Open Third Years Hang Out!

Isaiah Thompson

bold • free • tagging along 🎪
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Blackthorn Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
11/2040 (21)
Open to all third years after Ana posts with Weston!

Isaiah had been toying with the idea of hosting a little get together for all of his classmates before, but when he hosted one with Francis it hadn't exactly worked out. That hadn't made him give up on the idea though and now that he was back at school he was keen to give it another shot. Although with someone else to help him out this time around, glad that he could count on Wes to do so. They had planned on heading outside, the weather just had different ideas. Seeing as it was a particularly dreary day outside they had to change location. He had thought about the student lounge for a second but wouldn't want other students to ruin their fun. Not stirring too far off course he had eventually decided on the abandoned classroom.

Uncharacteristically, Isaiah had put more thought into the idea than he normally would. Characteristically, he had still forgotten some of the important stuff like having snacks and drinks. That wasn't too hard of a problem to solve though, as he had just scribbled something along the lines of 'bringing snacks is encouraged' at the bottom of the notes they had sent of to their classmates. Nevertheless, he felt like he would be a bad host if he didn't at least have some prepared. Leaving Weston to get rid off some of the dust in the classroom he had snuck into the kitchens, managing to grab some drinks before quickly sneaking out again before he got caught. What the house elves didn't see couldn't bother them right? After bringing the drinks he had secured to the classroom Zay begrudgingly climbed the stairs to his dorm, plundering his own snack pile and carrying as much of it back downstairs with him as he could. A small sacrifice to pay in return for a fun afternoon. And hopefully some more recognition. He quickly also threw his guitar over his shoulder before he headed back down, figuring it could always come in handy. "Right, I reckon that's everything huh?" He looked at his friend as he opened his arms to let the snacks fall down onto one of the empty tables next to the drinks. Once his arms were empty he put his guitar down in the corner and walked over to Weston. "Bring on the fun!" He laughed, nudging his friend before hopping onto one of the empty desks and quietly hoping some of their classmates would actually come.
When Zay had suggested they throw together a little party before classes started, Weston had immediately said yes. It was a great idea. Zay always had great ideas. (Except for the time he'd had the idea not to join Weston's and Jordie's band). Weston always spent the first few days of every year running around the castle, trying to catch up with as many of his friends as possible. But this year, he could make all his friends come to him.

While Zay left to retrieve some snacks, Weston walked around the room, casting scourgify. At first, it had gone quite well, and the room was filled with mounds of soapy bubbles. But as the minutes ticked by and the bubbles remained, he started to panic. At the sound of the door opening, Weston jumped. But it was only Zay. "What? Uh, yeah..." He glanced around furtively and was glad to see that most of the bubbles were gone though some of the desks looked a bit damp. "Don't look too closely at the corners. I think I went overboard with the scourgify," Weston confessed. He would just have to guide all their guests to the middle of the room when they arrived, at least until the remaining bubbles disappeared. He followed Zay's lead and sat on a nearby desk, wincing when he realized that it was one of the ones that hadn't completely dried yet. But his attention was quickly diverted when he saw what Zay had brought with him. "Aw man, I should have brought my guitar." He would have to remember that for next time. Still, Weston couldn't help but grin, matching Zay's infectious energy. "This is going to be epic!"
When Indi had heard about the "party" or whatever it was that Isaiah and Weston were going to throw she had been wary of the idea at best. She wasn't sure what those two would come up with but at least it promised to be interesting either way. So she was a little disappointed when she opened the door the the abandoned classroom and found that she was the first one to arrive. She froze for a moment and wondered if she had misread the note but disregarded that quickly. She wasn't the type to get things like that mixed up. Her next thought was to weigh the pros and cons of simply leaving and coming back later. After some consideration she smiled at the boys sympathetically. "So, this is your party?" she asked with forced enthusiasm and looked around. "Well I guess it is still early." she added with a shrug and went to sit next to Weston on one of the desks and frowned when she realized just how recently they had been cleaned.
Nate still couldn't believe that he was back at Hogwarts, it seemed so different after Ilvermony. People seemed so much different and everyone was so grown up, and Nate too. Especially his personality. So now, when he was back at school, he hoped no one remembered him and his softness. However, when he heard about the party for his year, he surely knew that he was going, no way he was going to miss something that could turn out as the best thing ever in this year. He dressed up nicely and tried to find his way to the abandoned classroom. It did take a while cause he absolutely forgot where it was but ended up actually finding it. "Oh," he wanted to let out a little disappointment but then just decided to go with chance to cheer boys up, they probably were doing a lot to throw at least this. "This will be like a live music evening?" He tried to sound excited and pointed at the guitar in the corner. "I'm Nate, I was away for an exchange," he wasn't sure if he had met the Ravenclaw and Slytherin before but Zay he had surely seen before. They were dormmates in their first year and now again.
Julien made it's way to the meeting or party or whatever it was called which Isaiah and Weston would host. Julien liked Isaiah he was so different than how he was, but Julien liked it. It was nice to see how social people were, he could learn some more and have fun. Although Julien not liked to be in the centre of attention. He did like observing and learned more about how to connect with people. And it was more fun than he figured. As he joined an small group who were already there. '' Hey guys. Nice to see you again.'' He than said with an smile as he joined Isaiah and Weston his roommate. He smiled towards the others and heard one boy introducing himself.

