Thinking of the past

" Yeah your so mean." Kirsty joked.
"Why thank you madame," Aiden said letting his french accent flow with ease and mimming that he was talking a bowler hat of and he bowed his head in jest.
Kirsty laughed slightly and said. " Im still going to beat you."
" Oh well." Kirsty said then looked out across the lake.
"Oh Aiden your sly." Patricia said when he twisted what Kirst had said. "And what do you mean, biased aginst whom? If I'm not good enough I'll get a nutural party, if that will shut you up." Patricia said playfully, knowing to well he will have a rebuddle to that aswell, but it was worth a shot.

"You two are like a pair of children." Patricia said to herself as the two of them bickered about who was going to win.
"I know right?" Aiden said giving Patricia a sneaky look then smiled. "Oh Patricia, you are perfectly fine, I just want to make sure that if we have a judge they will make sure I am the winner," Aiden said with a small wink to Patricia, then gave her a smile that usually made girls melt.

"We are children though, what are you an old lady?" Aiden teased then ruffled up Patricia's hair then stuck his toungue out at her.
"Yes I know I am perfect, glad you finally realised that." Patricia gave Aiden a nod and for a minute forgot herself when she looked at his smile, realising just how nice it was.

She gave him a weak smile. She was suddenly brought back to reality when she was called an old lady "Oh no you didn't!" She said raising up to half height but tall enough to be higher than Aiden, "I am not and old lady, I am simply more mature for my age." She said with a smug look on her face and her hands on her hips.

Sitting down again to where she was she said, "Oh, and no one touches the hair." She said with her usual smile, letting Aiden know she was only joking.
Aiden flashed her another one of his smiles out of jest he thought it was sort of funny that she reacted the way she did and said, "Oh I always knew you were perfect I just didn't want to say it you know, make Kirsty feel jealous." Aiden winked at Kirsty to let her know he was just kidding.

Aiden stood up so he was taller than her and put his hands on his hips to mimic her. "Okay whatever you say Madame," Aiden said with a smile then bowed his head as you would to someone older than your self. Aiden chuckled as he sat back down and said, "Really?" Then Aiden wrapped his arm around her neck softly, just enough so she couldn't get out and so it wouldn't hurt her then he gave her a playful nuggie {sp?}. Aiden chuckled then patted her head softly and let her loose. Aiden flashed her another perfect smile hoping this would make sure she wasn't mad at him.
"I doubt you would make Kirsty jealous as she has a boyfriend, don't you Kirsty?" Patricia said leaning over to her giving her a nudge.

"Oh sit down you big baboon." Patricia giggled trying to push him down to where he was sitting as he tried to mimic her.

As Aiden sat down Patricia let a sigh as she always does when she laughs a lot. Then once Aiden had sat down Patricia wished she hadn't let her guard down as the next she knew Aiden had his arm over her neck and gave her a nuggie, she tried to break free but couldn't do anything for laughing. Once he released her she was still laughing and he gave he another smile to which she gave one back.

"Ah thanks for Aiden, really appreciated it." She said sarcastically.
Aiden nodded and said, "I know, Andrew told me."

"Hey I am not a baboon," Aiden said then acted liked a monkey for jest then laughed a little.

When Patricia was laughing Aiden smiled at this and couldn't help but laughing a small bit. "Anytime Trish," Aiden said with the abbreviated version of her name he usually did this with names, he found it a lot easier to remember them. Aiden chuckled once at her reaction then put his hand threw his messy hair and smiled to her.
Patricia sat back a laughed at Aiden's attempt to be a monkey, "Wow you're a pro at that, you sure you haven't done it before." Patricia said laughing at Aiden.

"Thank you." Patricia said with a nod and a smile.

"Wow, it has been a long time since anyone called me Trish." Patricia said, not smile for the first time she came down her, thinking of her friends and family at home.

Shaking it out of her mind she smiled again as to not give any sign of sadness. "So have you any nicknames Aiden, it's such a short name in itself I'm not sure?" She said.

Patricia for some reason felt a lot better when Aiden smiled at her and felt a warmness go over her.
"Course, I practise every night," Aiden said sarcastically.

Aiden noticed the she didn't seem at all pleased by it and said, "I wont call you that if you don't want me too, its just easier to remember." Aiden gave her a weak smile.

Aiden began to think of any nicknames that he was given recently, Well there's, Mr. Gryffindor, Space Cadet, Frenchie and that's pretty much it. "Erm yeah but they are mostly with me and one other person from here." Aiden said thinking of Aly with a unintentional smile.
"It shows." Patricia said with a giggle.

"Oh no, I don't mind, by all means call me it, it just reminded me of home, my friends used to call me it. I like it." She said with a small smile, thinking how nice it was to be called Trish again.

"Oh right, well i think I should be able to remember Aiden well enough." She said with a smile and short laugh.

After a few minutes of silence Patricia decided to bring up a different topic.

"So are you looking forward to exams." She said.
Aiden smiled at her glad she didn't mind it. "Not really, but I'm ready, are you looking foward to them?" Aiden asked curiously, he didn't think any one other then some Ravenclaw losers would be.
"Yeah me too, I can't wait. I don't know if that is because I'm excited or just want them over and odne with." She said laughing,

"But yeah I am looking forward to them. What subject's are you looking forward to or not looking forward to do?"
"Wow, you sure your not in Ravenclaw?" Aiden asked as a joke but glad she wasn't.

"I'm not looking foward to any of them to be honest, I just want them done so everyone can get the worries out of their system, I mean its not going to be that hard." Aiden said trying to explain himself.
"No I'm not in Ravenclaw." Patricia said laughing, "But that doesn't mean I can't like exams."

"I understand where you're coming from, these first few months have flown in, don't you think?" She said curiously.
Aiden shook his head and said honestly, "Nope, Slytherin, pretty different houses eh?" Aiden then shrugged, he probably shouldn't have thought of when he saved the little girl from a certain death when he was being sorted.
Patricia couldn't believe the response she got, "Wow." She said shortly, "That is completely different from what you ended up in. I wanted to be in Ravenclaw but it wasn't to be I suppose." She said shrugging her shoulders.
"Well," Patricia said thinking of what to say, "Yeah because well, you're in Gryffindor and you seem really nice, but then again I've only know you for all of," Patricia paused to look at her watch, "A little under an hour. But then again you were a bit mean to Kirsty a while again and giving me nuggies, there's a badness in you." Patricia said laughing.

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