A Artemis Jackson Well-Known Member Messages 1,928 OOC First Name Arty Wand Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains Dec 31, 2011 #1,351 It's hard to admit but TRUE. TPBM has tried to not sleep for 24 hours.
A Andrea Kelize Well-Known Member Messages 2,655 OOC First Name Nicole [main] Wand Rowan Wand 15 Essence of Fang of Basilisk Jan 1, 2012 #1,352 True. I tried but unfortunately I failed . TPBM doesn't believe that the world will end this year.
A Alliyah Jackson Well-Known Member Messages 983 OOC First Name Arty Wand Cherry Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Wood Rose Jan 1, 2012 #1,353 True. TPBM would rather be the opposite gender than what they are now.
Kate Archer Well-Known Member Messages 4,117 OOC First Name Johanna Wand Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core Age 5/2015 Jan 1, 2012 #1,354 False TPBM went for a walk on a beach today
H Hariah Meadow Well-Known Member Messages 403 OOC First Name Lauren Wand Beech Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Pixie Hair Jan 1, 2012 #1,355 False, I live nowhere near a beach unfortunately. TPBM watches Sherlock (BBC version) and is excited to watch the new series tonight.
False, I live nowhere near a beach unfortunately. TPBM watches Sherlock (BBC version) and is excited to watch the new series tonight.
D Danton Howard Well-Known Member Messages 207 OOC First Name Maia! Wand Alder, 13 inches, dragon heartstring. Age 6/2014 Jan 1, 2012 #1,356 True-ish: I've watched it a few time and i <3 it. I don't get a chance to follow it all the time though. TPBM loves his/her mean characters, even if it's slightly harder to rp them at times.
True-ish: I've watched it a few time and i <3 it. I don't get a chance to follow it all the time though. TPBM loves his/her mean characters, even if it's slightly harder to rp them at times.
A Andrea Kelize Well-Known Member Messages 2,655 OOC First Name Nicole [main] Wand Rowan Wand 15 Essence of Fang of Basilisk Jan 1, 2012 #1,357 False. I don't have mean characters. Brat ones yes, but mean ones, no. TPBM watched fireworks display after the new year countdown.
False. I don't have mean characters. Brat ones yes, but mean ones, no. TPBM watched fireworks display after the new year countdown.
L Liir Goodwitch Well-Known Member Messages 85 OOC First Name Brandon Wand 9" Alder wand with Dragon Heartstring Core Jan 1, 2012 #1,358 False I do not like fireworks TPBM. Has already figured out there New Year resolution?
M Mizelea Brooks Well-Known Member Messages 863 OOC First Name Mintzy ❤ Wand Rosewood Wand 13 ½ Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn Jan 1, 2012 #1,359 True, but why do I have to make one every new year? When I can make every other day? TPBM thinks he/she needs a new hobby.
True, but why do I have to make one every new year? When I can make every other day? TPBM thinks he/she needs a new hobby.
A Andrea Kelize Well-Known Member Messages 2,655 OOC First Name Nicole [main] Wand Rowan Wand 15 Essence of Fang of Basilisk Jan 1, 2012 #1,360 Totally. I'm tired of biting my nails all the time and reading novels everyday just make my eyes sore. TPBM stayed up until 12:00 in the morning on New Years eve.
Totally. I'm tired of biting my nails all the time and reading novels everyday just make my eyes sore. TPBM stayed up until 12:00 in the morning on New Years eve.
A Artemis Jackson Well-Known Member Messages 1,928 OOC First Name Arty Wand Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Sphinx Remains Jan 2, 2012 #1,361 Absolutely. TPBM loves using emoticons.
Briar Rowan-Cullen Strength in diversity Messages 7,769 OOC First Name Mia Blood Status Unknown Relationship Status Married Sexual Orientation Dederick Wand Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur Age 49 (2/2013) Jan 2, 2012 #1,362 True is my favourite. but i like and TPBM: is looking forward for the holiday forums to open.
Kate Archer Well-Known Member Messages 4,117 OOC First Name Johanna Wand Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core Age 5/2015 Jan 2, 2012 #1,363 True TPBM has seen a musical in the West End
Cyndi Kingsley Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3 Messages 36,993 OOC First Name Cyndi Blood Status Mixed Blood Wand Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core Age 4/2005 Jan 2, 2012 #1,364 False. TPBM is trying to figure out what he/she wants to eat.
D Damien Blade Well-Known Member Messages 467 OOC First Name Johanna Jan 2, 2012 #1,365 False TPBM is happy
A Andrea Kelize Well-Known Member Messages 2,655 OOC First Name Nicole [main] Wand Rowan Wand 15 Essence of Fang of Basilisk Jan 3, 2012 #1,366 I'd say true even though I still have a lot of doubts stuck on my mind and doubting isn't really making me happy. TPBM is tan.
I'd say true even though I still have a lot of doubts stuck on my mind and doubting isn't really making me happy. TPBM is tan.
M Mizelea Brooks Well-Known Member Messages 863 OOC First Name Mintzy ❤ Wand Rosewood Wand 13 ½ Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn Jan 3, 2012 #1,367 False, I'm pale white. TPBM got SWAG.
James Killian Growing old is an awfully big adventure Messages 913 OOC First Name Brad Blood Status Half Blood Relationship Status Widow Sexual Orientation Homosexual Wand 10'' Rosewood with Unicorn tear core Age 12/2014 (39) Jan 3, 2012 #1,368 True... all the time TPBM is a professional dancer
Cyndi Kingsley Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3 Messages 36,993 OOC First Name Cyndi Blood Status Mixed Blood Wand Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core Age 4/2005 Jan 3, 2012 #1,369 False. I've been told I'm a pretty good dancer, but I'm certainly not a pro. TPBM speaks another language besides English.
False. I've been told I'm a pretty good dancer, but I'm certainly not a pro. TPBM speaks another language besides English.
A Andrea Kelize Well-Known Member Messages 2,655 OOC First Name Nicole [main] Wand Rowan Wand 15 Essence of Fang of Basilisk Jan 3, 2012 #1,370 Absolutely true. I can speak Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilonggo and Kapampangan. TPBM loves art.
B Benjamin Chase Well-Known Member Messages 1,224 OOC First Name Arty Wand Birch Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Dragonstone Jan 6, 2012 #1,371 Screw art. I absolutely have no idea how to live with it. TPBM can do a backstroke.
Cyndi Kingsley Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3 Messages 36,993 OOC First Name Cyndi Blood Status Mixed Blood Wand Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core Age 4/2005 Jan 6, 2012 #1,372 True TPBM wears glasses.
Aspen Centaur, Groundskeeper, Intrigued, Lonely. Messages 317 OOC First Name Mia Wand a bow, arrows and a dagger Age 48 (08/2014) Jan 6, 2012 #1,373 false except sunnies but they don't count, (and lab glasses sometimes when i have to at uni) TPBM: is addicted to HNZ
false except sunnies but they don't count, (and lab glasses sometimes when i have to at uni) TPBM: is addicted to HNZ
D Damien Blade Well-Known Member Messages 467 OOC First Name Johanna Jan 6, 2012 #1,374 True and it's starting to annoy my parents TPBM didn't sleep soundly last night
Briar Rowan-Cullen Strength in diversity Messages 7,769 OOC First Name Mia Blood Status Unknown Relationship Status Married Sexual Orientation Dederick Wand Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur Age 49 (2/2013) Jan 6, 2012 #1,375 true, I havennt slept very well for the last few nights TPBM: loves (terry's) chocolate oranges.