@Weston Stirling @Isaiah Thompson
-godmod approved-

Jordie had been running behind, caught up showering after a run and fighting with his hair. He knew Wes and Zay were holding a party, and he knew he was going to be there. He had meant to be there sooner, but time had slipped away from him as he fixed his hair. Jordie ended up bolting down the stairs, and bursting into the abandoned classroom. "I'm here! I'm here! Sorry I'm laaaaa- NATHANIEL!" Jordie's apology turned to a squeal as he saw the boy standing there.

Jordie dashed forward and slammed into Nathaniel, hugging him tightly. "You didn't even say goodbye I didn't know you were going I was looking for you forever!" He chattered, nuzzling into the other boy and pouting. "How could you not say goodbye?" He whined softly.
Nate was not really friends with most of the people in his year, so he had been surprised to find an invite to a party, or some kind of social thing. He thought it might have been a joke, so he initially scrunched it up, stuffing it into the bottom of his pockets to be forgotten about until he'd needed to turn them out to find something to write with later that day. He considered it, though the "BYO snacks" did little to motivate him. In the end. he decided to at least see what was happening, and brought along a plate of his unwanted salad from lunch. If he left that, then he'd be able to get away with eating other peoples tastier snacks. When he reached the classroom he peered inside, almost recoiling when he heard his own name being screamed. He quickly realised that it was directed to the other Nathaniel, and briskly walked past the cluster of people, pulling a face at Jordie who appeared to be nuzzling into Other Nate. He set his salad down where the other snacks were, and helped himself to some of the better ones that were already there, though he stopped when his hand brushed a wet portion of the table. "Eugh, gross." He gagged, wiping his hand dry against his pant leg. He couldn't be sure what it was, though some of the suds leftover around the room gave him a hint. This was not a great start to the get-together, and already he was wondering if he should take some food and bounce.​
Isaiah tried not to laugh when Wes mentioned he might've been a bit too enthusiastic in cleaning the tables, which was exactly why he had asked him to do it rather than doing it himself. He'd just give them a wipe and call it a day, leaving half of the desks still dusty. It did make him wonder whether they'd dry up quickly though, or whether they'd have some fun watching people accidentally touch the desks when they weren't completely dry yet. "You could always play mine if you want bro." He shrugged when Wes mentioned his guitar. He had mostly just brought it because it was right there in front of him anyways.

Zay looked up when the first of their classmates walked through the door. "More of like a.. casual get together," He shrugged at Indi's question, not exactly sure how to phrase it. "Just a way for us all to, like, hang out before we're forced to go to class." He grinned. He wasn't sure how the rest of their classmates thought about it and how many would even come, but at least Wes had agreed that it'd be cool to try and get their classmates together and just have some casual fun. There weren't too many times they all hung out together after all.

