Closed Together Again

Xinyi Huang

Eldest- Artist- Soft
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
18 (5/27/2043)
Xinyi had been rather excited for sorting this year. Rosie was finally going to be at school with them. Her sister was sorted first, and ended up in Gryffindor. Xinyi couldn't get her to sit with him, though to be fair he didn't bother trying to make her. He just shifted so that he was closer to her. When Rosie was sorted next, and into Gryffindor, he lit up. He waved eagerly to her, hoping she would decide to sit with him.
Rosie had loved hearing the sound of the word Gryffindor, she immediately stood up from the stool and began making her way over to the gryffindor table, she was able to easily spot her sister in the crowd and gave her an excited thumbs up. She then spotted Xinyi and smiled widely for him. In all of the excitement she'd absolutely forgotten that he was a gryffindor. The girl went to sit with her sister and was able to sit next to Xinyi too. "Hi!" she whispered to the boy excitedly. At least she'd have one friend in this house besides her sister.
Xinyi lit up as Rosie sat nearby and scooted closer so he was sitting right next to her. "Hi!" He whispered back, not paying attention to the rest of sorting anymore. "I'm glad you're in Gryffindor," He smiled at her. "Is it where you thought you'd be?" He asked.
Rosie nodded in agreement, she too was very pleased she'd managed to get into gryffindor, mostly because it was where Aurora was and of course she wanted to be around her, but it was also a good house. "I wouldn't have minded anywhere," Rosie whispered with a shrug, "But I'm glad I'm here," she thought this year was going to be great fun with her sister and Xinyi around her.
Xinyi smiled. "I know what you mean. I was just glad to stay with my brother." He peeked over to Jingyi before looking back to her. "I can show you around tomorrow if you'd like?" He offered, giving her a smile. "It's nice to be able to talk to you instead of just writing all the time." He whispered, glancing back to the sorting and back to her.
Rosie glanced at Aurora and nodded in agreement, she would've been fine in any house and being apart from her sister, but she was glad she wasn't. "Yeah, I'd like that!" she replied still whispering. "Well go on an adventure exploring," she had a little excitment in her tone, but wasn't speaking above a whisper. "It's so good, and we can spend loads of time together now!" she had liked writing, but it was nice to not have to.
Xinyi smiled brightly. "Awesome!" He whispered to her, already trying to think of the best places they could go. "Is there anywhere you really want to see?" He asked. He know he'd told her about the castle, and he was sure her brother and father probably had as well.
Rosie didn't need to think long about the answer, "The gardens, for sure," she told him with an excited whisper. She'd heard so much about them, and couldn't wait to join the club associated with it. There were plenty of places she wanted to see at the school but the garden was top of her list, "Are there any places you'd want to show me?" she asked keen to find out where he liked to spend his time at school.
Xinyi nodded in agreement, the gardens were great. "The gardens! I'm in the wild patch club, you should definitely join," He whispered to her. "They're so pretty, you'll love it. We can go to the lake too, I think you'll like it out there," He smiled brightly. "I'm really happy you're here now, I haven't really made many friends," He blushed and looked away shyly. "I'd like to spend more time with you?" He offered gently, peeking back over to her.
Rosie nodded, she was glad that Xinyi was already in the club. She was looking forward therefore to spending time with him at it, since he knew his sister was never going to go along to it. "yeah! The lake sounds cool, Bran says there's an eel, giant eel," Rosie whispered excitedly, she wanted to see the lake and enjoy the lake front and maybe see the eel, maybe. She gave a little frown as he said he hadn't made that maybe friends, "Course!" she assure him, they could definitely spend time together and she would be thankful for a friend.
Xinyi nodded quickly. He had heard about the giant eel as well. He smiled brightly as she agreed. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pink cherry blossom hair clip. He slid it across the table to her. "Here, I got this for you. I thought you might like it," He smiled shyly at her. He'd seen it while he was out shopping with his mother and he'd just had to get it.
Rosie had been mostly keeping her gaze on the sorting, but looked to what he was giving her. She smiled softly at it. "Wow!" she exclaimed softly. "This is so pretty Xinyi, thank you!" she would've hug her friend, but it would be awkward to do so while the room was so filled with other people and they were supposed to be paying attention to it. She took it and put it in her hair, giving him a little smile. "How does it look?"
Xinyi smiled brightly as she seemed to like his present. He smiled as she put it into her hair. "I think you look- I mean, it looks lovely," he told her with a warm smile. "I'm glad you like it," He scooted a little closer. "The ceremony looks like its almost over. There are a lot of new students this year," he noted quietly.
Rosie smiled at the compliment, "Thanks Xinyi!" she told him. She nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I'm glad I was one of the first to get to spend time with you and didn't have to wait nervously for so long," she knew that being one of the first to get called forward might be a little tricky from time to time but in this case it had been good to not have to worry too much.
Xinyi smiled a little shyly at Rosie. "Hey, I would have sat with you at any of the tables," He told her. He had to fall quiet as the ceremony ended, but then he was able to turn and get some food. He smiled at Rosie as he did, pleased they could talk normally now. He was glad she was finally at school now. He had enjoyed their letters, but he had missed seeing her.

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