This is Halloween, Everybody Make a Scene

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Wren Louise

French • Ex Divination Professor Heathen
OOC First Name
Kelsey Ruth
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 ½" Flexible Pine Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
1/2017 (34)
Wren woke up hungry, which was fairly unusual for him because Kata Tuuri always made sure he had some sort of nice, healthy snack tucked away in his office. When he checked the cold cupboard, however, there was nothing but a half eaten baklava and two tubes of condensed milk. The rumble in his tummy told him that something more substantial would be required, so off the Divination Professor went to hunt down some midnight chow.

Well, at least he thought it was midnight. Wren usually woke up hungry in the wee hours when everyone else was asleep, so he had no qualms about traipsing through the halls in his pink striped PJs. What actually occurred was that he came upon numerous costumed students heading to the Great Hall for the feast, staring at him as he passed and perhaps wondering why he'd chosen such a mundane costume. Wren still hadn't cottoned on until he reached the ground floor on his way to the kitchens. The hallways were lined with crackling pumpkins. Live, conjured bats roosted in the eaves and screeched at passers-by, and someone had charmed the suits of armour to shout 'Boo!' every so often, giving half the student body the willies.

Wren paused at the great oak doors and was greeted by one of the first feasts he had ever accidentally attended. Now was as good a time as any to get acquainted with the culinary delights that Hogwarts had to offer. The Frenchman padded through the middle of the hall in socked feet and sat down at the Hufflepuff house table, oblivious to the row of teachers at the head of the room, reaching for a pudding.
Halloween! A time that Sloane was not exactly a fan of. Her family was never really into celebrating Halloween, growing up in both Australia and the UK meant that she sometimes saw kids hanging around in costume, but for the most part, she ignored it. Being at the school and in the position of head of house made Sloane more receptive to these holidays. She waved at some of her students and played a Viking with them every now and then vowing to pillage their villages and cut off their heads. Appropriate squealing was had and Sloane continued on to the professor's table, until she stopped in her walk at the appearance of Wren. She expected him to follow her to the professors table, and when he stopped at the Hufflepuff table and laughed aloud. "Wren! Doofus what are you doing, we eat up here!" She waved for his attention and gestured to the head table.
Pudding. Wren cut into a small mound of something, and the soft dessert melted into a puddle of delicious-smelling sauce that made him hum with appreciation. Somewhere in the back of his mind he could hear someone calling his name, but the pudding called louder, and he didn't look up until he'd had a bite.
Finally the Professor came back to Earth long enough to spot Sloane Stark waving at him from the head table. He lifted his hand and waved back with a grin, exposing a gap-toothed smile, and picked up his plate to go say hello.
"Bonsoir, Sloane!" greeted Wren, stabbing a tiny fork into the pudding as he stood directly in front of the table. "And Professeurs," he smiled at the others. "This is a big event, isn't it? You look beautiful with an axe," Wren told her.
Wren never disappointed her and true to fashion, he made his way up to the head table and stood in front of them, pudding in hand. "We also have pudding, Dear Wren." Having friends in the school that she could go to when stressed was a big help for the young Head of House and Arvo had fed her with advice on more than one occasion. There were times even when Wren was the target of her door-knocking. "Ah, thank you! I am quite adept in its use too, so make sure you remember that!" She teased him by flinging it down in front of him. It really was quite heavy, but she would never use it to actually hurt anyone. "I love your Pajamas Sleeping Beauty." She reached over and tugged on them. Yep, clearly he'd just rolled out of bed. "And you're looking more and more bedraggled each day my friend." His hair was getting wildly uncontrollable really.
Wren looked at the pudding in his hand, then at the pudding on the staff table. "Yes," he replied, trying to sound as if he knew exactly what she was talking about. He had pudding, they had pudding, the kids had pudding- Yes, there was definitely pudding. He burst into another smile when she rescued him inadvertently from his confusion and winked slowly at her.

"Ahhh, a woman of many talents. I shall remember that, if ever I manage to upset y- bedraggled? Wren cut himself off mid sentence. He blinked. Oh yes, he was wearing pyjamas. "I thought it was early morning," the Frenchman explained. His hair didn't even come into the equation.
Arvo always enjoyed Halloween. It was something he planned the entire year for, and was expecting to spend it with some of the professors he was particularly fond of a little later. The hall was as dressed up as they all were - excluding the peculier Divination professor, Wren, of course. He should have had the forethought to go to his office and give him a knock, but it had escaped his mind. He gave the Hufflepuff Head of House a look, before chucking quietly behind his goblet as Wren made his approach. He had always been... a flighty sort. It was endearing, and the Arithmancer only grinned as he seemed to overlook Sloane's true meaning.