His grin grew wider as more of their classmates seemed to be trickling in, excited that at least a couple of them seemed to be keen to hang out. Or just interesting to see what was up. Whichever reason they had, just them coming already made him feel like they had been at least slightly succesful by managing to get them to come out. "Sup Nate, Julien!" Zay greeted happily when the boys showed up, making a mental note he needed to ask Nathaniel about where he had gone later on. He shook his head when Jordie came bursting into the room, not even aware he had been friends with Nathaniel before. Then again, Jordie was pretty much friends with everybody.

Zay watched curiously as another one of their classmates walked in, one he didn't think he had ever talked to before. He raised an eyebrow when he noticed what the boy was carrying. A salad? He softly nudged Wes with his elbow, nodding towards the other boy before calling out. "Dude! You did not just bring your lunch as a snack." He laughed, meaning well. He had managed a pretty decent pile of snacks from his own collection so bringing snacks obviously wasn't obligated, although it almost made him wonder whether the note they had send out had made it sound like it was. Nah, his note was fine. If it hadn't been clear he was sure everyone would've showed up with snacks and they hadn't.

"Anyways," Zay cleared his throat as he climbed on top of the desk he had been sat upon to make sure people could hear him. Even if he was certain he could be loud enough without doing so. "Welcome guys! Wes and I thought it would be fun to have like a moment to all hang out, catch up and have some fun before class starts. Feel free to take some snacks or a drink and uh, y'know, just chill." He grinned before hopping off the table again, grabbing some snacks himself and handing a few out to his classmates. They had to cancel some of their ideas like bringing a ball to just kick around and whatnot when the weather had forced them to find a place inside instead of hanging out on the lawn, but he was sure things would still be fun. And if it wasn't then well, at least they tried.
Weston beamed when their first guest arrived, waving enthusiastically to Indi. "Yup!" he answered at the same time as Zay, who explained that it was actually a "casual get together." "But you can call it a party cause that sounds more fun," he added. Even if it had just been him and Zay, he would've called it a party. His smile dimmed when Indi moved to sit next to him. "Wait—" Too late. Hopefully her desk was dry.

An unfamiliar boy entered, and Weston nodded eagerly at the question about live music. "Yeah, the guitar's Zay's. He's great, you'll see! He's so good he could be in a band," he said, glancing over at Zay to see if his totally subtle suggestion had any effect. Weston would have gladly taken up Zay's offer to play the guitar, but he decided it might be best to leave the music to Zay today. Maybe the Gryffindor would change his mind about joining the band if he got to play some music at the party and realized how much fun performing could be.

"Hey Julien!" Weston grinned at the sight of his roommate. He'd spent a lot of time talking up the party to the other boys in his dorm, and he was glad to see that at least one had showed up. "Is anyone else from Ravenclaw coming?" he asked, trying to peer over Julien's shoulder and see if Eoin or Branson was there. Instead, Jordie appeared. Weston was barely able to get in a greeting before the Hufflepuff practically tackled Nate.

An elbow caught his side, and Weston looked up in confusion before he spotted the boy standing by the snacks. "I didn't know salad could be a snack...?" The plate of wilted leaves looked kind of hard to share, and he'd always considered the food to be more of a punishment than a treat. "Should we have included more healthy options?" he asked Zay. His mum was always going on about the importance of eating vegetables.

