The Stands

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Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
(Here is where all students and staff can post their reaction to the game)
Minoas was anticipating this day to come. Quidditch was one of the few things that could occupy his mind almost constantly. For the past few weeks, he had been devoting a lot of time into his practice to be ready for the first match of the year. Quidditch was also the only way to forget the recent, unpleasant event that took place in the forbidden forest. It might have passed some time since his detention was over but the memory was still fresh. His favourite sport however had helped him cast away this bad memory and apply his repressed productivity into his preparation for his first match. He was ready to give another victory to his house along with his teammates.
For now, he was in the quidditch pitch to watch the match between hufflepuffs and slytherins. Not only he enjoyed watching others playing the game but he was also aware that the teams competing today were going to be their future opponents. He was constantly thinking of strategy, even now that the main reason he was sitting at gryffindor stands, was his friend Artemis. The gryffindor might was trying to remain focused only on what could be proved beneficial for his own team but couldn't befool himself. Secretly, he wanted to see her in action but no one had to know that. He was going to watch without showing any favouritism. May the best one win.
Indiana was sure to be cheering for Hufflepuff despite her lacking of friends from the house. She knew one first year in the house. And sure one of her closer friends was a Slytherin but she knew Tybalt was planning on coming and he wouldn't be cheering for Slytherin at all. Sitting in the Gryffindor stands the girl followed along with the play. She was excited, saddened that it wasn't Gryffindor playing against another team, but it was still a game and she loved watching them just like playing in them. Looking over the stnads she sat on the edge of her seat already. Hufflepuff started the game with the ball and then Slytherin took it only to have it taken back by Hufflepuff, she couldn't wait to see what would happen next.
Throughout the halls and certainly in the common room and during meal times, the subject of quidditch was a very popular one. Preston had always listened out with one ear, sometimes thinking that he understood it and other times feeling hopelessly lost. Students kept using terms that he could barely think of as real words let alone sport terminology. Still, the excitement of the upcoming game had grown in him and he was one of the first to leave the Slytherin common room for the stands. The boy had picked up a small banner from his common room and made quick work of the walk. As he entered the stands, Preston quickly realized that they were separated by house. The Slytherin stands were still empty though and as he glanced around, Preston quickly spotted his friend, Indiana, across the way. Heading to her, he plopped down beside her, giving his banner a little wave and watching the snake on it as it hissed and struck. “Ready to cheer on the Snakes?” he asked with a grin to his friend, knowing that like most of the rest of the school she would probably be cheering for the other team. For whatever reason, students had such prejudice against the Slytherins.
Kyle was not sure whether to be happy or sad that the first game of the season did not have Gryffindor playing in it. He could be happy that he could watch and learn a lot that he never knew or seen before but obviously sitting in the stands wasn't as fun as playing. Well that was if he would get to play because he was an alternate and a first year. He decided it was best to cheer for both teams that were playing today, watch and learn. He did not have anything against Slytherin. He had just played one of the best friends with a Slytherin boy that was a total stranger and had made a partner in crime out of him. He did not know anyone from Hufflepuff house yet nor from Slytherin except Wes. He was just going to cheer for both teams and see how they played. He grinned as the players lined up. This was going to be exciting to watch. "Let's go teams" he shouted from the stands smiling as he waved a Slytherin flag and Hufflepuff flag in his two different hands. He heard a boy whom he took to be in Slytherin ask Indiana who was in the Gryffindor stands too if she was cheering for the snakes. He wondered what her reply would be.
Indiana was watching as the game went on, she couldn't wait to play Slytherin herself. Of course she was just an Alternate but prehaps she would be able to get on the field. She knew she couldn't cheer with a terrifying for Head of House. Of course she'd cheer for Hufflepuff. Glancing up from the game by words of a voice familar to her ears she saw Preston. The only Slytherin friend she had, the only one she was very likely to have now as a Quidditch player. "Should you not be over in the Slytherin stands cheering for your team there? I'm surprised a Slytherin would walk into enemy territory," she said in a serious tone but a smile on her face nonetheless. The boy sat down next to her and wave his banner in her face and it made her laugh. The girl wrapped her hand around his arm. Though it was spring here the average high was only 67F so it was still chilly for her. Coming from a place where November would bring snow it technically was warm. But it was nearing the end of Spring here and yet it was still chilly. "Who do you think will win?" She asked her close friend.
"Why? I'm not afraid" he boasted as he continued to wave his banner. The first year was much more nervous than he was letting on, and he figured he would only stay for another moment or so before heading to the safety of his own stands. He ended up staying past the start of the game though. When Indiana linked her arm in his, he knew he'd be there for a while. If she was willing to fraternize with the enemy and risk her housemates anger, surely he could stay a bit longer. It was a rather windy day but with the two of them huddled together, it was easy for Preston to forget that.

