Open Tripping Over Nothing...Maybe

Chante Harvelle-Ateara

Smol Giantess (6'4) 👩‍🍳 HNZ Alumni 🍮 Baker
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Pansexual (Len♥)
13' Applewood Core of Meteorite Dust
Chante journey her way outside the castle, not even close to stopping once she reached the open tepid, air. She kept running, or what some was say close to jogging pass the greenhouse and where her mother taught her lessons. Pass the great lawn and avoided getting anywhere near the lake. Before whatever happened, that happened back there, she had planned to visit her mom and spend some time with her. She had planned to discuss her future and what she wanted from her last remaining years at Hogwarts. It wasn't meant to be or she made herself to be such an easy target to be harassed. Chante withdrew a breath of air, she was still very much shaken up by the incident. She threw her arms around herself, slowing down as she near the outskirts of the forest. Chante looked up in the direction of the trees, they reach the skies so high she imagined the sunray barely shine through the tree leaves. She might get lost in there, she may possibly get hurt. With that scrambled in her thoughts, Chante enters the forest with her heart beating a mile way. She should know better than to visit the forest, as prefect she should know better. Right this moment, she couldn't care to follow the rules and set a good example for younger students. For the moment she was selfish and wanting nothing more but to get away.
Jogging was a hobbie that willow had picked up from her parents. a few years ago she had refused to go for runs as she didnt want to be like her mum but as she had started to train more at quidditch and needing to get fitter she had learned that she had an affinity to the sport and actually quite enjoyed it. now she often went fro a jog around the lake to clear her head. today she was on one of those jogs when she saw someone running across the lawn into the forest. as a perfect she figured what she was supposed to do was go and get a professor as even they were not meant to be in the forest but she was fairly sure she would be able to recognise that person a mile away and there was no way she was getting her cousin in trouble or letting her have an adventure without her. so she changed direction and went to follow chante into the trees. it took a little while for her to catch up with the part giant as her long legs carried her further with each stride but willows small stature made it easier for her to dodge branches and not get tangled up in brambles. as she got closer she smiled "you think I would let you have an adventure without me?" she said as she caught up with Chante. it was only as she drew next to her that she saw her cousins expression. "Hey, are you okay? who do I need to beat up?" she said. putting an arm around the older girl in a hug.
Chante faced her cousin, dropping her arms to her sides. Her jogging to the forest didn't go unnoticed, with her grand height it shouldn't be surprising that she was spotted escaping into a cluster of trees. "Hey Willow, no one I'm fine," Chante does all that she can to make that sound true. She smiles, hugging the smaller girl. The Hufflepuff can count on her Gryffindor cousin to always stick up for her when it should be the other way around. "I needed some fresh air, and I sort of ended up here," Chante trails off as she looked around her somewhat dense surrounding. Chante never realizes how closely compacted some parts of the forest was or was it only her that saw it that way. It didn't matter, it was cozy and probably not bad of a spot to hide at nights or early mornings. Unless a professor was out patrolling the school's ground, one may avoid getting caught by a professor. Maybe not her, but someone else. Chante leans back against a tree, depending on the stout bark for support. "What were you up to, hanging out with Noelle? Have you guys done anything fun lately?"
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despite chantes words, willow had known her cousin long enough to tell when she was lying. she looked at her cousin. "yeah, That may convince most people but I'm your cousin. What's up" she said her Australian accent making a cut through her words. holding chante close to her. as they moved apart and the Hufflepuff commented on why she was in the forest she chuckled. "well you can't get much fresher air than in the forest. but it is still the last place I would expect you to be" she said. they had both lost their granddad in the forest. although she knew it was something that had affected her aunt far more than her mum as Jackson had been Auntie madlyn's real dad where he had only adopted her mum. she had been made aware of the dangers on the forest ever since first year not that it had stopped her going in. but ever since aunt madly had started to teach she had been more cautious as she hadn't wanted to let her aunt down. letting her mum down, on the other hand, was something she didn't care about.
at the mention of her boyfriend, she felt her face warm up just a little. it was still a funny thought to think of him as her boyfriend but she liked it. "no, we haven't had the chance to hang out properly other than meals and stuff since the wedding. things have been so busy since coming back to school, i was just having a run around the lake" she replied. she now realised why she hadnt had much time last year to hang out with fleur and chante with her quidditch practices and their prefect duties and the impendind OWLS she was busy most of the time.