Zay got up to officially kick off the party, and Weston gave a cheer after his friend was done. He was about to turn back to Indi and Julien when he realized he should probably issue an announcement of his own. "Oh, and stay away from the edges of the room so you don't slip and fall!" Most of the lingering suds had cleared themselves up by now, but he didn't want to take any chances. The party was already going so well, and he didn't want to have it cut short by a trip to the hospital wing.
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When Louis heard about the party happening in the abandoned classroom, he wasn't sure if he should go. He wasn't really one for parties and he barely knew anyone in his year group. He knew his sister wouldn't be going, and so he thought he probably shouldn't go too, but there was something in the back of his mind telling him he should, just in case he would make a new friend, which was really what he needed. He found himself making his way to the abandoned classroom a little bit after the party's start time, hoping he was late enough that people didn't notice him slip in. He entered the room, scanning it firstly to see who was there. It was mainly boys, and Louis nodded at the turn out. It seemed okay, but he wasn't really sure what to do next. He slowly walked up to the snacks table, taking a couple of chips and standing awkwardly as he tried to figure out how to talk to someone.
Kaia spent more than three hours trying to get ready for a party and she was changing her outfits all the time. Her hair is half-done and she switches outfit, her hair is done, she switches outfit, finishes her makeup-changes outfit, and it was like that all the time. Until she ended up at something she would never wear before. Something she bought just to buy something. She put together black leather pants with a black tie top that she took from her Kiara who never wore it anyway cause it was a bit too small for her. Then she was trying to make her hair wavy cause she didn't exactly like them when they were just straight. And then she had the most difficult part. Light makeup. And she was sure she did it perfectly, why wouldn't she? She loved doing make-up, she had some experience with that. With snacks, it was the easiest part of getting ready. She just asked Kiara and Kiara almost immediately brought to Kaia a full bag of chocolates, cookies, chips, candies, and some snacks like mochi, choco pies, and cookie sticks that she surely took from Anna. Kiara was a little over excited about Kaia's party so she overdid herself as always. So she came to the party with a literal backpack that messed up her whole look because it was bright pink. "Oh my God, heeeeey!" Kaia excitedly wheezed when saw that there were a lot of people already. She didn't care that almost nothing happened yet, she was there so, of course, the party was going to start! Kaia put all the snacks out on the table and only then noticed the salad, and started to laugh. "Who brought the salad? I hope no one is following some diet," cause she was about to break it, however, she said it quite loud. Not like she cared if anyone could get offended or not, she just found it funny. After emptying her bag, she just put it away from everyone's sight so no one could step on it and threw one of the chocolates in her mouth. Why not start the party with food?
Indi nodded skeptically as Zay explained how it wasn’t exactly a party, which just sounded like something someone throwing a kind of lame party would say. But she couldn’t fault his reasoning for the event so she didn’t argue. But she shot him a rather smug look when Weston chimed in to call it a party. She felt pleased with herself now, but frowned as she noticed it was mostly boys from her year that were starting to arrive. She wondered if Salem would show up, it seemed like something she would be into. Indi watched as a boy from her house also noticed some of the wet spots on the recently cleaned tables. “I’d be careful where you touch.” she warned and tried to sound sympathetic but couldn’t hide an amused grin after he made a sound of disgust. @Nathan Clarke
Natalia had been sure the note was some sort of joke, as she didn't think any of her classmates would invite her to anything. But as she heard more and more of her classmates mention the event, Natalia had started to realize it really was happening. At first, she had decided not to go. But on the day itself, she found herself at the abandoned classroom, figuring she could at least take a peek at what was happening. Her first impression was that it was quite busy. A lot of her classmates were talking and laughing together, and Natalia already felt left out. She spotted Nate and felt annoyed. He was talking to Indi. When had that happened? Natalia had always been secure in the knowledge that at least she wasn't the only one who was usually left out of things. But here Nate was at a party, talking to the most annoying girl in their year. Natalia grabbed herself a drink and shot the two of them a glare, feeling unreasonably frustrated. She shouldn't have come, but leaving now would feel like giving up.
Branson wasn't really one for a party or hang out, but he was keen to know and get to know the people in his year. They were all probably very interesting people and he just wanted to ensure he had friends. He was friendly with a good number of them but it was important to be more. The Ravenclaw walked into the room and glanced about, he spotted Jordie, and his dorm-mate Weston and Julien, Isaiah he knew and then Indira who was talking to some other boy he didn't know. Branson was surprised he knew quite a few in this room, and he wasn't sure who he should speak to. He didn't go the snacks but in the end went to his dormmate. He gave a little wave and smile to Indira as he passed. "Hey Julien! Isaiah, Weston," he greeted the three of them. He wasn't quite sure why some elements of the room seemed wet...but he decided to ignore it.
@Julien Beaumont @Weston Stirling @Isaiah Thompson
Valencia had heard that there was a third-year party going around. The girl hadn't made many friends, so she thought that it may have been a great idea to go along, though she was indecisive about going to the party. After her long decision making, she had decided to attend the party, bringing some snacks, as she noticed in the notes that they were being handed to mentioning snacks. She didn't want to be a bad guest and not bring snacks. The Ravenclaw girl had arrived a little later, walking inside and noticed that there was a whole heap of students already there. "Hiya! I hope I'm not too late. I brought some snacks!" Valencia says with a smile, as she holds up a bag of sweets and chips. Valencia made her way further down towards the snack table and placed her snacks onto the table. The Ravenclaw had overheard a girl make a comment about the salad and had thought it was a little mean but didn't say anything.
A new year at school had begun, Alice returned to the castle walls with different thoughts. She had heard that a party was taking place for third-year students. At first she didn't think to go there, because Alice wasn't one of those people who liked big crowds and loud music, but this time she decided to go and see what was going on there. She went to a place where it was supposed to happen and will probably stay a little longer. Entered the place where the party took place. Alice was not surprised that a lot of students had gathered, only she didn't get closer to anyone yet, because at first she got used to the atmosphere.
Isaiah tried not to burst out in laughter when Weston tried to warn Indira about the still partly wet desks, clenching his jaws together in his attempt. He shouldn't have been surprised his friend had taken his cleaning duties so seriously and watching people notice the few wet spots still on the desks was honestly more amusing than he could've expected. Plus, if they were bothered by it that only meant they weren't too much fun to begin with anyways.