"Hmm...I wonder" Preston began after she had asked her silly question. "It's gonna be the Slyth-" the boy was cut off as cheers erupted. Hufflepuff had scored first. "That doesn't mean anything. C'Mon" he yelled at the players on the pitch. The boy had stood up to yell his outrage at the points having been scored against them. He sat down again a moment later, ignoring the looks from the Gryffindors. "Slytherin" he replied to Indiana's not-so-silly question, a brooding tone to his voice. He hadn't thought he would get so into the games but it was easy to get lost in it all.
Raised as a Muggle the girl had no clue what Quidditch really was and what was going to happen. She walked towards the Quidditch Pitch and followed the hoards of Slytherins all dressed in green to the Slytherin Stands. She hoped her house won. She knew the stupid girl JazzyMae was on the Hufflepuff team. There was no way she would be proud to be a Slytherin if her house lost. The yellow team started with the ball and she frowned. It wasn't a very interesting game and instead she decided to look around at the people attending the game. Looking for the most excited, prehaps for someone bored like herself. What she saw was something different instead. One of her own housemates was sitting in the Gryffindor stands. The funny part was that it was with the same girl that had run after the weak Gryffindor boy Tybalt. Shaking her head she saw the two huddling together a frown on her face. Their friendship would have to change, there was no way a Slytherin and a Gryffindor could be close without them both being shunned from their houses. That thought made her smirk but she soon was frowning once again as Hufflepuff scored a goal. At least she believed they did as cheers erupted from most parts of the pitch and boos escaped her own house.
Athena silently groaned as the Hufflepuffs scored the first goal. She was surprised that Isabella, the captain, hadn't gone over to the Keeper and yelled at her for missing. The tall blonde wrapped her arms around herself a bit tighter against the wind that was blowing. If the game kept up like this, Athena would be leaving early. She certainly didn't want to be around to watch the Hufflepuffs celebrate, even if her cousin, Hades, was on the team. The Slytherin continued to sit on the bench, her feet on the bench in front of her so that no one would sit there. Her silver eyes watched Kailie, her other cousin, as she took possession of the quaffle and began to head for the Hufflepuff Keeper.
Professor Speed Stark had been watching the Hufflepuff vs Slytherin game since it began, and as a lover of Quidditch, he was quite pleased. Even though he was currently sitting in the Slytherin, he was cheering for both teams. Despite being from the house of Hufflepuff himself, Speed ultimately decided to cheer for all the players as students, not as teams, just to make things easier. He had always hated not trying everyone fairly. whenever a Hufflepuff student did something worth a cheer, Speed cheered, ignoring any 'boos' or cries or frustration from Slytherin students around him, and whenever a Slytherin student did something worth a cheer, Speed cheered for them too. Slytherin was currently in possession, and silently Speed watched the Chasers get closer to the hoops and attempt to score. Hopefully they'd get it.
Indiana rolled her eyes at her friend's comment. His little movements made her believe he would much rather be surrounded by his own house instead of hers. "Will you come and watch the Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw match?" The young girl asked her Slytherin friend. As she said it she witnessed the Hufflepuff male chaser get hit in the shoulder with a bludger and grimaced. He had had two bludgers flying towards him and only one got deflected by strange beater on his team. She hoped that when she got to go out on the pitch that she wouldn't get hit. She knew it would hurt a lot when one of the bludgers made contact with the body.

Listening for his answer on who would win she noticed him about to say his own house just as the Hufflepuff chaser made a score. Cheers erupted from most of the stands around the pitch. Not from Slytherin of course. When he stood, upset with his team he brought her with her as her arms had been wrapped around his. Glancing around at the onlookers from her house the girl turned red and sat back down on the bench before her friend. The game play continued and Slytherin finally got the Quaffle to the Hufflepuff hoops but it had been saved. "Still think you'll win?" She asked as a Time Out was called. A smile was on her face but her nose was pink going on red from the cold. But it was worth it.
Preston narrowed his eyes at his friend, a mock angry expression on his face. “Of course!” he replied, disbelief laced in his voice that she thought one goal would make him change his mind. He hoped that the Slytherins wouldn’t lose by one goal. That would be dreadful. Watching as two people, one on each team, didn’t seem to be much involved in the gameplay, Preston leaned a bit closer to Indiana so none of the other Gryffindors would overhear him. “What are those two doing?” he asked, watching as one suddenly stopped moving as if he had seen something. It seemed that they were searching for something that the other players weren’t paying attention to. The young Slytherin didn’t know enough about quidditch to know more than that the big quaffle ball was shot towards the hoops and that scored ten points.

“I’ll probably go to the game. This is pretty cool” he asked, groaning as the Slytherin Chaser tried and failed once more to score. This game was seriously intense, and the boy couldn’t help but flinch as the Hufflepuff girl took another bludger shot…even if he was a bit pleased that she was no longer able to be as productive.
The game was intense and there was a lot of stealing back and forth going on then there was actual shots being made. The young girl hoped that the Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw match would be better. She hoped that Gryffindor would win of course, Indiana didn't know who she would rather play of the Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin game. Both teams were good. Though Slytherin seemed more brutal with hitting more bludgers. She looked for the two Preston was pointing out. She let out a small laugh having forgotten that Preston wouldn't know much about the game. "Seekers. There's a small ball about this big. Gold with wings, called the Snitch. The seekers have to find it and that's how the game is ended. Worth 50 points but it's near impossible to see," she told her friend while holding up a hand to show him the size of the small ball. The girl glanced from the game to check if he understood before looking back to the game.

Indiana grinned as she heard her friends words. She was happy that he'd go. Of course he most likely wouldn't be able to watch her as she would be down in the benches being that there were so many alternates on the team. She was happy that her sister would be playing however. "Quidditch is great. We can can come down to the pitch sometime next week," Indiana told Preston. She was actually very excited about getting Preston and Tybalt together even though they seemed like complete opposites.
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