Open Time To Study...

Samantha Jacobs

55' grad 🎓 | biggest heart ❤️ olivander's asst.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
24 (06/2037)
It was that time of year again, where a lot of people were in their own world or space to study for their classes again. This year, however, Samantha had the courage to get her act together, and actually study for her upcoming exams and catching up with her homework. She actually wanted to try with her academics this year, and Samantha felt proud that she was actually doing her studies for once. Samantha sat at a desk, books from different classes scattered across her table while trying to leave room for people who wanted to join her table if they wanted to study or whatnot. She sat on the cluster of mess table, writing down extra notes, as well as rewriting notes that she had rushed into writing during class.
All year long, Tilly had been going for a personal record: seeing how long she could go without visiting the school library. She’d managed eight months so far. Except today, she needed to break that record for an Astronomy assignment. Surprisingly enough, she enjoyed that class, and wanted to do well.

Tilly had hugged two thick books on constellations to her chest. All of a sudden, she tripped over a stack of books that someone else had left in the aisle. The big-footed first year fell to the ground, her books smacking the floor with a BANG. “Ouch,” she muttered, then burst out laughing, quite loudly to herself.
Samantha was in her own world of focusing on studying her own work, that her own world of focus broke from a loud bang. She looked up and then down to where the sound came from and saw that there was a younger girl on the ground and noticed she had tripped over a pile of books. "Oh, I'm sorry for leaving my books there," Samantha said with guilt as she picked up her books that the girl tripped over and putting it on to the table. She wasn't paying attention to where she had placed her books, and now she was worried that she had injured someone. "Are you okay? Do you need help getting up? I'm so sorry again" Samantha says, some guilt still traced in her voice, her focus not on her studies anymore, but fully focused on the girl who had tripped.
Tilly blushed at the older Hufflepuff fussing over her. It was a bit embarrassing, really- she’d only tripped. “No worries, I’m completely fine!” Tilly insisted loudly. She didn’t visit the library often and the concept of an inside voice was still alien to her.

Grinning at the other girl, Tilly said, “Wow, you have a lot of books.” The sheer amount of books at the table was impressive. Then, inwardly, Tilly hoped she wouldn’t need to study that much in the later years. Her eyes would go crosswise!
Adorah was feeling relatively confident in studying for her final exams. She had created full blown study guides for all her classes both in paper and notecard form so she could study in multiple ways. The library had been a place of solitude since she first arrived at Hogwarts and provided a wonderful environment to study in - quiet, tempertaure controlled, large tables with semi-comfortable chairs. There were the occasional interruptions, but all in all, it was one of her favorite places at the castle. She was finishing up one set of notecards when she heard a loud crash and then laughter. As she looked up after slightly leaping out of her seat, she noticed a younger student had fallen, dropping her books with her. It was then she noticed her friend Samantha. She hadn't even realized anyone she knew was around, but it made sense with how small the school was. The Hufflepuff was helping the girl, and Adorah slid out of her seat to pick up some of the books the younger student had banged against the floor. She held them in her hand. "You dropped these," she said quietly, as they were still in a library, and she was sure the librarians wouldn't appreciate the commotion.

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