He did laugh when Weston commented on his guitar, not shying away from the opportunity to throw in the idea of his band. He didn't think his friend was going to stop mentioning that anytime soon, so he might as well get used to it. "I mean I am pretty good." He grinned at his dormmate, happy to see the other boy back although he wasn't sure if he actually heard him now that Jordie was being Jordie around him.

Zay watched contently as more of their classmates started showing up, even more proud when he noticed some of the more quiet ones. That definitely was a win in his book. "Hey Louis, over here dude!" He waved over at the hufflepuff when he noticed him. He didn't think he had actually talked to the boy a lot since they met on the train in their first year but that didn't really matter anyways. He wasn't going to let anyone stand around on their own. Not on his watch.

As he watched some more people enter the room Zay's jaw almost dropped when he noticed Natalia walk in. Obviously they had send out notes to all of their classmates, but there were still some people he didn't think would actually come and Natalia was right at the top of that list. "Bro, should we like.. wave her over or something?" He quietly whispered to Wes. He was sure she'd still decline if they did, but leaving her to stand on her own like that wasn't exactly them being good hosts either.

"Sup Bran!" He grinned when the other boy joined them, getting prouder about the number of their classmates attending with every single one that made their way through the door. The only thing that was missing were more gryffindors, which was something he hadn't noticed untill he was now talking to three ravenclaws. Although Indira was also still there. "Well at least Wes did his job in making sure the ravenclaws got our invitation." He laughed as he motioned at the desks next to him. "Make yourself at home guys." He grinned at Julien and Branson, although they might want to check whether the desks were dry before hopping onto them if they planned to sit down.

Zay gave a small round of applause when another girl entered the room and mentioned she had snacks, seemingly one of the first ones to do so. "Nah, dude, you're good! Right over there." He called out from where he was sitting, pointing at the snack table and watching as she placed her snacks with the rest of them. Oh yeah, this whole thing was definitely turning out to be a success.

