True - I saw one in a french zoo once.

TPBM has a tidy bedroom.
False, there's a fork under my bed

TBPM is bisexual
HAHAHAHAHA. False, sorry if you're disappointed ;D

TPBM reads the HP books over and over again, even if they know the story by hard .
False. I can say it in English :correct: , Spanish, French and Portuguese...oh and in Swahili too ^_^ No hebrew though :(

TPBM is counting down the days until their next vacation. I just went back to school and am already counting the days until Spring break :shifty:

True - 4 Days, February Weekend.

TPBM has a Harry Potter Replica wand.
FALSE I want to Stab Miley T_T

TPBM Also wants to Stab Miley Cyrus?

True - I hate her so much, I would stab her more than just the once.

TPBM Will tell us their favourite HP character and why it is their favourite.
True - I will tell you. One of my favorite HP characters has to be Ron Weasley, that kid had some seriously classic quotes. Don't even get me started on how adorable he was in the second movie. xD

TPBM Could survive on a deserted island for more than a week.
False- I'm not that conceited

TPBM likes Breaking Benjamin?
(Why the hell would I be disappointed? lol)
False, I've got funny stories. But I've no plans on sharing them to you. :D

TBPM was bullied when they were little
Clyde is straight as a ruler. lolol

FALSE, I find cats scary.

TPBM feels stupid at the moment
True..I will post it somewhere..Keep your eyes open..

TPBM loves and I mean lurves...................CATS!!
False. But if you like cats, check this out...
I had a weird dream that I was drowning in treacle, and all my friends and techers were teasing me/ignoring me/pushing me under. It's recurring, and it sucks! Anyway.

TPBM...Is over 5 ft 9 in height
False. I'm actually 5 ft 7 in height..

TPBM.....Is half-Asian
false is half english
tpbm: has silver earrings in

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