ttly true :wub:
and dark chocolate but not so much white chocolate :glare:

TPBM would eat cold pizza for breakfast if it was available
True! xD And then I continue to get lost in the huge store that we have in WA. :lol:
TPBM is graduating this year.

Le False. I don't listen to the radio at all xD I compile playlists on Youtube.

TPBM Would totally have a lightning shaped scar if they didn't have to pwn the Dark Lord to get it.
False! Though I do love musicals :D

TPBM has annoying curtains that let in light at stupid hours of the morning.
True! Although only at one house, the curtains at my Mum's aren't so bad. xD
TPBM has a song that describes their life at the moment. :p
Example: Mine is La Roux - I'm Not Your Toy. :lol:
true i think
tpbm loves thunderstorms
False : God, I hate thunderstorms. Everyone I know loves them, but I used to hide under my bed with the dog when they came. Damn Summer weather.

TPBM : Has a strange pet peeve.

True - I hate it so much, plus the weather here is barely ever nice which makes it so much worse.

TPBM has never cheated on a test.
False--Once in 4th grade I cheated on a spelling test because I couldn't spell 'onomatopoeia' o_O I felt so guilty afterwards that I told on myself and my teacher gave me an 'F' on that one <_< So much for honesty is always the best policy xD Anyhoo...

TPBM knows what they want to be when they grow up.
False... sort of? haha. In the long run, I'd like to write novels. Lots of them. But I'd want another career to support me, and I have no idea what that other career will be ;n;
TPBM likes Artemis Fowl
Completely and utterly false. Um... TPBM is famed for never doing their homework.
...False :p

TPBM is currently sitting with their pet on their lap/feet/near them. the library xD

TPBM is swamped with work :glare:
True. And yet, I'm on here... xD

TPBM....has never been hit in the face with a volleyball
False, I tend to scream and get as far away from the bathroom as I can :p Don't like spiders much.

TPBM has at least two dogs

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