@Weston Stirling @Louis Vernier @Branson Archer @Julien Beaumont @Valencia Addington
Louis couldn't help but jump a little as he heard his name being called by Isaiah. He hadn't spoken to the boy in a while and was a little shocked that he was waving him over to hang out with him and his friend. The Hufflepuff walked over with his hands in his pockets, trying his best to act comfortable around them. He nodded towards them. "Hey bro." he said to Isaiah, knowing that was terminology the boy used. He sat down next to him, glad to be part of it. The boy knew he should probably follow it up with something else too, and so made an effort at a conversation. "What made you want to do a party with everyone? It's a cool idea." He looked around more at the furniture, noticing the effort they had made in cleaning it up. Louis was sure that there had to be a motive behind it all.
It was all Nate could do to spare Isaiah and his chums a withering glare as the other boy called him out for bringing a salad. He hadn't expected to be called out on it. The plan was to walk in looking like he'd brought something, and then have people wonder to themselves about who had left the salad on the table. He scoffed at another girls comment, glad at least that she hadn't picked up on exactly who had brought the dish in. God, it's like these people were obsessed. Okay, yeah, maybe he could have brought something better, but none of these people were his friends, and he hadn't been planning on making any. Hence, the salad.

Too little too late, there was a warning about the wet spots on the table, and Nate let out a huff. "Yep, thanks for the advice." He said, with the barest roll of his eyes. "Did they dry these tables in a rainforest?" Seriously, had no one thought to go over them with a towel or something? Surely one of these wizards knew a drying spell. Or a spell that transformed salad into crackers and dip. He caught sight of Natalia glaring at him, and pulled a face in response, miming the word what? It was like everyone here was trying to have a problem with him. It was only a stupid salad. @Indira Khatri @Natalia Novak
River had been enjoying the fact that she was finally back at Hogwarts. Break had been better than most to be honest; her and Emmaline were once again getting along. Of course it was bound to happen when the two girls were stuck together alone in their home while their mother worked what seemed like all hours of the day. River honestly felt a little bad for being so judgmental of her mother. School supplies certainly weren't cheap. If she didn't make me take every class She thought to herself, her thoughts disrupted as she received a note, a party invitation.

The young Slytherin had to admit she was a little surprised. River never really had time to be social. She had met a few of her classmates outside classes, but that number was certainly limited. The idea of a party in an abandoned classroom certainly caught her attention though. She stood in front of the mirror as she quickly got ready. River closed her eyes for a moment picturing the perfect 'party hair,' an ocean blue, which was quite fitting. She did not spend too much time worrying about an outfit before grabbing a pack of chocolates that she had gotten as a present and heading towards the abandoned classroom.

River entered the abandoned classroom, noticing that students from every house were here. It was not quite a crowd yet, but at least others had shown up. She smiled brightly to the room in general. "Heya Guys! Thanks for the invite. I know it's not much but I brought some chocolates." She spoke to the room as a whole as she walked over to the snack table and placed the chocolates next to the other foods that were available. River knew it was not much, but she would have felt terrible if she did not bring anything at all.

The young Slytherin girl, never really being to a party before, did not know what to do next. She decided a good start would be to grab a drink and some food. She filled a cup with one of the beverages and added a few chips to her plate. River moved aside from the table, sitting on top of a slightly damp desk as she picked at her food, looking around the room for a familiar face.
Natalia was starting to wish she hadn't come to this. Everyone here knew someone and she was just standing by herself. She saw a few other people who were just standing around for now, but Natalia wasn't going to approach any of them. She was the one who should be approached. She crossed her arms, tilting her chin up to seem like she didn't have a care in the world. She was too good for this stupid meeting anyway. Though she knew her presence here made that hard to believe. She frowned when Nathan pulled a face at her and seemed not to get what the problem was. She hesitated, then gestured impatiently for him to join her. She could at least warn him Indi was bad news, though she wasn't going to walk over there and tell him.

@Nathan Clarke
Zay didn't say anything about joining the band. But he also didn't say anything about not joining the band. And Weston took that as a sign of progress. By the end of the night, he was sure Zay would change his mind. Weston's smile grew even wider as more and more people wandered into the classroom, some of them bringing snacks. Delicious ones at that, not salad.

