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Clara McCarthy

🧁 Flourish and Blott's worker, Cupcake princes 🧁
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 8 Inch Unyielding Rosewood Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
15 (13 October, 2049.)
The tower was relatively warm - as opposed to the corridors that used to be wet this fall - and Clara, who had arrived without a girlfriend, sat on one of the stone benches in the center of the tower. Next to the bench, a bag was placed from which the girl pulled out a reusable water bottle and she drank while exploring the area. A nice book of reading material had been pulled out of the bag and the girl opened it slowly to read slowly.
Mary Lou was not used to this part of the school. She hadn’t managed to do a lot of exploring (she wasn’t much of an adventurer) and didn’t yet have any classes in any of the towers or really anywhere above the fifth floor. She didn’t venture out too often, trying to avoid anything that might scare her since she’d bumped into a great many things already. Ghosts, a house elf, a talking portrait who hadn’t been terribly pleased at her stares. It was... rather disquieting. She didn’t even notice she was lost until she’d looked up to see an unfamiliar section of the castle, and had stopped dead in her tracks, wondering if she could retrace her steps. This school, it was like it just... changed at will or something. The stairs moved, she’d almost tripped down them and broken her leg on the way to Herbology yesterday. Was this really what she had to look forward to? A life of wondering which staircase was going to make her late, or which portrait was going to berate her for not greeting it, or which ghost was going to purposely fly though her because she’d disrespected them by walking through them first (she hadn’t, the ghost just hadn’t moved when she had), was it really going to be like this for another... six and a half years? The very thought made Mary Lou shudder in response. She did not think she could handle and another year of this fear let alone another six.​
"Hey, what are you doing?" She spoke another girl and close her book. She stand up and take her water bootle and looked to the Hufflepuff girl.
Mary Lou nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard someone speaking to her. She hadn't realised there was someone else around at all. "Oh, my heart, I am so sorry!" She said, just glad it wasn't a portrait or a ghost who was talking to her, but a normal girl who seemed nice enough. Perhaps she could have a normal conversation. "I'm lost, actually, I... got lost on my way to the common room and I got all turned 'round."
''Sory, i don't wanna scary you? Are you okey?'' she was voried about the girl and she don't wanna leave the girl alone here. '' Do you need help find your coomon room? Girl asked to hear.
Mary Lou, despite knowing it was completely unladylike to do so, scuffed her foot along the stones of the corridor floor. It was strange to have stones under her feet, when she was so used to the wood and dirt of Daphne. "I am so very lost actually, yes," she said, shaking her head. She really didn't know what to do. "I didn't mean to come up here, I... the stairs," she didn't think she needed to explain further hopefully. "Do y'all know how to get to Hufflepuff? I know it's below here, but... I am so terrible at all of this I don't get it." She said, trying to fight back tears. This was all just so silly.​
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''Then let's go and help you find your way back'' Clara wanted her help and she didn't wanna her let go alone. ''Dont vorie!'' The blond tried to calm her down and Clara was always take care of the others. ''Yes, i know where is Hufflepuff coomon room, i will show you and we need go to fourth floor corridor and there will be find the right way.''

''Belive me, you will be fine and I will not leave you here.''
The girl put her right hand on her shoulder. Giving the girl a supportive hope that she will feel a little better.
Mary Lou didn’t know what to say. She was very greatful to this girl for helping her out even when she didn’t have to. She wasn’t even from her house probably, though she had yet to learn all the names of the people in her house, she was sure she would learn the names of her dormmates eventually. She wiped the small bit of tears that had developed in her eyes. “Thank you ever so much, I don’t think I’d find my way without help.” She told the other girl, smiling slightly. It was nice that everything in this world wasn’t so scary.”​
' You don't have to worry and you're not alone, '' which was complemented by a warm embrace. The girl hoped it would help her to calm down a little, giving her a chance to realize she was not alone. McCharty picked up his school bag and a bottle of water, then put the book down. Because she didn't want to lose the book in the library. Holding a bottle of water, she urged her to leave. ''Let's go!'' She smiled her and left North Tover.
Mary Lou smiled slightly at the girl, pleased she seemed to be willing to help. "Thank you ever so much, I was sure I'd be left out on a doorstep in the rain!" Some of her Southern sayings were weird to most people, but she liked them, they kept some normalcy in her life where there currently was none. "I will follow!" She said, immediately hooking her arm through the girls. She hoped the girl wouldn't mind. "I am Mary Lou by the way, what is your name?"

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