Chante debating in silence on telling her cousin, no, Chante didn't want to say it. It'll only make the situation worse than already was, and confusing. Whatever happened back there she would very much like to forget it happened at all. "I know, and ever since this one time in a house meeting that I said I would visit the forest, someone overheard me saying that and I sort of avoid coming here this whole entire time," Chante admitted to her cousin with a shrug. She finally heard the tragedy that's taken place here, years ago someone was killed by a centaur or more. The details were still a little fuzzy when she first heard them from her mom. Sadly, that someone was her granddad. Madlyn had never wanted to share the gruesome account of his murder but after Chante confess to her mom about her boggart and her mistrust towards creatures with hooves, it all made sense. Somehow, Chante had recurring nightmares of getting stomped by the centaurs, exactly the way her grandfather died. It's scary how that all made sense, and with that obtain information, Chante ran here to flee from Styx's sight. The forbidden forest was far more welcoming than any Styx in the school. "That's too bad, you should make some time with him. Figure something out, you guys are really great together..." Chante softly smiles, she was happy for Willow despite her own departure from Grayson. Chante could see Willow really enjoyed Noelle's company and she likes to think Noelle shared the same sentiment. "Don't be like me too busy to hang out, and have fun..."
Willow noticed that.har cousin didn’t respond to her questions about why she seemed upset but decided to not push her any further vouching to keep an eye on her in the future. Instead her cousin answered why she never came into the forest. Truth be told willow didn’t enter that often. But she had had a couple of adventures there each year.
She smiled at the thought oh noelle as she was told they were good together thank you. We do still hang out in meals and between class. He even organised that we study together she said stressing the word study as it was not something she particularly enjoyed doing other than care of magical creatures and that wasn’t as fun this year now she no longer had her aunt teaching it. How are you and Grayson going? She asked. Thinking that she hadn’t seen them together much recently. But before she could get an answer she heard something like a movement hey did you hear that? She asked. Not sure if she actually heard it. And if she did if it was loud enough for most people to hear as she seemed to have inherited a good sense of hearing, apparently one of the advantages of being the daughter of werewolves. Or maybe just an advantage of being taught to hunt from a young age.
Aspen was wandering through the forest trying to find some food as the winter months always made things harder for her. She heard noises up ahead and slowly made her way over to them. If it was a beast she would have a nice dinner tonight if it was a student she would have a nice afternoon. She stood a distance away in a spot that was mainly obscured by trees but where she could see the two girls and where she could be seen. Watching them talk for a moment as she decided how best to approach them. She intentionally stood on a stick that broke underneath her hives hoping one of them would see her.
Chante smiles genuinely at Willow hearing about her, Noelle and their time together. "Really, studying? Well, at least you're getting it done, somehow. I know how much you love studying," Chante teased the redhead. Her smile vanish when Willow asked about Grayson. It was a confusing, and somewhat hard topic to talk about. Thankfully, a distraction came just in the nick of time. Chante heard a large piece of twig snap or what she assumed it was. "I did," Chante pulled out her wand, ready to protect herself and Willow if something was to happen. "Who's there?" Chante looks between the trees and spotted what looked like a female torso with a horse underbody. "H-hello?"