At Zay's whispered question, Weston glanced around in confusion for a second before spotting Natalia. It was kind of hard to miss the girl since she was standing by herself, glaring at the snacks for some reason. "She does look lonely. And kinda angry," he said to Zay, completely forgetting to whisper. Natalia started to gesture at Nate, still looking displeased. What if she wanted to start a fight with Nate because he had brought the salad? Weston couldn't have a fight ruining the party. "Hey Natalia! Wanna join us?" he called out though she looked pretty intent on talking to Nate.

Weston was distracted from whatever was happening with the Slytherins when Bran arrived. "Hey Bran!" He greeted his roommate with a grin. "Did you see Eoin or Levi? Are they also coming?" Weston puffed up in pride as Zay commented on the number of Ravenclaws he'd managed to get into the room. "Can't have a party without the best house." Turning to Julien and Bran, he said, "I'm glad we can all hang out outside the dorm." He didn't seem to see his roommates all that much outside of the dorm and classes. "Where are all the Gryffindors anyway?" he asked, giving Zay a friendly nudge.

@Isaiah Thompson @Natalia Novak @Branson Archer @Julien Beaumont
Indi just shrugged as the boy didn’t seem particularly grateful for her warning but she didn’t really care. “I wouldn't be surprised if it took that much to get this place clean.” she said with a dry laugh but couldn’t help but notice when he turned to make a face at someone. She followed his gaze and scowled when she spotted Natalia. “Are you friends?” she asked, sounding just as annoyed as she felt. And a second later Weston was calling her over too and she tried to give him a withering look but he hardly seemed to notice. @Nathan Clarke @Natalia Novak @Weston Stirling
Nate raised his eyebrows at Natalia's gesturing. This seemed like trouble. "Me 'n Nat? I dunno, probably." He responded to Indira with the barest of shrugs. He didn't really know what he would have called them. She was the most magical of the magical people there, yet somehow not the worst. It sounded like Weston was trying to get Natalia's attention too, and Nate shot the boy an annoyed glare. When were he and Natalia friends? Couldn't he tell that Nat obviously was trying to talk to him instead? He could wait his turn. "She probably needs my help with something, I'll be right back." He excused himself, happy to put some distance between him in the salad. He didn't really expect Indi to wait for him, they barely knew each other, and his brain was focused on how stupid it had been to say while he went over to where Natalia was standing. "What? What'd I do?" He asked, casting another look back over his shoulder at Indi and the snack table. @Indira Khatri @Natalia Novak
Isaiah grinned when Louis made his way over to them after he had called for the boy, quite pleased so many of their classmates were actually curious enough to show up. "We just thought it would be fun to all hang out before class starts." He replied casually, as if the thought hadn't popped into his head during the break and he had spend the entire time waiting for the moment he could actually make it happen. "It's a lot less effort than running around to catch up with everyone." He added with a grin. That, and hosting something like this would totally make everyone see how cool he was. Well, him and Wes.

Zay watched as yet another one of their classmates entered the room, shooting her a thumbs up from where he was seated when she mentioned bringing chocolates. "Awesome, snack table's over there!" He called out to her as he pointed to it, even if it was pretty clear where the snack table was. He just liked making sure people knew he was hosting. In all honesty, there were already way more attendees than he had expected and boy would that boost his ego. It already made him start to wonder whether they should just make this a yearly thing. Or if they'd be able to turn it into an actual party when they were a little older. He would definitely have to talk to Wes about that later.

He snorted when Wes mentioned Natalia looked lonely and angry, although more focussed on the angry part. "Yeah, I'd shout that a bit louder if I were you." He laughed when his friend had somehow forgotten that whispering was a thing. Although he wasn't too keen on talking about people behind their backs anyways.

Zay zoned out a little when Wes started talking to Julien and Bran about their other dormmates after his own remark about getting the ravenclaws to attend. "Beats me, bro." He shrugged when Wes asked about where all the gryffindors were. Other than Nate, none of the gryffindors he thought might show up had done so so far. No El, no Noah, no France. It made him a little disappointed, but with so many other people showing up it was no use to be glum over that. And who knew, maybe they'd still come. If they were as chaotic as he normally was they'd be like two hours late anyways.

@Louis Vernier @River Hopkins-Vance @Weston Stirling

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