The three E's looking for plot!

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Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core


This is Evelyn Teresa Manning she is a first year half blood witch, the twinsister of Espen Manning who is a first year Slytherin student. They were born in Copenhagen, Denmark. Evelyn is a very spoiled little girl, she is her fathers princess and gets everything what she wants. Until she gets sorted into Gryffindor, she wanted to be in the same house as her brother and when Evelyn doesn't get what she wants she can be frustrated and irritated about it. Evelyn is also very vain and if she doesn't like something about others she will say it. She is a very honest girl because she will say everything in the face, not behind the back. Evelyn her weakness is that she is a blabbermouth, before she even knows it she says something and some people will think she is rude for that. She doesn't want to hurt someone with what she does, it is just that she is spoiled and directly. Evelyn is a strong girl and never insecure about herself. When someone tries to hurt her brother Evelyn will protect him no matter what. She knows that her brother will do the same, so their band is very strong. Overall Evelyn is a ambitious girl, she has many dreams and one of them is to become a famous witch.

For Evelyn I'm looking for friends especially. She didn't have anyone but her brother and she honestly doesn't know how to act and make friends. (boys and girls) She will need a buddy to help like it more in Gryffindor, so for that a Gryffindor student is welcome. And friends from any house are welcome! Enemies are possible but maybe in the future, but I'm always up for new ideas. I'm also looking for future love interests, flings and relationships. She is too young to start dating, but she likes the attention of boys.


This is Evangeline Eva Campbell. She was born in London and is a only child. She has a cold personality and is not a very happy and energetic person. Evangeline is usually calm and doesn't like fuss, so she mostly seek for a quiet place like the library or outside at the lake. On the other hand she has a lot of anger inside of her, that never came out in her youth. When Evangeline is stressed out or not in a good mood, she can become very angry at a person even if they do nothing wrong. She has a lot of bottled up anger for her parents, because they never looked out for Evangeline when they were in divorce battle. You will not see Evangeline smile often, because she is not happy with herself and her life. Deep down in her heart she is desperate for some love, but she is afraid of loving and caring, because she doesn't want to be hurt. She likes reading, writing, shopping and watching Quidditch. Evangeline is a smart and ambitious woman, she wants to get good grades and her goal is to work on the ministry in the future.

For Evangeline I'm looking for possible friends. She is kinda a loner, but someone who is patient could help her to be more open. She has a preference for boys. Not as love interest but as friends. Girls is also a possibility but Evangeline will be frustrated for loud and very energetic girls. Enemies are possible because she is very cold and so people will see her as an icequeen, but maybe for in the future. But also here i'm open for all of your ideas. I'm not especially looking for future love interests or flings because she isn't busy with it, but for in the future maybe.


This is Elizabeth Beth Wespurt. She was born in South Africa together with her twinbrother Riley Wespurt who is also a first year Gryffindor student. Elizabeth is wild child, she has always been a rebel at young age already. She loves to explore things and the world around her. Her dream and ambition is to visit every country of the world sometime. Elizabeth has her heart on the good place. She is a friendly and energetic girl and loves to make friends and get to know new people. When someone becomes a victim of a bully and especially when it is her brother she can be very protective. She will always stand up for the weak ones, because she is not shy or insecure about herself. But she knows that not everyone is strong. She tries her best in classes but she also likes to be funny and try some stuff out. For example she will mix potions to see what will happen, but that is not always very wise. She can be rude to professors and adults sometimes, because she just wants to experiment and she hates rules and homework. With Elizabeth you can always do a prank or do a competition about something.

For Elizabeth I'm looking for friends especially. It doesn't matter which gender or which house she can be friends with anyone, but she hates bullies. Enemies are possible but I leave that to you. Also I'm looking for Love interest for the future, or maybe some flings.

I'm eager to hear what you will have in mind. Because there is so much creativity here :D
:unsure: so yeah, I have Teagan Maxwell for Evelyn (Sorry, I barely have first years)

She's a 2nd year Ravenclaw, not really a suitable house for her. Teagan is bossy, sly and smart. She gets whatever she wanted, heck she can even get the throne if she wants too. :p but being a Countess is enough for her. Being popular in the muggle world is what feeds her soul and the first year she was at the castle was frustrating because nobody knows her. Teagan has taken a liking on Quidditch now and has tried out for her house. Oh, and she's also stubborn whether from big things and small things.

Lemme know what you think because I know I forgot something :glare:
Hey Jamie, I have one or two (or three) :)

Kaia Rosemary is my first year Ravenclaw. I think she'd be a good friend for Elizabeth as they have similar personalities, though Elizabeth is more cheerful and energetic than Kaia, Kaia's still adventurous and would get involved in a prank any day unless it's a prank which she knows will get her into trouble. If it's a small prank, sure she could go along with it but if it's something bigger than that it's unlikely she'll follow through with the plan :r As she grows older she'll probably grow out of pranks though. She's protective over her family and friends, and one thing she loves about herself is that she's sarcastic most of the time. Kaia's believed to be a strong character so I'd be very happy to have the both of them roleplay. Oh, Kaia's also stubborn.

As a love interest I can suggest Leo Benivieni, he's a second year and in Gryffindor. Possibly for the future though considering both Elizabeth and Leo are really young, but we can throw them in a role-play together and whenever you want we can have them start liking each other as more than friends or something. It's up to you, Leo's protective as well and his personality is literally Elizabeth's :p He's not that much into pranks though like he used to be, he's protective and sweet, friendly and loves a good sense of humour. If you want to talk about this further you're free to PM me on any one of my accounts (I have quite a few :p ) or if it's easier Leonardo's account. Leo hates rules and homework as well, he would rather be outside doing something active rather than inside studying. He's also adventurous if I haven't said it already.