Willow shrugged when chante seemed surrised that sheh ad been studying with noelle. "Well i didnt say he was a good influence on me" she said implying that making her study was being a bad influence and not being particualally clear in her tone as to if she was seruous or not. before she could hear about her cousin's ersonal life a loud crack echoed around the clearing and she knew that she hadnt been hearing htings. she looked towards the sound and saw someone standing there. "I don't know if i am glad i wasnt hearing htings" she said Hello" she called her hand going to her hip where her wand was in her pocket ready if she needed it. "Hello, Whose there" she said trying to not look soo intimidating but ready as to arm herself if needed.
Aspen could tell that the girls heard her from their reactions. she figured she may as well let herself be seen not that that hadn't bee part of the initial plan. "well what do we have here. reminds me of two students a long time ago Rowan wolfskin and Madlyn sistermine. she said. they could both have taken the title of sistermine or twohoof but she felt like wolfskin suited Rowan better. she looked at thw girls they seemed tence. "have i met you before? you seem familiar. Don't worry. I won't attack." she said. she had seen enough students over the years ot know how tense they could be seeing someone like her. not that she meant it or that she could really help it. but she tried to reduce t when she could.

[sorry they are a little lame, and haven't been spellchecked. ]
Chante took a careful step back, feeling her heart racing a mile away. She may have made the connection to her boggart with her grandfather’s death, that didn’t mean she was over her internal fear of centaurs. “Willow, Willow, don’t get too close. I wouldn’t trust it,” Chante listens to the sound of her own voice break. Her grandfather was stomped to death by a centaur(s), can anyone blame her? Chante heard correctly, the centaur mentions her aunt and mom. Chante doesn’t lower her wand down. It’s going to take a bit more than that for her to trust a centaur to be this close to her. “Willow, let’s go. I don’t think we should encourage it…”

OOCOut of Character:
You're fine, osw is good with me. :wub:
willow couldn't help but start to take a few steps towards the creature as it appeared not even realising that she had done so. when she had first started in the school she had been in the forest a few times she had been looking for a centaur, not anyone but a specific one that she had heard about but in recent years she had stopped going in as much and when she had been in she had just skirted around the first lines of trees to enjoy the shade they provided. At the sound of her cousin's voice she looked back at chante and realised that she looked pale as if all the blood had gone from her face. she went back to hold her cousin's hand. "It's okay, she said she won't hurt us, and Rowan wolfskin has to be mum surely, and that means she is calling aunt Madlyn her sister" she said squeezing gently. she looked back at the creature. she nodded her head slightly as a mark of respect, she didn't know why. maybe she was thinking about hyppergrffs but it felt like the right thing to do. "Please, can we at least say hello. how often do we get to meet a real live centaur" she said to her cousin. she knew she hadn't met one before although she had heard a lot about them. "would you mind staying where you are?" she asked the creture as it started to come closer. I would like to talk to you but my cousin is a little nervous, and if she wants to leave I will go" she said, before looking at her cousin her expression saying pleassse can we stay. I would seriously owe you one big time. and squeezing her hand again hoping that change would let them stay at least for a few minutes. "I'm Willow and this is chante." she said at introduction hoping that the creature would introduce herself.
Aspen was used to a lot of different reactions of students when they saw her. not many had met a centaur before. many were curious or excited she started to walk over to them happy to make some friends. some students like Tawhai had earned her respect easily. others like Aidenfirstyear had basically insulted her and if she had been any other cantair she was pretty sure he would have seen some consequences. however, the look on the taller girl's face of fear was not one that she was used to. "nice to meet you Willow and Chante daughtermines. I Am Aspen. you two really remind me of rowan and madlyn sistersmine she said referring to her sisters who had long since graduated. but she had kept in touch with Rowan at least as bwest as she could which usually in the dorm of a tallking red envelope. "Would you feel better if i i put down my hunting equipment Chante daughter mine" she said taking the quiver of arrows off her back and putting them down leaning against a tree. she would wait for the girls response before putting anything else down.
