Today, I'm smiling because _________

Today I am smiling because I had a great Skype sesh with the girls for Anna's birthday!
Today I'm smiling because AVPM is very, very funny. xD
Today I am smiling because i have joint a new RP and looking forward to making a load of new friends.
Today i am happy, because i am alive. I just win over some of my fears, in fright nights of halloween in Walibi Holland and in some rollercoasters. I am proud :)
Today I Am Smiling Because, I was just told a joke, and it brightened my day exceptionally, even if it was simple. :lol:
And we're finally getting some rain down here (apparently) so, maybe that'll help with the fires! :woot:
Today I am smiling because my friends and I went on a day trip to Dunoon, and in this small town we ended up outside a Yes Scotland (Pro-referendum) shop looking at some of the stuff in the window, and the man inside came out to talk to us about the campaign, what it was like for him and for us, and then about the store itself and then invited us in for tea or coffee. It was just really lovely.
Today I'm smiling because I got to see my boyfriend after a very long time :hug:
Today I'm smiling because I've come such a long way with regards to my anxiety, and even though the show is over I'm so glad it happened and I can't wait for the next one!
Today, I'm smiling because it's CHRISTMAS EVE'S EVE!! :santa: :woot: :party:
Today I am smiling because my annoying co-worker is on her day off (Don't judge me)

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