Everyone knew that Wren's hair was a bit of a curly mess (it was rather obvious), and so Arvo was quite sure dear Sloane did not mean his pajamas. "I'm not surprised," he commented, bushy eyebrows knitting together in amusement. "But what I believe our Sloane was suggesting, was that your hair seems to have a life of its own." His hand waved gesturingly towards it. It was almost a separate being. He had grown his own hair a little for the costume, of course, but it still failed to achieve the volume and length of Wren's wild mane.
Jon loved Halloween and any excuse to dress up and show how much of a nerd he was, really. But it was always a different story during the Halloween feast at Hogwarts. He was technically working during the feast, meant to be as much of a professor as he was in the classroom, and in his mind that was more important than dressing up for the festivities no matter how exciting he thought they were. It was boring of him and not something he wanted to do but something he thought was necessary. He deemed it unprofessional and convinced himself dressing normally was a good idea because Eduardo agreed with it and this was the reason he strolled into the great hall that evening in normal, muggle clothes.

Compared to the students who were dressed up as anything and everything, he looked boring and especially when he approached the professors table to see his colleagues also dressed for the occasion. It made him regret not even wearing a funny tie to the feast but he tried not to let his attire bother him as he stood with the group of professors and overheard the conversation they were having over Wren's clothing and hair, of all things. He could agree that the other man's appearance was disheveled but he had always assumed that was the point of it all and not a happenstance of laziness like the way Sloane was making it out to be. He chose not to comment until Professor Tuuri said Wren's hair seemed to have a life of its own, then added his own two cents by saying, "His hair reminds me of cousin it from the Adam's family", almost under his breath. He wasn't sure if the other professors would understand the movie character he was referencing and did not want to embarrass himself if that was the case but he thought his own joke was funny regardless if he was the only one who might understand it.
Wren's mood improved tenfold at the introduction of Arvo and Jonathan, and he was already pretty chipper talking to Sloane. Arvo was almost unrecognisable in his magically enhanced costume, and Wren thought him quite handsome as an image of his younger self. No wonder his friend was swarming with children and grandchildren.

He looked between all three Professors, and an expression came over his face that no one at Hogwarts had every witnessed on him before. It was almost a ... pout.
"You are like my Mère,"* said Wren to all of them with the hint of a sigh in his voice. The Divination Professor stabbed another piece of pudding and spooned it into his mouth, the fork making a little chink noise on the plate.
"It is always 'Cut your hair, mon bébé,** you will attract moths soon enough'." He sniffed dismissively and tried to change the subject. "Professeur Phillips, you are not in costume! Do you not celebrate Halloween?"