Evangeline: I have Daniel Rosemary (3rd year Slytherin). I'm not exactly sure if Evangeline would mind having a friend who's two years older than her (if she does we can ignore this suggestion) but Dan's not easily offended if someone's being rude to him, rather he'd try to understand that person's reasoning behind making a rude remark or something of sorts. He's protective and loyal to his friends and in the worst of occasions Dan is likely to let Evangeline let all her anger out without another word. He's also very likely to take some of the burden from her if it'll help Eva. Dan was also born in London so maybe the fact that both of them are so far from home will create a connection. The Slyth knows how to handle people like Evangeline (in other words people who have had a rough young life) and he might want to help her feel better, that or support her whatever she decides to do.

Let me know what you think. If you have ideas for love interests and whatever, you're welcome to message me ^_^
Alex: Hey! People from other years are also welcome ofcourse. Teagan sounds a lot like Evelyn and maybe that can be tricky but I don't think that would be a problem. They could reach for the same goals. And I think that because Teagan is a 2nd years is a good thing so she could tell more about hogwarts and the first year. So that Evelyn will be prepared. We will see how it goes but I'm op for it!
Clara: Hey! Kaia and Elizabeth sounds fun! I am sure that they would fit together. Should I start one? Do you have a place were would be nice? And for Leo I'm up for a roleplay we will see how it goes! If his personality is literally the same they would be perfect together. Should I also start or? Daniel seems cool. The fact that someone is older than her is only interesting for her. A boy that respects her and can take her coldness is perfect so do you want to start something for them?

Kaia and Elizabeth: How about one of the castle floors? They could be lost or something xD
Leo and Elizabeth: Sounds awesome.
Dan and Evangeline: I'm up for this too! Yay!

I can start the one with Kaia x Elizabeth and the one with Daniel x Evangeline, while you can start the one with Leo? :)
Amy Rosemary said:
Kaia and Elizabeth: How about one of the castle floors? They could be lost or something xD
Leo and Elizabeth: Sounds awesome.
Dan and Evangeline: I'm up for this too! Yay!

I can start the one with Kaia x Elizabeth and the one with Daniel x Evangeline, while you can start the one with Leo? :)
Ok super! I will start the one with Leo :D
I'll post the links here once I've started the other two! ^_^ :r
Hey Jamie!

So I have a couple of ideas for RP's. I have a Gryffindor First Year here, Aaron Walden and I think that he could get on well with Evelyn. He is naturally drawn to outspoken, confident and honest people because they are the ones that seem to be sucked into the most drama and he loves to watch it unfold. He's a collector and an observer. He loves collecting stories and friends and he likes to observe situations and as a result he is very perceptive. As for flings/love interests I can definitely see Aaron being interested in Evelyn when he is older and maybe something could happen between them?

As for Evangeline, I think her and Aaron Walden would get on well. They seem quite similar, both being calm and reserved? The difference being that Aaron likes to surround himself with friends and blend into the background rather than choosing to be alone. Perhaps they can bond over a quiet place in the castle? Aaron is patient (he has three other siblings so he's had to learn to be xD) so maybe he could help her come out of her shell or maybe even prove to her that she can trust him? (eventually). I am up for Aaron to be friends with Evangeline and maybe in the future (if she's looking) a love interest?

Similar to Evelyn, Aaron Walden would be drawn to Elizabeth because she's so loud and wild and obviously always looking for adventure. He is the perfect partner in crime because he would go along with any adventure or situation and suggest things to make it even more dramatic, purely for the purpose of creating stories and maybe even consolidating a friendship along the way. Same as the others, Aaron could be a friend and then maybe that could develop into a love interest.

So yeah, let me know what you think and if you have any ideas ^_^
So I didn't saw this until now haha stupid me. I really like the idea for Aaron and Evelyn as you know. I can start the one for them if you like? A fling is a nice idea, I like the thought of that. In classes it will be nice for her to know someone if her brother isn't there to sit next to her.

Also for Evangeline and Elizabeth I think it will be a possible combination with Aaron. Evangeline is very own her own at this time, but I think the fact that Aaron is rather into the background would not irritate her. She has a preference if she wants to hang out with somebody for boys so that will do good. I think maybe in the library is a good place to meet? If that would be a place were Aaron also would come? Would you mind start this one?

And at last Elizabeth and Aaron I like that idea too. I think they could be good friends and she loves to have a partner in crime for her pranks and adventures. I will start one if I have the time for it.
Ok so you and I have a topic for Lucas and Evelyn (I have not forgotten I swear) I reckon they could be good together. Maybe in a relationship in their later years? Maybe something long term? I dunno I'm open, let me know what you think.
@Dan: Hey! Haha I really like that idea. I think they would fit good together. I'm open for everything really.
Sounds great. They can be close friends until then I reckon.
i love Evelyn, so she and Rory should definitely meet, he's also self-centred, and spoiled, can't guarantee they'd get along but it would be fun. xD
Stefan Archer said:
i love Evelyn, so she and Rory should definitely meet, he's also self-centred, and spoiled, can't guarantee they'd get along but it would be fun. xD
Lol I didn't saw this before! But I really like a RP with you Emzies. I'll PM you! ;)
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