Transfiguration 1:5

Professor Leif Odegard

norwegian • charmismatic transfiguration 1-4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2032 (29)
Lesson Five: Learning Flammeus Tailora (match into a needle)
Leif was stood in front of his class, leaning against his desk as he usually did while he waited for his students to arrive. Beside him sat a large glass jar. One that normally wasn't present in his classes but would be necessary for today's lesson.

"Good morning! I know we're all excited to be working with our wands once more so I won't be doing much talking today. Let's get right to it." He started, waving his wand at the jard beside him. It floated up off his desk and into his outstretched hand. "Alright. In this jar are matches. I would like each of you to walk up to me and carefully take a match. Single file now, and don't push anyone. No trying to light them, either, or you'll have to attend your next lesson completely soaked." He told them with a wink, yet his voice was stern enough for his students to realize he was being serious.

Once everyone had a match, Professor Odegard put the jar back down and turned to the students, his own match in hand to use as a demonstration. "Today we are going to turn matches into needles. Of course we will be using the 'three tap' motion with our wand as usual. The incantation for this is 'Flammeus Tailora'." He tapped his wand in the palm of his hand three times and said "Flammeus Tailora". In the blink of an eye the match's wood became sleek metal, and the phosphorous sulfide changed into the needle's eye, perfect for threading. "It is that simple. Well, as always, I will be walking around the room as you work. If you need something, raise your hand. At the end of the class, I need you to turn your needles back in. I'll be counting them. Begin!"

Note: "Finite" is a counter-spell, not Untransfiguration, and shouldn't be used to reverse any transfigurations.

Roleplay turning your match into a needle for full marks.
Eli walked into class, noticing the large glass jar on Professor Odegard’s desk. His curiosity piqued, he took his seat and waited for instructions. When the professor mentioned they’d be using their wands again, he felt a rush of excitement. He joined the line to grab a match from the jar, trying not to smirk as the professor warned them about not lighting the matches. Holding the match in his hand, he listened closely as the professor demonstrated the spell. The way the match transformed so effortlessly into a needle was fascinating, and he was eager to try it out.

Back at his desk, Eli carefully held his wand over the match, focusing on visualising the transformation just like they'd been taught. He tapped the match three times, saying "Flammeus Tailora" with as much confidence as he could muster. The match shimmered for a moment, and then, to his delight, the wood transformed into sleek metal. He examined his new needle with a grin, feeling pretty proud of himself. As he continued practicing, he occasionally glanced around the room, seeing how his classmates were doing and feeling satisfied with his own progress. He made sure to keep his needle safe, knowing they had to turn them in at the end of class.
Entering the room Lilith said a quick hello before sitting down. She felt slightly disappointed the professor wouldn't be talking much today, though she was also excited for the actual work they'd be doing. Lilith couldn't help the soft laugh at the professors threat, though she did not doubt he'd do it. She got in line as fast as she could standing behind a boy she recognized from common room. As she took her own match she skipped back to her seat eagerly.

Lilith liked to meditate so the visualization part was not that difficult for her, not to mean her vast imagination. So back at her desk she visualized the process before tapping the match thrice. "Flammeus Tailora." She said softly and watched her match turn into a needle. Lilith got the needle into her hand and stared it in awe, she had done that. Well technically her wand had also done some of the work, but she did most of it okay. She kept practicing and memorizing everything for the rest of the class and when time came to leave she took the needle with her. "Here you go sir, thank you for the lesson. The last two have been quite amazing." She spoke too fast for her brain to catch up as she handed the needle in. Before he could grace her with an answer she was out of there, entirely too embarrassed for the little ramble. It hadn't really been that bad, right? Besides the professors deserved a little thank you here and there for their amazing work.
Eoghan was beginning to think Lili liked listening to this professor talk more than she liked listening to him, but he put her out of his mind and focused on the task at hand. He had half a mind to ask how the match would have resulted in them becoming completely soaked, of course, it must have been a spell but he did want to watch the outcome of that if not just to understand it. Lining up with the others, he waited his turn to pick up a match before returning to his desk, taking his wand out from his pocket. He wasted no time in tapping the match three times like they had last week, and clearly gave the spell that would transform it. He wasn't sure when he would need to use such a specific spell, or why he'd have a match upon his person when instead he would need a needle, but he stocked that information away for another time. At the end of the lesson he handed the needle into the professor, and headed out the room.​
After last week's success, Susie was feeling more confident than ever about Transfiguration. It was only a matter of time before Professor Odegard noticed her, or at least smiled in her general direction, so that she could plausibly say he'd smiled at her. Today's lesson was much like the last, just with a different object. Susie fetched a matchstick from the jar, lingering at the professor's desk a little longer than necessary, then went and sat back down with it. What was the incantation, again? Flammeus Tortilla? Oh, dear - she'd forgotten to pay attention. Thankfully, the person to her right had been listening, and it didn't take her long to figure it out. "Flammeus Tailora," she said, as she tapped her matchstick. It changed rather slowly, reluctantly, perhaps, but there was no denying the end product was a needle. It was even sharp enough to prick herself (she discovered, with some regret). Beaming from ear to ear, and blushing, she handed her needle in.
Vikrams first semester was almost over. It had certainly been interesting, and he'd definitely enjoyed himself. He had fallen into a comfortable routine, he'd reached out in a few places to make a few connections, and he felt like his classes were going well. All in all he was feeling rather optimistic about his stay here at the school.