Courage with Chante wasn’t always present. This was one of those times when the word didn’t exist in her vocabulary. If she ran, this would be the second time today she was running, fleeing from something she didn’t have the courage to look them in their eyes. A smaller hand reaches out for her, drawing her attention away from the centaur down to the Gryffindor standing beside her. “Willow, how are you so trusting of their kind if their kind was responsible for our...granddad’s death…” she struggles with the last part of that sentence, when it came out she felt terrible for feeling this way. Her mom spoke of a centaur helping them recover Jackson’s body in the aftermath of his death. This may be the very one Madlyn spoke of and remind her daughter that she can’t judge them all too harshly for what a few who murdered her father. The details were becoming a bit clearer as the pieces started to fall into place. Chante pulls back, wand kept at her side for any sudden movement. “I’ll stay right here, it’s...just hard...Willow. It’s like how it was at the Sanctuary...this will take a while,” Chante tells her cousin, squeezing her wand. “I’m sorry…,” Chante kept her guard up. Chante did not return the greeting to Aspen, though she nodded in regards to the weapon. That may have lessened the tension already.
willow now realised why Chante was so cautious around the centaur. they had both been told stories of jackson and what had happened to him. "remember how our mums found him. another centaur helped them. and remember centaurs were the reason my mum survived longer than a couple of days" she said.
as the centaur started to put down her arrows something clicked in willows mind. "aspen, THE aspen, it is good to meet you. you are the centaur mum asked me to try and find, she says hello" she said excitedly taking a step towards the being without thinking about it. at least not intil her habd was caught by chantes. she turned to chante aspen won't hurt us. she is the centaur that was friends with our mums she said. not realising how deep the fear ran inside her cousin. she looked at chante and gave her hand an excited squeeze. only then realising that she didn't seem much more reassured. maybe a little but. not much. dont worry i am here and i won't let anyone hurt you and you are doing well" she said. chante was certainly being far braver than she was even though her placing inGryffindorr was meant to make her the brave one.
Aspen realised wh the older girl was scared. She remembered the day vividly. not long after she had made it to the forest she had met another foal about the same age as chante was now and she had been looking for her dad. It had not been a pretty sight when Rowan and Madlyn had passed back across the herds boundaries with him carried between them. she had helped carry him the rest of the way to the edge of the forest. "your granddad was a good man I only met him once or twice but he was always kind" she said.
She hadn't known why the herd attacked if it had been targeted at him particularly or if it had been a more aimless attack with him the victim but it had not been something she had wanted.
She finished taking her weapons off. her bow, her sword and her dagger all left at the base of the tree. she felt naked without their reassuring weight but she wanted extra hard for these girls to trust her. she then took two steps away from the tree and lay down. there was no way she was moving anywhere quickly now. as she had been doing this she had been listening to the girls conversation it seemed that the redhead had recognised her name and any hesitation that she had had had gone. "you are both safe here with me, at least from threats from the trees. I cant give protection from your own teachers she said you would be safer if i could have at least my dagger or bow and arrows she thought but didn't say anything even if she did glance briefly towards them sitting well out of her reach. "Dattermines I am surprised I haven't seen you in the forest before. sistermines were in here all the time when they were at the school." she said.
Chante slowly nodded, “Yeah, I remember,” not the latter. She forgets sometimes her aunty was raised by centaurs. Aunty Briar behaves so ordinarily like a witch, it’s easy to forget sometimes her upbringing wasn’t quite as normal as theirs. “Aunty Briar said that? To get into the Forbidden Forest and find a centaur to say hello?” Chante pressed her cousin. Chante didn’t understand the degree their mothers spent inside the Forbidden Forest, not even with prefect badges slowed them down. “I believe it,” the centaur Aspen spoke of it and her grandfather. “Sadly, I didn’t get to meet him, he sounded like he was loved,” Chante spoke to the centaur a tad mournful, though she appreciates hearing how kind he was towards her. Chante tread with cautious still holding onto her Willow’s hand. “Okay, we can talk for a little and then we go back, okay?” Chante spoke as the oldest and responsible of the two. Willow can be the brave and courageous, but at the moment Chante will politely implement her status as the oldest.

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