Closed This your doing

Anastasia Katsaros

don't touch me or he'll kill you
Relationship Status
Poplar/Cryprus wand 13 1/2" essence of Boomslang Venom
Anastasia was beside herself. She'd already lost one child she's had to grieve for and now it was like she was losing another.

She wouldn't stand for it. Either Dante was going to come home, or she was going after him. Daemyn can think what he likes, but her child or no, she doesn't let anyone keep her family from her. Even her own family. She had a mind to stick him with a needle if she'd get her hands on him, but he's good with his wand, better than her at any rate, and he isn't stupid. The moment she would show up on his doorstep he'd know. Why Dante seemed to think he can hide from his mother she wasn't sure, but as it was she was getting understandably reckless and Hades was getting an earful of it, it was high time he did something about it. She loved each of her children in turn, but she also knew the family she had married into and what each of her children was capable of. She'd already lost Varvara, she refused to let anyone take Dante away from her as well. "This is your influence Hades, my children keeping my children from me. I won't have it. Do something about it." Either someone needed to bring her son to her or she would set the wizarding world on fire until she found him. "If I must walk through the gates of that school when the semester starts again and retrieve him myself, I will do it."

@Hades Styx

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