Tiny Babies

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Louise Barnett

short tempered; curious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
7/2038 (10)
Hey all!

So I have a number of future students that I would like to have some plots for, both for before they start and once they're at Hogwarts. They're going to be split up and sorted throughout the next few IC years, so there's a variety to choose from!

Let me know your thoughts ^_^ As some of you know, I've recently become obsessed with Pinterest so I've attached their boards for visuals.

Sorting Y30Taerin Kendall-WuTaerin is Kimmyeons sister, and the youngest and final member of the Kendall-Wu clan. She currently lives in South Korea with their parents. She is quite outgoing to those she knows, and will love to learn about Divination. I think she would be best with a small group of friends when she's in school. On the outside she's quite mysterious, and has learnt how to keep out of the way and keep secrets from all her siblings.Aesthetic
Elsa FaithElsa is the younger sister of Lily Grace, but a little more open than her Hufflepuff counter part. She loves music and writing, and while she may be found spending days at a time closed off and working on projects, she can also be the life of a party. She would get on especially well with those who enjoy her own hobbies, or who are down to earth and easy to talk to.Aesthetic

Sorting Y31Ilija OlafBrother to Mhairi and Zhaklina and residing in Bulgaria, Ilija follows in his family's footsteps of creating things. Although he's quite shy, he adores reading, and would like to one day write his own book. He's often lost in his papers, and while he may find real life overwhelming it would be nice to him to have a friend or two he can turn to.Aesthetic
Rician BarnettRician is the nephew of Liberty Kaelen (And finally my third ever Barnett to get to Hogwarts!). He loves to climb and explore, and has no fears of hurting himself. He doesn't really care that much about magic, as he considers it a convenience more than any special. He may end up getting himself into some physical trouble at some point.Aesthetic

Sorting Y34Louise BarnettLast but not least is Lou. She's only 6 at the moment but she and her brother have been brought up living between Italy and Japan, so she ends up meeting a lot of people. Generally she's happy to be an observer, but she also has a keen interest in photography, filmography and drawing.Aesthetic
Hey Pheeb!

I haven't made my characters as far in advance as you, but I can still offer you some. Because (as you know) I also have the pinterest bug, I'll link you to their boards too :r

Diana Holland I could see possibly befriending Taerin, they seem a little bit similar though Diana is less outgoing and more calculating. She's actually a big gossip, which is perhaps a fun contrast to Taerin keeping secrets? If not friends, perhaps they can clash, as I feel Diana will clash with a lot of people :p Diana is also being sorted next year so that could be interesting! She is also going to like Divination, though Astronomy will be her favorite. Aesthetic

Then I have Emilia Manning who is also up for sorting in Y30, she could perhaps be a friend to Elsa. They have a love for music in common. Emilia plays piano and loves it. She can be a little clingy and naive to the point of being annoying, as well as childish, but she'll grow out of that. She has grown up very sheltered but is very friendly to new people. Aesthetic

With both of these there's a problem of where they are if you want to plot them before school starts, as Diana is in New Zealand (While Taerin is in South Korea) and Emilia is in Denmark, but we can probably figure something out.

I also have Alice Holland, who will be sorted in Y31 like your two boys. I don't really have ideas for this atm but I figure I can offer her in case you have one ^_^ Aesthetic
hey pheebz :hug:
I haven't been active lately and would like to change that. Tiny babies are the best!!
I have two to offer but I really don't have bio for them yet. ( ugh my weakness )
I'm just going off by headcanon.
First I have Jenna Toubia - The total opposite from her brother? Maybe.
I haven't decided that yet because their family history complicated.
Basically, their aunt a squib who pretends to know magic when she doesn't.
But, it's a good thing to the ministry. The kids have been under their protection because they
have reason to believe their dad attacked their madre, and the reason why she in St. Mungos.
Her lack of magic kept them safe, but she lied to them about it. So, it's like?? Right now for them.

Next I have is Kendrick Warlock - The boy of few words to none. He just doesn't like talking much and is extremely shy and very
attached to his mom.. That's all for now. ^_^
Thank you both!

Taerin & Diana: I think they could have an interesting love hate relationship. They have a lot of similar interests, but Taerin may find she can't trust her? Could make for some interesting topics if Diana was to ever share her personal information. As Taerin is the only one not at Hogwarts, I suspect it's easier to her to visit her siblings during the holidays than they to go home. Perhaps they could meet during one of these before school?

Elsa & Emilia: I love this idea! I think they share not just music taste but type of music, so that's good. I agree though I think these two may have to wait until the school year starts to meet.

Alice & Rician: I see there's a lot of roller-skates on her aesthetic! Maybe if she's into that, she could convince Ric to try it out? Since he is very active he would be open to giving it a go.