**My baby
Sloane was beside herself really. Wren clearly disliked his hear being the main topic of conversation and Sloane's mood only lifted as Jonathon reached them. He was not wearing any costume, but some people just didn't like this holiday. His comment about Cousin It proved too much for Sloane to handle and she finally let out the laugh she'd been holding for the conversation. "Ah no! Don't hide that comment, Jon, that was brilliant." She held up her hand for a high five. "I loved the Adams family as a kid!" Such a classic show in her opinion. She looked at Wren then and shook her head. "Dearest Wren, your pout does not become you."
Arvo's pointed ears, whilst elderly, were still able to catch the majority of what Jon had uttered, especially when helped along by Sloane's own comment. He gave a bright smile to the younger professor, and tipped his glass towards him as he was reminded of the good ol' days, where the show was not that vintage. It had been some years now (Arvo was not game to calculate just how many), but he was glad to see that it was still harrowed as a favourite by some. He couldn't agree with Sloane, however - Wren's pout was quite potent, and it made him laugh heartily and finish off his goblet, and refill it for another. He gave a look to Jon once more as he was mentioned yet again, by the Frenchman, and found that he was slightly lacking in Halloween spirit. He gave a curious 'hm', but didn't comment so that he didn't interrupt the man, and engaged Sloane in some quiet banter for a brief time.
Jon was surprised his comment got any recognition. The fact it did caused him to smile as he returned Sloane's high five. Immediately his posture changed to something more confident despite Wren's comment about his lack of costume. It was always a feat for him to make conversation with acquaintances and especially colleagues as he was awkward at best, with out of context jokes and obscure references. Luckily his obscure references turned out to be a benefit for him on that night instead of a hindrance and he could continue conversation with his fellow professors normally, and without worrying that he would say something wrong. The glass that Arvo tipped in his direction was a confirmation of that. He smiled wide at the older, although shorter man before looking back to Wren who was the subject of the conversation. "I can never think of costumes. Yours are great by the way." Jon said to the wider group as he poured himself a drink of his own, pouting in kind with the obvious pout on Wren's face. He would feel bad for the man if his appearance wasn't so messy, and like 'cousin it' according to his reference. He then looked between Wren and the other professors, unsure of what to say without crossing boundaries as he had never spoken to these particular colleagues often. The idea of what he could say next was lost on his mind so he continued to smile, almost blankly, hoping it wouldn't cause trouble.
As a result of his particularly hectic schedule, Monty was a little late to the Halloween feast. He was not, however, under-dressed: when at last he made it to the great hall he did so brandishing a sword, which, as he approached the staff table, he sheathed. "So sorry I'm late," he said to Arvo, adopting a cool, boastful posture and examining his fingernails - or rather, where his fingernails would have been, had he not been wearing armoured gauntlets. "Ran into one or two merry men on my way down." He put one hand on his hip and slung an arm around Jon's shoulder, pulling him into an inescapable side-hug. As if suddenly noticing Wren, he exclaimed, "Good grief! From beneath which bush of Sherwood forest did they drag you?"
Isaiah's costume had taken a lot of work, but boy was the teen damn proud of it, he had worked hard to get every part of the costume right, even growing out his hair and using the colour changing spell that they'd learned in transfiguration and made it blonde, though he thought with this costume it suited him a lot better. The head boy was wandering around the room smiling and talking to a few people, bowing to various people and just grinning happily to himself, it was only as he noticed a group of professors gather that Isaiah, who was currently robin hood, realised that one of the professors was dressed as the sheriff of Nottingham, and he was sure, but another looked like a knight so perhaps a matching sort of group costume. While these were professors, the teen who'd glued on a mustache and some extra blonde facial hair decided to just have at it. It was halloween after all. Isaiah launched himself to stand in front of the group, "Huzzah!" he stated boldy, "It is I, Robin Hood, hand over the gold and you'll be on your merry way without any hassle!" he declared loudly but of course he didn't actually point any of the very fake weapons at the professor instead stood his firm ground, standing to pose with both hands on his hips as if people were actually looking at him, "Do not test me, or set your knight upon me, my merry men lurk in the shadows!" Isaiah felt silly, and he knew he was probably interrupting something mildly important between professors, but it was halloween.
Dina, as Maid Marion, wandered the halls of Hogwarts gracefully. She was not accustomed to dresses of this sort, or many dresses at all, but she knew that her boyfriend did like to see her in dresses. Not that he was around much these days always studying in the library as he was. She was going to have to kick his ass one day. She curtsied to knights and smiled at maidens. There were a few about understandably. She had specifically chosen to be Maid Marion though. She was a kickass woman and so Dina knew she would suit the role quite well. She wondered if Havoc was here yet and kept an eye out for him as she walked. However she was delighted to find that someone had dressed up as Robin Hood, now she could have some fun.

She laughed slightly when he appeared at the professor's table and challenged... was that Professor Pocket?! Dina rushed over and grinned at all of them before stepping closer to Robin's side. She had realised it was the Headboy Isaiah as she had gotten closer and hoped he wouldn't mind her butting in. She covered the lower area of her face with her cloak to hide her true identity from the Sheriff and his Knight. "He is as deadly with any weapon as he is charming!" She added to his speech, donning the personality of a woman in love.
Halloween was always entertaining, despite Sloane not celebrating it much. Something always happened, she supposed people just went crazy on the one night of the year when crazy was a good thing. She smiled at the additions as they joined the table and then almost spit out her drink when Robin Hood challenged Arvo. She looked from Robin to Arvo and then to the appearance of who she assumed as supposed to be a friend or perhaps love interest of the man in green given that it was a woman. She did not know much about the story herself. She was curious how this would play out.
Wren had been self-conscious perhaps thrice in his entire life, but the more people who came up to comment on his attire under the correct assumption that he'd just rolled out of bed, the more embarrassed he became, until the Divination Professor's face and neck were stained a blotchy, unnattractive red. His 'mop' worked in his favour as he ducked his head to hide behind his hair and dropped the half eaten plate of pudding on the staff table.

