
Bridget Black

Well-Known Member
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Bridget was excited for her birthday March 25 was comming up and she didn't know if anyone knew but she didn't mind if know one knew it was no big deal, she did know it was going to be kind of hard her first birthday after her brothers' deaths it was going to be diffucult but she knew she would manage, for now she was looking on the bright side and layin in the grass by the lake was relaxing there was one thing on her mind though she didn't know why but she felt really lonely her 2 best friends didn't even fill the gap she felt like she had, Bridget couldn't think of anything else besides her brothers comming back to life that would fill the gap, except one thing and she was afraid she wasn't ready for that one thing so she closed her eyes with the sun beating aginst her face thinking about what minght make her feel less lonely when she stared to drift off to sleep the last thought she had was "mabey you need a boyfriend...." and her train of thought trailed away as she drifted into her little dream land.
Siobhan took it upon herself to go outside and get some fresh air. She hadn't been very social with anyone lately. Skipping along the bank, she saw a girl laying on the ground, possibly sleeping. Sliding herself down beside the girl, she smiled and placed her hands in her chin. "Hello."
[ Hope you don't mind me joining]

After having a hard time coping with the stupid Slytherin girl, who was truly making her life horrible, Lily was spending her time taking her anger and frustration out on those around her. Mainly Gryffindors. Brave as they tried to be, they just weren't. And Lily liked it this way. She stepped out into the grounds, in a more summer attire rather than a winter/autumn one which would suit the seasons better. She didn't care, she wasn't cold. She was cold inside, as in she had quite a cold personality but she wasn't literally cold. Lily was minding her own business, walking towards the tree by the lake. She kept walking and walking, until a noise from the ground attracted her eyes down to the grass, it was then she realised that there was a girl, lying, apparently asleep on the grass. Lily knew she could walk round the girl, but the mere fact of the girl doing this seriously frustrated Lily. And there was a second girl beside her.

"Oh my, what do we have here." Lily said, teasingly. "Two little dirty, pieces of scum, who belong in a cage, as an attraction in the Dirty People circus"
As another girl approched Bridget saying hello Bridget opend her eyes slowly the sun burned her eyes a little so she squinted up at the girl seing another girl approching Bridget sat up fast and was on her graud seeing as the other girl was from slytherin, Bridget was ready for whatever she threw at her, when the slytherin girl insulted Bridget and the girl next to her Bridget retaleated with "well at least we belong some where unlike slytherin's, you guys don't belong anywhere, never have, never will, so why don't you go bother someone else with pointless insults like that, go on run along now and wallow in your poor pathitic little useless life," Bridget snarled back she didn't take crap from anyone and never had she was ready for whatever this girl thew at her, ready, armed, and waiting.

Lily looked curiously at the girl, that had once been asleep, but was now sitting up right. She raised her eyebrow, and when the girl had finished give a cold heartless laugh. She looked at this girl's clothes and shook her head. Lily bent down to there level and looked the girl straight in eye. Lily thought that Gryffindors were the most stupid things alive, Lily would stop at nothing to annoy them.

"I would run along, but I would much rather stay here." Lily said, her voice laced with mocking. "And people don't really belong, it's all just an image, or a figment of imagination. Belonging is for people too weak to be able to stand on there own. So since I don't belong, that makes me braver. And now, I was under the impression that Gryffindors were brave, but you're both just as stupid as the Gryffindor monkey I stunned out of a tree." Lily finished leaving the sentence hanging, as if more was to come.
(Hope you don't mind me joining :p )

Libby had been talking to her old friends recently, and wanted to see more of them. She was sat on a small bench by the lakefront, which was overlooking the forbidden forest. Her eye was caught by a small young girl, who was sitting alone. Libby remembered what it had been like, back when she was a first year. It could be daunting.
She gave half a smile to herself when the little girl was met by another. It made her think of Arisa. And then another. Libby frowned. Unless the two girls enjoyed being mocked, which it certainly looked like what was going on, someone they didn't like had also now joined them.
Libby sighed, getting off her seat and wandering over. "And now, i was under the impression that Gryffindors were brave, but you're both just as stupid as the Gryffindor money i stunned out of a tree" she heard just as she had approached them. Tapping the girl's shoulder, she knew she wouldn't let Hogwarts be given a bad name, just because a small first year student was incapable of manners. "Sorry to interupt" Libby said, glancing to the other two. "Is she your friend?" she asked them first, as should she ridicule this girl before asking, it could make herself look pretty bad.
Siobhan was just completely stunned at how rude this girl could be. She had met her once before, but all her insults had been about Siobhan's own bad taste in fashion. Scoffing, she was about to stand up for both of them after this Slytherin had insulted her for the last time when an older girl student came over and joined their group and asked if they were friends. "Umm, no," she said bravely, standing up with her hands on her hips. "These piece of pathetic, trashy taste in insults... and fashion," she made sure to state, "was just on her way out of here, as were we," she stated, hoping that this Gryffindor she had just met would get the idea and follow her.

Even though Siobhan was in Gryffindor, she wasn't very brave. She was more kind-hearted and loyal, in her own opinion, but stood up for herself and friends when necessary. She wasn't much of a fighter either, which is why she was trying to get out of here before it got anywhere near violent.
Libby nodded to the girl who'd spoken. "I can agree with you there. Your insults arn't exactly orgional" she smiled sweetly as what she now guessed was a Slytherin. "Say, who's your Head of House? Or, would you prefer me to escort you to mind eh?" she asked. She looked over to the two students that had been victims of this girl, "You two better be carful who you mix with" she warned. She'd had a friend once, but he had let her straight into the hands of something particulary horrible.

Lily didn't mind that an older student was siding with the little pathetic Gryffindors. With the heels on, Lily might be younger, but she certain wasn't smaller, and she was better built than her thin frame played her up to be. She took a few steps towards the Hufflepuff girl. Hate searing in her eyes. She ignored as the two Gryffindors started to run off, oh how Gryffindorian of them. Lily looked the the girl up and down, she didn't really like her. That was clear. Thankfully, while Lily didn't know much about magic, she did know things.

"My head of house, Professor Merrythought." Lily said with a small smile, in a fakely sweet voice.
Libby's eyes narrowed at the girl. "Do you think i'm stupid or something? Think i don't know my own now?!" she asked, wanting to pin up her against a tree. "I take it your a Slytherin. Don't worry i have enough friends to find out which house it is. You're lucky you dont have it, it's something called popularity" she sneered at the younger girl. Who did she think she was?

"I suggest you get out of here!" she shouted at her. She was going to report this girl to her own Head of House, saying she was again found to be medling in other peoples business.

Lily smirked at the girl. Who really needed friends, Allies were better. And Allies meant you didn't have many of the commitments you needed to have as friends. Plus the few friends Lily did have she could always count on no matter what. She decided that this time, she'd walk away. For once. Lily took a step back.

"Until we meet again, B!tch" Lily said, before turning and heading towards the cliffs. She didn't even look back to the girl, there was something telling her that she and her, this wasn't the last time they'd meet.
Bridget had, had enough of this pathitic Slytherin and was standing up to give her a good punch in her cocky little face when the other Gryffindor was trying to get up and walk away and a older girl came and joined them telling the snotty worthless Slytherin off when she had finnaly left Bridget was realived she knew she had a temper and would have hurt the girl real bad if she hadn't of left not that she would have cared but she would have gotten in to a mess of trouble she did not want. "thanks," Bridget said to the older girl, looking at each girl she introduced herself "Im Bridget, Bridget Black by the way." extending her hand to both girls as a friendly gesture

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