Tis the season

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Aroha Jennings

Well-Known Member
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
I hate the holidays. In fact thats an understatement. Either way, this week is seeming very long (yeah, I only get about a week of holidays this year instead of the usual 7 :erm: . Thanks work.) It's been, what, a month and a half since Aroha had any big RPs to do?


She isn't about to jump off a cliff, or lurk in the forbidden forest (for once), but I do want her to be the subject of some teasing so that she grows up a bit and becomes a true gryffindor instead of a wimp. She acts like a 6 year old, even though she's 11. I'm looking for...

~A boyfriend/crush/person who emotionally confuses Aroha
~A best friend (Aroha doesn't have much contact with people anymore, people she's already met maybe?)
~A group of bullies, older Slytherins?

I just realized how nice I am to my characters lol.

Thankyou so much for your time, :wub: Livi.

(Btw if someone wants to go in for physical abuse, I'll be pleased. But they have to do the talking with the admins, not me xD )
Hmmm....I'm hoping that Maddie will get into Slytherin. She's younger than Aroha, but after sorting she could bully her anyway.

((aren't we nice :p))

Lily could be a bully too. She's the same age but would love to bully someone.

She's really quite mean, so she'd easily bully Aroha.

Brittany- Oh cool, so Maddy could be friends with Amelia xD . That will probably work, although its a bit of time to wait, isn't it?

Clover- Awesome :) both those characters sound good. How will Aroha and Mikkie meet?

Immy- that would work.

OK, this is great!! For the bullying thing, I'm hoping for the bullies to gang up on Aroha, so ideally its all done in one RP. And... yeah. I've run out of things to say o_O

So, Clover and Lily are the immediate bullies. Is there someone else who might want to join in???

Okay, cool,

Maybe Lily could start bullying Aroha, in Brightstone, and Clover can join them. If she would like to do that.

I can do it.
I'll post it here when I'm done.
Maddie is having a show down with one of Mellys new characters right now! So fun!
Sounds nice, I agree with one thread ... I'll post there ...

And as for Mikkie and Aroha, they can meet anywhere ... Romantic ???
What if Aroha and Mikkie had a run in somewhere in Hogwarts and fell in wub???

This sounds really sappy
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