Closed This Sure Is A Date, Huh?

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Holden Marshall

problem child
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Gay) (for Milo. unfortunately.
Knotted 10 Inch Sturdy Blackthorn Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
4/2047 (16)
As sick as the feeling made him, Holden felt as though for the first time in his life, he understood his father. The urge to bolt had never in his life been stronger as he waited for Vanity to meet him. This was a mistake - it had to be. He was waiting for the coolest girl in school, to take her to the Yule Ball. He kept glancing side to side, as though something or someone was going to show up and tell him it was all a big prank. But here he was, feeling like an idiot in his t-shirt and jeans as he watched his classmates filter in in suits. Should he have dressed up more? Holden didn't even own a suit, he was pretty sure. Whatever, it was too late now, and he just had to hope Vanity wouldn't turn and run at the sight of him. Or... maybe he did hope that, a little.
Vanity couldn't help smiling smugly as she made her way to the great hall for the yule ball. She had a date, a real date. And he was cute. Holden Marshall was undoubtedly a catch, in a bad boy kind of way. It wasn't quite like showing up with a Quidditch captain on her arm, but she didn't mind. Maybe it was even better, cooler. Vanity checked herself one last time in her compact mirror before heading into the entrance hall. It didn't take long for her to spot Holden, and her step faltered slightly. She wasn't sure why she had expected him to dress up fancy, as it wasn't really his vibe, but... she had. She tried to force her smile back in place. So what if he didn't wear a suit? It was cool, laid-back, like he didn't care what anyone thought. That was good, right? "Hi." She said, smiling up at him as she stopped in front of him. "Let's go in." She said, wanting everyone to see them go in together. She hoped other girls would be jealous.
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F*ck. It was the first thought in Holden's mind as he saw Vanity, heart dropping in the stomach. He definitely should have found a suit. She was dressed up and visible from a mile away, all bright pink and frills. The whole school was going to notice her, and then they'd see him right there, a useless ugly lump at her side. Holden gave an uncomfortable nod as Vanity approached, hoping his smile wasn't too pained with nerves. "Sure." He said awkwardly, realising a moment later he should probably offer her his arm. "You look... really pretty." He said as he thrust his elbow in her direction.
Vanity had hoped Holden would say something about how she looked, she had put a lot of effort into it. He did, and she smiled, but it felt a little... off. Like he had to force himself to say it. No matter, she could make this perfect. Vanity moved forward, fully intending to grab his hand before he could pull away, when he suddenly moved his elbow at her. Vanity grimaced as he elbowed her in the chest, taking a quick step back from him as she winced. "Ouch, f*ck." She said under her breath. Then she shook her head. "It's fine, let's just go in." She said quickly, her voice a little shrill.

godmod approved
As soon as Holden realised what he had done, he quietly wished the ground would swallow him up. A tiny, delirious part of his brain looked around for Eric, half hoping his overzealous brother would come arrest him for.... chewing gum, or something. Anything to get him away from this situation. "Sorry..." Holden croaked, head dropping. He jammed his hands into his pockets to avoid any future damage, nodding awkwardly.
Vanity wanted to growl in frustration. This wasn't going the way she had wanted at all, and it was infuriating. She shook her head. "It's FINE." She repeated. "You can make it up to me by giving me your hand and walking in there with me like you want to be there." She snapped, her annoyance getting the better of her. She held out her hand. "Come on."
Even though he knew it was in her, Holden was still surprised by the sudden change in Vanity's demeanour. He'd seen her get angry before, of course, but he'd never had it directed at him before. "Alright, no need to shout." He grumbled as he took her hand, even though Vanity hadn't been shouting, exactly. "Let's just go."
Vanity practically dragged Holden into the great hall by his hand, huffing at him. "I'm not shouting." She hissed. "Just- just act normal, right? People are watching." She said, not breaking her stride as she marched him straight over to the dance floor without consulting him about it. He would just protest and she didn't have time for that, she had to save this date somehow.
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