False. I don't love it, but I like it. Sometimes it is too humid, though. I'm more of a Spring or Autumn type person.

TPBM wants a robot that can do all their work for them.
I don't know what a java lamp is, but if you mean lava lamp, then I sort of do.
I have a glitter lamp, which looks the same as a lava lamp, but uses glitter instead of lava. xD
TPBM likes Lady Gaga. :wub:

Ew. FALSE. I can't stand Lady Gaga. D:

TPBM can sing all of 'Blister In The Sun' by the Violent Femmes. Because I totally am right now.
False. Never heard of that st00f.

The poster below me is a Facebook addict! :o
False. I eat my peanut butter with bananas :wub:

TPBM has a room covered in posters ^_^
I used to, not anymore though
Noh ;-;

TPBM has pizza?
No. :cry: :cry:

TPBM thinks they are the most awesome thing since sliced bread and yet they know it is a lie. :r
False, I'm at school five minutes until the bell rings but then I need to go to tutoring... :(

TPBM hates HSIE?

Depends on how you see it. No, because I'm taking time out from studying cause I had an exam today
and Yes because I should be studying for my next exam, which I'm putting off slightly so it could be seen as procrastination.
It's actually probably both.

TPBM will tell us ther favourite tv.
True! :D I love Americas Next Top Model. I used to model a lot but I stopped so I could spend more time with Kyle. :wub:

TPBM Collects something that is really random.

True - Rubber Ducks, I have quite a large collection

TPBM has more than one Harry Potter Poster in there room
True-ish. :p I share a room with one of my sisters and she has 3 HP posters on her side of the room.

TPBM had a good laugh today.
Definitely true. I met up with my family earlier and we were all talking about the stupidest things. :lol:
People think I'm weird, but if they met my relatives, they would understand why. xD
TPBM loves to spend hours playing Monopoly!


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