False, I can't even cook pasta.

TPBM likes How I Met Your Mother
False. I think I've finally caught up on my sleep!

TPBM is playing a game.
umm: not cosplayed as such but i did go to supernova dressed as poisen ivy.
TPBM: feels bad when they see a dead animal (for example a gecko)
Ha! I wish.

TPBM hates stomach aches.
True. Who likes them?

TPBM has braces.
false I dont any more though i used to. now i have to wear a retainer at night

TPBM: has listened to P!nk's new album.
False. I shall do that soon-ish. :r
TPBM likes loves dancing to the music even if there are people!
Haven't discussed that before but I'm sure I'm going to in a couple of years. So false.

TPBM is an expert at Chess.

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