"You all look very well," said Wren in a low, wavering tone. He touched Monty's chainmailed shoulder in mixed greeting and farewell, and started shuffling along the head table to the exit. "I think I will go back to bed. Goodnight Sloane, Arvo, Monty, Jon, Monsieur Jeffreys and Mademoiselle Stanley." Odin save him from Halloween. Arvo and Sloane had a look about him that suggested to Wren they'd make mischief if he stuck around any longer. He kept inching away, smiling vacantly at the group.
Arvo was near cackling as he was challenged by none other than the head boy himself. Well then. The Arithmancy professor was not shy toward a bit of Halloween antics, and was by far more agile than he liked to portray himself. He held his hand to the young man for a moment as he addressed Wren, who was beginning to slink away. "Surely you wouldn't leave just before I put this thief in his place?" he called to Wren. He hadn't drawn his fake sword on the head boy, yet, but he did turn his gaze back to him. "You think you could best the likes of me and my bravest of knights - Sir Monty of Pendleton? Blasphemy." He then looked at the young girl, recognising her voice and vague stature enough to know she was certainly a student of his. There weren't that many that took Arithmancy, to be perfectly honest, but the ex-tutor-turned-professor preferred a small teaching environment anyway.

"And you, young lass. Don't align yourself to such a fiend, least he steal all you have to offer as well." The professor finally stood up, suspiciously taller than he otherwise should have been. "Perhaps you should run whilst you still can, Mister Robin Hood."
Halloween as a chore for Jamez, at least at Hogwarts. His eldest daughter was getting to an age where she understood Halloween enough that sje wanted to take part but he was stuck at the school. James stood in front of the mirror in front of his office, he felt ridiculous with his orange jump suit various props round his necl and on his hands. The insistence that the Professors dress up was insane and really James would rather have spent the weekend at home with his family, or at the very least have been able to bring his wife to the event.

Even James had to admit the Great hall looked good decked out in Halloween decoration but it didn't take away from his feelings about having to be there. He turned and spotted a small gathering of his colleagues and decided to approach them. "Evening all, great costumes all...Wren are you in your pajamas?" He asked the man looking over what he was wearing. It appeared as though he had arrived just as Professor Tuuri suggested the head boy should run. "What in Merlin's name have I walked into?"
Isaiah glanced at the girl who suddenly arrived beside him, he didn't know who the person was but he was realising by her words that she was dressed that it was something to do with what Isaiah was, it had been such a long time he'd read the book and he was just happy to play along with it. The teen was a little surprised when the professor who was wearing what seemed to be wearing far too casual for a costume, but really who was Isaiah to say anything about it, all of this was just a good fun night. He definitely felt bad when the professor started to leave, Isaiah hadn't wanted to intrude upon professors having some time celebrating together, but it seemed that the sheriff was the one to encourage the man to stay, but he looked to the professor and smiled and he grinned easily, this was quite funny, the man was really buying into the joke that he was going on with. The boy looked at the man and took out his fake sword and held it out, "I challenge you, sheriff, to a duel!" the head boy challenged him, "Someone else will decide the prize," Isaiah looked to the rest of the professors, knowing that this was the only day that he was ever able to do this without having to worry about it too much.
Hilton Tiwari was going to sit the Halloween Feast out. She was too focused on other things do worry about dancing and making herself sick with candy. But, sitting in the common room was a bad idea. She saw so many people with nice costumes that she found herslef abandoning her studies. The Hufflepuff was dressed very casually with a long shirt and jeans. The girl was in awe as soon as she walked into the Great Hall. How did the school manage to outdo themselves every year? By her seventh year, she was sure that she was going to faint by the beauty of the feast. She naturally began to wander and she came across a group of professors, but something seemed off. There was a professor backing away from the strange situation, so Hilton grabbed him and looked at him for answers. "What are they doing?" she asked the man as tried to pull him closer to her. Why was he trying to leave anyway.
Things were very quickly spiralling out of control in front of Wren's eyes, but at least the focus was off his unfortunate choice of attire. He ceased his escape attempt in favour of watching the Head Boy and the Arithmancy Professor exchange words. Their play acting was starting to bring a smile to his face once again. It was a bit difficult to see the proceedings through his mane of hair, though. Perhaps his coworkers were right, after all.