Jenna & Elsa: I think Elsa would be very curious about what Jenna is going through. Elsa is a good listener so would definitely try to help her, and if she ever needed to "investigate" her family, Elsa could turn it into a project for them?

Kendrick & Ilija: He is adorable! I wonder if Ilija would reach out given his own shyness, especially from his first year. He doesn't have a brother so it would be a nice development for him to try and look after someone else. The only thing is it may be a little while until they meet >>
Taerin & Diana: Agreed! Would be fun to do during the holidays ^_^ They could get to know each other.

Elsa & Emilia: I'm happy to know Emilia will at least have one friend once she's sorted :wub: I think it's best to wait for then too, they can bond over music :D

Alice & Rician: That also sounds good! Alice is girly but also active and she does love rollerskating, it would be fun to have her talk him into trying it. Are you thinking before school for this?
It would be nice to have them meet before school I think. Rician again would be split between Italy and Japan. Only thing I have to get them to NZ would be they've taken a trip to visit Natalie xD Where do the Hollands live?
They live in New Zealand :p
To Natalie's it is! Maybe around Christmas if that's not too far away? :r
Sounds good ^_^ Maybe we can do both the Diana and Alice ones around then :D
Hi! I have Ellie, and Spencer who will both be sorted in Y34 that could be friends with Louise. Ellie is a very loud, and outgoing little girl. If there is trouble to get into she is on top of it, along with her twin Lysander. She loves to play little league quidditch, and "help" with the animals around her fathers shop. She hopes one day to be able to turn into an animal just like her dad. Spencer on the other hand is very quiet, and mostly keeps to himself. He loves to read, and play quietly. I can see him taking more of an interest in Lou's artistic hobbies than Ellie would.
Eleanora Summers said:
Hi! I have Ellie, and Spencer who will both be sorted in Y34 that could be friends with Louise. Ellie is a very loud, and outgoing little girl. If there is trouble to get into she is on top of it, along with her twin Lysander. She loves to play little league quidditch, and "help" with the animals around her fathers shop. She hopes one day to be able to turn into an animal just like her dad. Spencer on the other hand is very quiet, and mostly keeps to himself. He loves to read, and play quietly. I can see him taking more of an interest in Lou's artistic hobbies than Ellie would.
oh my goodness, another Barnett Summers Havishmen friendship :wub:

I love. I think Louise would enjoy being around Ellie to inspire her and see what she's up to. I think Spencer too could make a great friend, and they would bond over their introvertness xD

Do you think there's any chance anyone can meet beforehand, or would they have to wait until school?
Yes! <3

Does Louise ever come to New Zealand? If not I could probably think of a reason for them to be in Italy(Aunt Dallas decides she wants some real gelato, perhaps, and takes the kids with her to Italy :p )
The only connection they would have is to go to visit Natalie Goodwin (Their Aunt). Though if you prefer to have a topic set in Italy that would be interesting (Considering I've had an Italian character 8 years but have never once done this :r )
Olive Layton said:
Jenna & Elsa: I think Elsa would be very curious about what Jenna is going through. Elsa is a good listener so would definitely try to help her, and if she ever needed to "investigate" her family, Elsa could turn it into a project for them?

Kendrick & Ilija: He is adorable! I wonder if Ilija would reach out given his own shyness, especially from his first year. He doesn't have a brother so it would be a nice development for him to try and look after someone else. The only thing is it may be a little while until they meet >>
Jenna x Elsa - That actually sounds like fun, since Joshua a little bit narrowed minded about these things. (I don't see how he got into Ravenclaw ) They can meet and slowly but surly they can figure out the big mystery. :D
Kendrick x Ilija - Ah cool! I thought you was going to offer someone close to his age. xD Just to have something going for now. But I also like the idea! I might end up posting an rp soon, for both him and his mom.

So I just wanted to say keep me in your radar so we can plot during the upcoming school years!
Y30 Everly Harrington Fierce and red head. Brilliant mind.
Sissy Moors A very girly version of her older sister Jocelynn. The two are best of friends and she'll probably be a Gryffindor as well, but it'd be cool if she wasn't so they are seperated. I could see her also being a Hufflepuff.
Y32 Maggy Harrington My least thought out really. Everly's younger sister and the Harrington's are the cousins to November Albertson my forth year on the site. She's colorful and bold, I would guess Ravenclaw for her but that's not set in stone yet xD
Y34 I think I have the younger sister of Hudson Worth planned for that year, but I'm not certain :r

I haven't made them on the site and as such haven't nailed down the hard details about them yet but linked above is each of their aethestics so you can get an idea of what I have coming in the future to the site! :D

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