False. Just had it like fifteen minutes ago.

TPBM is sleepy.

TPBM has a bottle of something next to them.
False. HNZ, Spotify and work.

TPBM needs to organize his/er closet.
False! My grandma visited my apartment for the first ever last month so I made sure it was spotless & everything was in its place!! :D Don't know how long that'll last once I go back home after the break though xD

TPBM has blonde hair.
false. Black with brown if hit by sunlight.

TPBM has a class in two minutes. :lol:
Ahahah very false. Haven't been to a class in....too long to remember!

TPBM loves candles
False. Did it all yesterday :D

TPBM has no allergies
True! I do sometimes tell restaurants that I'm allergic to onions though, just because I really hate them :p

TPBM has siblings.
Y'all know that's false :r

TPBM likes old black and white movies!
False? It depends.

TPBM has just taken a shower.
Nope, because I'm not listening to anything :o

TPBM has never been to London
False! My fave place :wub:

TPBM has never stayed at a hotel.

TPBM just had dinner.
Lies. Woke up an hour ago and have yet to have breakfast

TPBM has already broken their New Years Resolution
False! I didn't make any this year :o

TPBM isn't wearing socks at the moment.

TPBM needs to charge their phones.
True I think.. Dude.. I need to FIND my phone.

TPBM needs a haircut
Noooo I just got one!

TPBM knows how to drive a manual car.
I just started learning actually!

TPBM loves dark chocolate.
Dark or not, I love chocolate.

TPBM is already at work/school.

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