Wren had begun expertly braiding his hair down his back when a fourth year student took hold of his arm and drew him closer. He blinked, trying to figure out whether she needed reassurance or thought that he did.
"Mademoiselle Tiwari," he greeted her. Wren knew everyone's name. "It appears that Monsieur Jeffreys has challenged Professeur Tuuri and Pendleton to a pantomime duel, owing to the similar time period of their costumes." Wren continued to braid as he spoke, tying the bottom with a conjured elastic when he reached the end of his hair. He was surprised to note that it was midway down his back, now. Yes, definitely needed a trim, at least.

The Divination Professor soon decided that pyjamas were simply not acceptable in the face of such amusing, well-dressed heroes. Isaiah had called for a prize, and, in his own typical impulsive style, Wren decided he could provide. He gave Hilton a comforting pat and smiled down at her.
"Watch," said Wren. The Frenchman withdrew his wand and cast it over himself like he was drawing a curtain down. The pyjamas morphed and changed. What appeared was nothing like his usual leather jacket and jeans combination. Wren now wore a stunning medieval gown in white satin, and even as the others watched, he cinched it about the waste in red velvet and gold brocade. His hair in braids and his waist in a corset, Wren was strikingly androgynous, and appeared perfectly comfortable in his Halloween glamour.

"The prize is always, of course, the favour of fair maidens, is it not Mademoiselle Stanley?" he addressed Maid Marion. "And, as a token of my favour, the winner shall receive a song from my lips." The girlish giggle Wren let out was most unlike his usual deep chuckle. "The loser, however ..." Wren pointed one elegant index finger at the group of Professors. "Must repeat that song. To Professeur Styx."
When the Head Boy, Isaiah Jeffreys, sprung up dressed as Robin Hood, Monty had to bite his cheek hard to keep himself from laughing. Not even he, however, could keep himself from breaking character when Arvo referred to him as Sir Monty of Pendleton. He snorted, briefly doubling over before clearing his throat and returning to his role. They seemed to be gathering quite a crowd, and with the suggestion of a duel, he imagined it would only grow. "Hah!" Monty scoffed, leaning nervously away from the sword. "A duel! Clearly the young Robin places absolutely no value on his head." Monty too unsheathed his sword, taking a few cool steps toward Arvo and patting him on the shoulder as he passed. "I'll be right behind you, sheriff."
With such a prize (and torture) on their heads, Professor Tuuri was determined to either win, or have a lot of fun losing. He gave Monty a wink as he collected himself and continued their charade, and decided that a little space would be safest. He moved a little further form the table still to give them room to move and make this worth something. The Arithmancer didn't know much about his colleague and good friend's singing voice, but he certainly knew that he didn't want to be serenading their other colleague, so it was best that he won this (or abandoned Monty at the right moment and let him deal with the aftermath). "It is two against one, you have no chance of success. If you hand yourself over now, we may go easy on you."
Sloane had no idea how it happened, but she laughed as Arvo helped along the proceedings by agreeing to a duel with the young Robin Hood. Wren got right in there along with it and become a second maiden along side the Gryffindor Prefect Dina Stanley. She stood on the table and beckoned to Jon to join her. "We should make this official. Professor Phillips will join me in overseeing this venture. Good clean fight from you Sherriff and you Robin, I don't want to see any dirty fighting from either of you." She said holding out her axe. "Shall we up the ante a little? The loser can lose his head?"
Dina nodded along with Isaiah. She agreed wholeheartedly with what he was saying. It was not right for the Sheriff to be taking everything from those less fortunate. She turned when Professor Louise spoke however and tried to stop herself from laughing as he made himself a dress. She grinned up at him as he suggested that they should be the prize and shook her head at him. He honestly was one of the strangest teachers in the school. Though she had to admit it was nice to have some eye candy around. One did get sick of only seeing the females professors and Styx around. Between Professors Phillips, Louise and Haden, the girls in the school were pretty covered and for those that had a thing for the ladies, well, there were a few attractive female teachers too. "Sounds like a plan, Professor! I mean, my Lady."
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