Thankfully, false.
TPBM wants a new character.
False and true.
I just made a new character the other day, so I'm kind of set for a little while, but I still have others in my head that are begging to be made at some point.
TPBM has a serious procrastination problem.

False. Never heard of it 'til now.

TPBM is excited for the upcoming movie "Catching Fire".
Only my toenails...
TPBM has a song (or certain lyrics) stuck in their mind.
Nope. I actually just got the song out of my head by listening to it. :p

TPBM exercised today.
yes and get promptly told to turn it off :(

TPBMwants to visit me in england. LOL JKS wants to come to england
You didn't add a new TPBM D:

TPBM knows how to bake.
False! Hectic week was over last week. xD
TPBM loves cake.
False. No exams.

TPBM should sleep at this time of hour.
True. I am tired and its a weekday so I should be in bed.

TPBM are excited to watch breaking dawn part 2
Partially. I just want to see D. Fanning and KStew on the big screen.
TPBM has a notebook filled with doodles.

TPBM wants to see "the perks of being a wallflower" because of Logan Lerman and Emma Watson xD
True. But my list includes Nina Dobrev and Ezra Miller too.
TPBM is irritable :r
False :D

TPBM is going wig hunting on Saturday :r
False. I wish I could skip the training they are sending me to and go to work!

TPBM plays an instrument.
True because it's required. xD
TPBM enjoys listening to music whilst working.

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