corrected her without elveras interference. she was pretty sure that it was the charms professor, Professor Cruz, however she didn't know the ladies first name. "Hello Professor Cruz, sorry I don't think i know your first name, I'm Elvera, or as the students call me Professor Le Fey. I have to say your costume is rather cute" she said smiling.
Professor Kingsley nodded her head as another professor joined them and quickly corrected her. "You're right. That's the name of the muggle aurors." Luckily, the professor didn't mind being corrected or her reaction would have been much different. The professor, although a half blood, had grown up in wizarding villages and her only true knowledge of muggles had come from her mother and later from books. Policemen and women had never really come up in conversation.

The professor finished her juice and decided to excuse herself to go mingle with some of the other professors. It had been a long while since she'd been social. She especially wanted to see if Natalie was around somewhere. She had been thinking of purchasing tickets to the home opener of the Harpies game and wanted to invite Natalie and her husband to go. "I'll see you all around in a bit. I'm going to do a lap around and make sure we don't have any rulebreakers" she said with a smirk before stepping away.
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