He gathered his things up and walked to class, feeling relaxed and ready for the day. He was enjoying the spellwork, pleased that they'd be doing more this lesson as well. He smiled. Vikram went over his notes a bit before trying the spell. It took him a few tries, but to his delight he managed to cast it, the match turning into a needle. He hummed happily. He decided to go for a walk and left the room, meaning to drop his things off in his dorm first.
Jonah trudged into the classroom, already dreading the day’s lesson. As Professor Odegard explained the day’s work, Jonah felt more and more annoyed by how simple the professor was making it out to be when the Hufflepuff already knew it was anything but. He eyed the match suspiciously in his hand, not entirely sure how he was supposed to turn a tiny piece of wood into a needle. He was already falling behind and he didn’t know how to catch up. As the class began working, Jonah sat at his desk, staring down at the match in front of him. He knew he had to focus, but he was already feeling frustrated. He could do this—he just had to concentrate. He tapped his wand against the match. "Flammeus Tailora," Jonah muttered, trying to picture the match turning into a needle. Nothing happened. This was turning out to be a nightmare.

Jonah clenched his teeth, feeling a surge of irritation. He wasn’t surprised but it was still infuriating. Why did everything have to be so difficult? He tried again, tapping the match three times. "Flammeus Tailora," he said more firmly. Nope. “Flammeus Tailora. Flammeus Tailora. Flammeus Tailora.” He had to stop himself from slamming his wand down on the desk or just walking out. Taking a deep breath, Jonah tried to calm down. Getting angry wasn’t going to help. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to push away the frustration and focus on the spell. He tapped the match again. "Flammeus Tailora," he said with more confidence. The match wobbled and then stopped. Another class. Another failure. Jonah was beginning to wonder if he’d ever get the hang of magic.
Eurydice entered the classroom as usual and waited for the explanation of today’s lesson. She approached the desk, taking a match from the jar and returning to her seat. Once back at her desk, Eurydice placed the match down, watching the demonstration of the professor. She sighed as it was another impractical and entirely mundane piece of transfiguration. What she would ever need a needle for was beyond her. Where she would ever find a match when she would need a transfigured needle, even more so. Even so, she still needed to do it because school, so she raised her wand. She repeated the incantation in her head a few times. Confident in her memory, she tapped the match three times with her wand and whispered the spell, her tone soft but deliberate. “Flammeus Tailora.” The thing about it though was there was not much else a needle could look so imagining one was easy. Her match transformed into a sleek piece of metal, the end transforming with a hole - the eye of the needle. She supposed it looked good enough even if it wasn’t quite as shiny. Eurydice handed the needle in before leaving the classroom.
Forrest felt a spark of excitement as he carefully took a match from the jar, holding it delicately between his fingers. He admired Professor Odegard’s demonstration, watching closely as the match transformed into a needle with just three taps and a steady incantation. He appreciated how the lesson built on their previous practice, reinforcing the importance of concentration and precision. Forrest repeated the words in his mind, Flammeus Tailora, visualizing the match morphing into a sleek, sharp needle.

With a deep breath, Forrest held his match upright and tapped it three times with his wand. "Flammeus Tailora," he said with focus. He felt a slight tingling sensation in his fingers as the wood began to shimmer and shift. Slowly, the match transformed, becoming a thin, silver needle with a tiny, perfect eye at the top. The change wasn’t immediate, but the result was unmistakable—a near-perfect needle with just a hint of the matchstick’s original colour. Forrest smiled to himself, pleased with his progress. Once the lesson was over he made his way out of the classroom happy with his work.
Nox stepped up to the desk in single file with the other students, taking a match carefully from the glass jar. Holding the match between his fingers, he focused on Professor Odegard’s demonstration, watching closely as the match transformed smoothly into a sleek needle with just three taps and the incantation. Nox repeated the words "Flammeus Tailora" in his mind, committing them to memory as he prepared to attempt the spell himself.

Returning to his seat, Nox held the match firmly in his hand, imagining it as a needle. He tapped it three times with his wand, murmuring, "Flammeus Tailora." For a moment, nothing happened, but then the match began to shimmer and twist, its wooden form slowly transforming into metal. His first attempt resulted in a stubby, imperfect needle with a slightly bent end, but Nox was determined. With another deep breath, he tried again, tapping the match three more times with greater focus and concentration. This time, the match straightened and elongated, forming a nearly perfect needle with a small, well-formed eye at its tip. Satisfied with his progress, Nox glanced around the room, curious to see how his classmates were faring, while he mentally prepared for the next challenge Professor Odegard might have in store.
The semester was really progressing along quite quickly, and Adelaide was surprised how quickly she got used to the school here. Still, she was separated from all of her siblings in Ravenclaw, and she really should try to make a few more friends. The blonde followed her classmates as they filed forward to get a match from the professor. Adelaide returned to her desk and placed the match on the table. She tapped it three times with her wand. "Flammeus Tailora." the Ravenclaw girl said in a clear voice. Confidence was key after all. The match wavered, but ultimately turned into a needle. She smiled proudly before gathering her things and leaving the room at the end of the lesson.
Rhea couldn't believe that something would have to be done this time and that's why she was worried, but she tried to calm down her anxiety before the lesson started. She was sitting in the classroom, when she didn't have to wait long and the lesson started, the professor announced that they would work with wands again. The professor told them that they should take the matches they will work with today. Rhea was very careful with the matches.

When the professor further explained the task, the girl got nervous, no joke. She watched intently as the professor turned the matches into needles. Rhea took a deep breath, then raised her wand over the matches and then slowly touched them. "Flammeus Tailora."at first nothing worked, but repeated the mantras and three matches turned into needles, then touched again and three more matches turned into needles. Then soon the lesson ended. Rhea was happy she managed to turn six matches into needles. Happy with her work, she took her things and left the classroom.

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