True! Soooo true... I'm not supposed to be working right now, but when I am, I always find more interesting things to do, and surfing is on top of the list.

TPBM is/was really good at math at school

True - Mock The Week :wub:

TPBM likes solving riddles
True - I feel very iffy right now after an amount of alcohol and chocolate, chocolate chip ice cream :erm:

TPBM has done what I just had? xD
False - I would never ever mix alcohol and chocolate. I would be so sick.

TPBM checks how to spell words on goggle when they are unsure.
False, not this time, at least.

TPBM is a violinist
False. I used to be. Now I'm a half-arsed pianist. xD

TPBM stays up late for absolutely no reason.

True - The other night. 4am.

TPBM has gone to Laser Quest recently.
True. I love that show! It's funny and I love the way the story goes.

TPBM likes hugs (the Hershey's kind, the :hug: kind, and the real life hug kind).
True. I'm a hugger, but I don't know what Hershey's hugs are. :hug:

TPBM....has hit their head on a fire hose before
True. Kinda. I mean, it would be cool, but I just don't have the coordiantion to be a spy/ninja. Unless I became a female Inspector Clauseu/Maxwell Smart.

TPBM....loves The Mentalist

False - Never could get into it.

TPBM has never been out there Country
True :(

TPBM will be graduating this year (like me ;) ) !!!

False - Is too overly sarcastic to be funny.

TPBM is good at studying.

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