False. I think there are no Terry's chocolate whatsoever here in the Philippines :( .

TPBM reads Cosmo.
Er, false. Though I have heard of it.

TPBM ships DraMione or at least, has a favorite Harry Potter pairing.
False but yes. My pairing is kind of awkward really, since they're best friends and all. Anyway, I'm a Harry/Hermione fan.

TPBM isn't feeling well.

TPBM has numerous albums of their favorite artists.
False. I've seen it before, but I don't particularly like the show.

TPBM talks in their sleep.
Err, I really don't know what that is so I'd go with FALSE.

TPBM can speak Tagalog (Flipino Language) or at least knows a word that is Tagalog.
True, especially the classics ^_^

TPBM is listening to music right now.
True and I am wearing them now :)

TPBM enjoys camping.

TPBM gets distracted easily when there is music while replying to a thread.
umm, I like them both. it depends what mood i'm in, so i guess that as it is not true it is false
TPBM, wants an iced chocolate (basicaly a drink made out of chocolate sauce, milk, ice cream, and usually with with whipped cream, chocolate powder and sometimes a chocolate curl on the top).
Whipped cream you say? True then.

TPBM is someone who is confident to speak in front of people no matter how many they are (the audience).
generally true i think, i am always confident doing presentations at school/uni (they always made me go first in english as i was usually the only one prepared enough to go (in truth i usually made it up on the spot)

TPBM: currently has facebook and/or twitter open
False! Closed the tab 5 minutes ago.

TPBM: Has been facebook (or other social media) raped.

TPBM has a celebrity crush.
False unless you count sneakers. I love Converse! ^_^

TPBM is allergic to strawberries.

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